-> Another Piece Of Mystery

This Restless Love
There’s that feeling that you have sometimes; an adrenaline of fear and excitement at the same time. The kind of feeling where you feel jumpy and wish you would find out what is to happen next. Maybe it was this new adventure – new direction that I was taking that was making me like this. Even though I now sensed that what this path was going towards would have many dangers ahead, I wanted to keep going.

G-Dragon had his secrets and he made it pretty clear he didn’t want me finding out or trying to understand. It was impossible to not see how bad an idea sticking around was. I could change this all and go back to my own place and pretend that I had never set foot in ‘Restlessness’. But, pretending doesn’t make it go away. There’s no telling how much I would regret in the future seeing what other kinds of mysteries I left unturned while here. Even if I get hurt down this road, I know I will at least have been satisfied.

“Anyways, that’s the end of our tour today. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have,” G-Dragon put on a wide smile, “if you need any help still finding anything just ask anyone. Also, remember I’m your friend if you ever want a good laugh or anything.” He suddenly, pulled me into a hug and patted my back like he had done to that girl before. G-Dragon pulled away and waved to me before leaving in the other direction towards the door he came in through the other day.

I looked up at the clock on the wall and saw how much time had already passed by. There was only about half an hour left before it was time to leave. I turned my head from left to right trying to spot where Yekyung was. There were some questions that I needed her to answer. As I started to walk, I spotted her looking intensely at one girl. Her chin was rested on her joined fists and she sat at a table alone.

I looked at the girl too and had no idea what could Yekyung be so concentrated on. Maybe she was just daydreaming. “You could burn a hole or something with that gaze of yours,” I teased as I patted her head softly. Yekyung snapped back to reality, but never took her eyes off the girl.

“How was your tour?” she asked. I eyed her carefully. Yekyung was one of the best listeners that I knew. It was so strange to see her not actually looking at me while talking. She always said that eye contact was a key to finding out about people.

I put my hands forcefully on the table and Yekyung jumped at the noise. “You scared me! What’s wrong?” she asked while her eyes were still wide.

I shook my head. “The tour was okay. But, what’s wrong with you? You’re staring so intensely at that girl over there. Did she do something to you?” I glanced back and forth between Yekyung and the girl. Yekyung peered down to the floor before looking at me with sad eyes.

“She got chosen by him too,” she whispered before getting up and heading towards the exit.

“Chosen…what?” I stood up and followed right away. Confusion buzzed in my head and pounded every step I took after Yekyung. She got chosen by him too? I don’t know what exactly she was talking about, but for sure the ‘him’ she was talking about was G-Dragon.

I finally caught up once we were outside and standing beside the store next to ‘Restlessness’. Yekyung squatted down and shook her head upset. “Heebin-ah, do you know what it feels like to have your heart ripped in two?” Slowly, she looked up at me and her eyes seemed like they would give tears at any moment with the wrong words.

I thought back to my previous relationships and nodded. Getting your heart broken felt more than awful; it was pain that made you breathless and blank. I lowered myself to her level and put my hand on her shoulder. “Of course I know how it feels like. Remember in freshman year? That Hyun guy was terrible to me – I just didn’t realize it at first. But you’ll be okay. You’re heart gets back together soon enough.” I wasn’t the best at comforting people and I didn’t really know if I should just let her spill her tears or make her be tough.

Once again, she shook her head in sadness. “It’s different when you’re heart is broken in a million pieces and it breaks every single day over and over again. It’s different when every single piece is because of another girl he goes for.” Yekyung’s voice was quivering now.

“What do you mean?” I questioned. Yekyung was delicate, but maybe actually knowing what was going on would help.

Unexpectedly she stood up and a smile was weary on her face. Her eyes looked really strong and ready for any kind of hurt. I stood up beside her and she started to walk towards her house. “What I meant before about him choosing someone... there is a small story behind it. Something about G-Dragon I guess you could say,” she said strongly, not looking back at me. I followed behind her, giving her the space she needed.

Without any words from me, she started to talk. “There is obviously some odd stuff about G-Dragon that no one understands. One of them as you saw yesterday was that he doesn’t let people stay after closing time which is six forty-five. Another is that the only people allowed staying after closing is those who he gives small pieces of paper to.”

“So that’s what those papers are for,” I blurted out. She nodded before continuing.

“The only people he gives those papers to are girls. Whenever asked about why they were asked to stay, they always say that they forgot what happened. It’s like it never really happened. The only thing that they have to show that it did happen is a small tattoo on their left shoulder above the end of their collar bones,”

“That’s what I was staring at today. That girl was showing it off like it was her most prized possession in the world,” Yekyung scoffed.

I nodded and wanted to agree with her scoff but it was obvious she wanted to be picked as well. “What does the tattoo look like?” I asked.

“It’s the letter G in some fancy calligraphy. Those poor girls though. They will know that they were chosen, but never know for what reason the rest of their lives. I’m still trying to figure it out as well,” her voice got quieter.

Suddenly she turned around and was holding something in her hand. “I haven’t been picked. I hope that one day I will be. But I still can’t stand the wait.”

She opened up her hand to reveal one of the small papers folded in half. My eyes widened at it and then I stared widely at Yekyung. “You stole that from some girl? What if G-Dragon needs select people?” I asked surprised at the way Yekyung was acting.

Yekyung handed the paper to me and shook her head. “Heebin-ah, I didn’t steal it. I found it on the floor. There’s no real information on there. Look at it for yourself.”

I unfolded it and read the messy printing. “Come meet me at my door at seven o’clock. Don’t be late. See you there!” At the end there was a smiley face and the letter G signed.

I shrugged and gave the paper back to her. “Maybe he just wants to meet people?”

We were finally at Yekyung’s house. She took the paper out and straightened it out with her thumb. “He does something to those girls. I’ve talked to some of them and the look in their eyes seems emptier. It’s like there is something missing from them. But still, I can’t help but want to be picked too!” she raised her voice.

I looked at her worriedly. Then, I remembered how G-Dragon said to me that one day I may get one too. Not knowing what to say, we went into her house and I grabbed my stuff. We ate in silence before I was ready to go. She stood by the door looking spaced out. “I’m going to go home now. But I’ll be back at ‘Restlessness’ tomorrow, so I will see you then,” I said one foot already out the door. I looked back at her and smiled. “Frowns don’t suit you Yekyung.”
With that, I walked towards my car, got in and started to drive down the street.

“Like smiles suit you, curiosity can be like my twin.” In a couple minutes I was parked more than a block down from ‘Restlessness’. It was already seven o’clock and the sky was starting to darken. I got out of my car and walked towards the building. I stood at the side of the building looking for any signs of people. I stayed there for more than half an hour before trying to find the back entrance.

“Did this building have to be so huge?” I muttered. The side length of the building was so long that it took me forever to reach the end of it. I sighed as I reached the end. As I peered around the corner, I saw a door and smiled. “Jackpot!”

I glanced around one last time before starting to walk towards the door. I was halfway there when I felt someone put their hand over my mouth and pull me away from the door and back to the side wall. “Shut it will you?”
It's a long chapter this time ^^;; Sorry for the wait! Please enjoy~


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