-> Paper

This Restless Love
G-Dragon was that type of guy who would make you stay on edge and think. He would fill your entire mind until every single inch was covered. As I stayed the night at Yekyung’s, I felt all my senses aware and fidgeting. Not only his name kind of irked me, but his every action and word did too. The way he made everyone in that place look at him and obeys him, like he had all the power in the universe was incredible. Returning is an absolute must; there must be a secret behind all of this.

It was strange too how Yekyung just hung off his every word. For as long as I’ve known her, she has never given too much thought to guys, except one. It just makes me ticked off thinking about that horrible incident and what came out of it. If she got hurt again, I won’t care about my reputation and the consequences that come out of it.

As Yekyung and I made our way by foot to ‘Restlessness’ the next day it seemed really silent. Yekyung was still her bouncy, happy self, but it seemed like her whole mind was only focused on getting there. It was almost like I wasn’t there at all.

I sped my pace up to catch up to her and observed her expression. “You must really like G-Dragon,” I said loudly snapping her out of her daze. She hesitated for a second before her next step. Yekyung looked seriously at the sidewalk. “You know, skipping happily, but looking serious at the same time doesn’t match at all.”

Her expression lightened up and she giggled. Her step had more bounce now and a smile plastered on her face. “He just makes me feel special.”

Special? I walked the remaining distance in silence mulling over the word in my head. To make a person feel special is similar to love right? But, it’s obvious G-Dragon doesn’t love Yekyung, it’s more like just caring for her. Does caring for a person automatically make them special? I shook my head. My words weren’t even making sense anymore.
As we entered the sketchy entrance of ‘Restlessness’ and went through the washroom, I tried clearing all my thoughts and focused on one thing. I will figure you all out G-Dragon.

I was just about to sit down on the couch from the previous day when that same silence came in the room. I turned to face the door where G-Dragon appeared yesterday, but it was already shut. I turned my head a bit more and G-Dragon was suddenly in my face smiling widely. I jumped away and placed my hand where my heart was now beating rapidly from shock. “Please don’t ever do that again,” I breathed out.

“That’s not the kind of reply I usually get,” he replied pouting. He puffed out his cheeks and lightly poked his finger on his right cheek. “How can this face be scary?” he said in a baby voice.

The girls near us started giggling and squealing at his act. I glanced at Yekyung and saw her blushing while looking at him. Rolling my eyes, I looked back at G-Dragon. “Sorry, I’m just not used to people being that close to me.”

With an understanding smile, G-Dragon held out his hand towards me. I looked at it hesitantly. “It’s okay. It can take time to really get comfortable with others. But being comfortable with yourself is the first thing you have to do,” he explained while taking my hand and putting it into the crook of his arm. I wanted to pull out, but it felt like my arm was stuck there. I stared at him and the bright smile still graces his face.

“How about I give you a tour of this place? That way you can feel more welcomed and close with everyone?” he suggested, already starting to walk. I looked back at red cheeked Yekyung and he did the same. G-Dragon waved at her. “I’m going to borrow her for today Yekyung! Have fun!” With a small hand gesture and nod from her, G-Dragon started to walk away.

As we walked, I finally felt myself getting control of my arm, and I pulled it back by my side carefully. G-Dragon didn’t seem to mind as he was chattering away about ‘Restlessness’. There were a lot of unique things that I hadn’t seen the day before and many facts behind everything. He tried making silly jokes and I tried not to laugh too hard at them. I had to keep reminding myself that my priority was finding out what this guy was all about.

“So why exactly did you make this place?” I asked as we were checking out the different desktops and gadgets on one wall.

He turned to face me and his eyes turned serious for one moment, before turning back into light and happy. “I felt like I needed to. I can’t really explain it. There are many secrets and mysteries in the world and this place is one of them.” I guess that was a good enough answer for now. I need time to pry around and get solid answers.

We continued to socialize with others until we got to a table in the back of the room. There were a few girls whose eyes were closed and listening to their music peacefully. G-Dragon turned to me before getting closer to the table. “Can you just wait here, I need to do something,” he asked. I nodded and then looked away from him, staring around me to see people being busy.

I faced in G-Dragon’s direction again, and saw him at the table with the girls. He fished something out of his pocket and tapped the shoulder of the girl at the end of the table. From what I could see, the girl had short layered dark brown hair and three piercing on each ear. She also dressed with great style of matching neutral colors. The girl took off her earphones and put them down gazing intensely at G-Dragon. He handed her a small piece of paper and once she saw it, her eyes widened and she jumped up to hug him.

He patted her back as she embraced him and then whispered something in her ear. She pulled away and sat down looking shyly at him. G-Dragon winked and waved at her before walking away. He started coming towards me again and then pointed to the left. “Let’s go this way next. I have this movie collection that will blow your mind!” he walked ahead of me and I slowed my steps to look at the girl.

She was no longer interested in her music and her stare was purely focused on the small paper she received. I squinted to see what was scribbled on the paper, when G-Dragon appeared before me once again. “You really shouldn’t do that,” I warned while sighing.

He looked at me straight in the eye, and his gaze was no longer happy. “Don’t try and understand what you just saw. It’s something you shouldn’t interfere in. No questions, no answers. Got it?” His voice was strict and suddenly dark. He grabbed my elbow and started angrily walking in the direction I was supposed to be following in earlier.

Once we were in front of the large movie collection, he released my elbow and only turned his head slightly towards me. I tried not to meet his eyes and only peeked from the corner of my eyes. He eyed me up and down then suddenly a smirk replaced his usual smile. He looked back at the collection. “One day, maybe you will know what is in the paper because maybe one day… you’ll receive one yourself.”

I felt a chill down my back and knew maybe this really wasn’t a good idea.
Sorry that it took so long to update! Enjoy this chapter :)


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