-> First Impressions

This Restless Love
The feelings of first impressions were the ones that you could remember if they struck you hard enough. It was something you could laugh about later on or something that just made you reminisce about many events that occurred in your life. Either way, like most people said, first impressions were important.

However, my first impression of ‘Restlessness’ wasn’t all that good. It was a smoky room that had a couple of pool tables, a broken pinball machine in the corner and two tables along the side. The small room was lit by three dim lights that made it so hard to see. There were people inside in the room, but really, they looked kind of scary with their toothpicks sticking out of the side of their mouths and concentrated looks on the cue ball. I nudged Yekyung as she stepped inside and closed the door behind her quietly. This place was way too sketchy.

“You hang here? Are you kidding me? This place is so sketchy and you know I’ve seen sketchy before. Let’s get out of here,” I urged but she tugged on my arm and pulled me across the room. I tried not making eye contact with anyone in the room and leaned closer to her. She went up to the girls’ washroom door and pushed through. It was so filthy in there and smelt so bad like there was never a janitor in there. Yekyung went to one of the mirrors and looked at her reflection before smiling widely and then pushing open a stall with her foot.

I hung out by the entrance and finally Yekyung noticed me. “Come here Heebin,” she said happily. I shivered at the sights of the washroom and quick-stepped my way to her in front of the open stall. If it was a rat or something, I would be bolting it out of there and running back to the city.

When I looked inside the stall, I saw in fact that there was no toilet or toilet paper or anything. No, there was another door. With one stride and a push on the handle of the door, I was greeted with chatter, laughter and music. Yekyung grabbed my arm and pulled me inside closing the door behind us. My eyes were wide and shock ran through me. This place was amazing!

Every last corner and side of the place was filled with color or CDs or something that could just catch your eye. People were everywhere having fun with laptops, table turners, books, coffee, anything. There were sections in the place for everything. I grabbed onto Yekyung’s arm before she was able to walk away. “What is this place?” I asked quietly still trying to take everything in.

“This my friend is Restlessness.” Her voice sounded so amazed and awe-struck like it was the most fascinating place on Earth. Yes, it was one of the coolest places ever, but I just couldn’t see Yekyung in this setting for some reason. Maybe like her, I was picking up those weird vibes from this place.

We walked around a bit and watched as clumps of people talked, played, basically did almost anything they pleased. I turned to Yekyung who kept looking at her vintage watch nervously. I pointed at it. “You have an appointment or something? I could have come another day you know. Do you want to leave now?” I suggested, already heading towards the exit. Yekyung grabbed my hand and when I looked back, she shook her head.

“That’s not it. You’ll see,” she said with joy in her voice. I nodded my head and then sat on the edge of a lime green couch that had about three other people on it. Yekyung sat on the floor and kept stretching her neck up to look around the room. I looked around at other people and noticed other girls constantly checking for the time. Maybe I imagined it, but they were all looking around excitedly like Yekyung.

“What’s with everyone?” I muttered under my breath, picking up a magazine that was on the table in front of me. As I flipped through the pages, getting into my horoscope of the month, my ears noticed no noise in the room. The incredibly loud room, that was filled with laughter and talk a second ago was all gone and now was in dead silence. I looked Yekyung and she seemed totally mesmerized by something. I slowly turned my body and looked in the direction that everyone else seemed to be looking at.

There was a door in the far right side of the place and everyone’s eyes were locked on it awaiting something as I saw the doorknob starting to turn. I bit my lip and kept my eyes focused as well. There had to be an amazing force behind that door to make everyone in the room shut up. Finally, the door swung open and out walked a guy. Yes, a guy. This is what amazed people: one guy? Sure he was a 10 on the scale with his Mohawk-like ink black hair, black skinny jeans with gold and white high tops, and white jacket that covered his neck. He may have been one of the hottest guys I’ve seen, but still… even the guys in the room were looking at him. What was so special? Even though I thought all this, I still couldn’t help but look as well.

As he walked into the place with confident strides, he put his arms out and smiled beautifully at everyone. “How is everyone today?” he exclaimed like he’d done it a million times. Everyone there screamed back at him excitedly. I covered my ears for a quick second as I heard Yekyung who was now standing and had screamed right next to my ear. The guy smiled again and started walking around the room. The buzz of the room started up again and everyone went back to doing their own thing, except for the girls who were half watching him at the same time.

It was weird; his smile was always on his lips like he knew every single person in the room. It was a truly beautiful smile, must I say. The air around him was different for some reason. I shook my head and quickly looked back at my horoscopes. There’s something about him that’s just itching my curiosity.

I looked at Yekyung whose face was completely taken over by smiles and rosy cheeks. Her happiness had doubled, if that was possible. “Are you okay?” I asked cautiously as she started to drum on the floor.

She started humming out an unfamiliar happy tune and I looked back at my magazine. Under my horoscope for the month, it predicted the usual mumbo-jumbo about my love life. “You are going to be very surprised and lucky this month! You’ll never guess what’s behind you and- ”

“Well, what do we have here?” I jumped at the sudden noise that was right beside my ear. I turned around and saw the guy laughing cutely into his hand. I stared at him nervously not really knowing what to say.

“Umm, hi!” I said a bit too loudly. He waved at me, observing me with deep brown eyes. It was a bit odd to stare into a guy eyes that had eye liner, when I didn’t even have any on myself. “I’m Oh Heebin,” I introduced trying to get out of the awkward silence moment.

“She’s my friend,” Yekyung suddenly piped up. She looked meekly at him and grinned. “She’s from the city visiting me and I thought I’d bring her here to show this awesome place.”

The guy chuckled. “Well, I guess there aren’t many options in this small area but my place is there?” Yekyung giggled and nodded in agreement.

I stared at him. “You’re the owner of this huge building?” I waved my arms a bit to emphasis my point.

He stretched his hand out to me for a handshake and I grabbed it, feeling his firm grip. “The name is G-Dragon,” he said coolly. I was about to say something and then decided against it while taking back my hand. He chuckled and then grinned at me. “Yes, it’s a nickname. No one knows my real name.”

“Why?” I asked before I even had time to think about it. Yekyung gave me a small nudge where he couldn’t see. Yes, that was a very dumb thing to say, she can punish me for it later.

His grin turned into a smirk. “It’s a dangerous thing to know,” he whispered and then winked. G-Dragon turned around and then made a peace sign while walking away. “Have fun with the Restlessness, Heebin-sshi.”
Second chapter~ how was it :) Feedback is always welcomed!


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