-> A Special Time

This Restless Love
Restless: unquiet or uneasy, as a person, the mind, or the heart. That was one word to describe the current atmosphere of ‘Restlessness’. Everything was so loud that it was hard to hear yourself think. Trying to hear a person who was sitting next to you was even harder. I watched Yekyung’s lips move and apparently sound was coming out. I stopped her and pointed to my ear.

“I can’t for the life of me hear what the heck you are saying!” I screamed at her. She moved back a bit at my voice and shook her head in amazement. She quickly took out her phone and typed out ‘You get used to it. Just close your eyes for a second and try and find my voice.’

She motioned for me to try and reluctantly I closed my eyes slowly and just focused. At first the buzz of noise was there, and ever so slightly went away bit by bit so that Yekyung’s voice was the main thing I heard. “I bet you can hear me now right?” Yekyung spoke and then giggled. I opened my eyes freaked out as everything else became like background sound that was barely audible. I eyed her and rubbed my ears.

“What just happened? Why can I hear you now?”She waved her hand and laid back on the couch.

Yekyung hesitated before she spoke. “Heebin-ah, you may not realize it now, or maybe you have, but this place is special; more special than you think. Nobody knows why, but it’s just a feeling. All of us are different here. It’s like almost anything is possible. The only one to the answer to your question would be G-Dragon. He makes all of this happen.”

“But how?” I edged on, my curiosity rising and rising.
Her lips curled up into a smile and she laughed. “If I had the answer to that, I would be all knowing too. Look, G-Dragon is a mystery. He is untouchable, loved by everyone and can create this atmosphere. Can’t you just feel it around him? G-Dragon is different from us, we don’t have to question why; he just is.” I nodded and crossed my arms puzzled. This wasn’t normal at all, even if this was the greatest place ever. What is G-Dragon trying to do?

Suddenly, I felt a chill down my back and I spun around and saw G-Dragon looking at me with smiling eyes. He was squatting down and his arms resting on the back of the couch. I waved briefly and edged closer to the front of the couch, trying to keep my distance.

He looked from me to Yekyung and then to his watch. “Sorry girls, it’s closing time. Yekyung you know the rules,” he warned looking at her. I glanced around the room and saw that most were gone and people were getting up to leave. Where did all that time go, wasn’t I only sitting here for twenty minutes? I looked up at the big clock on one of the walls and saw that it was only five o’clock.

“Yes sir, if we stay late, we must wash all the floors and restock the food,” Yekyung replied to him like she had done it a thousand times. He gave her a thumbs up and then motioned towards the door for us. We got our stuff and then before we could exit, G-Dragon stopped us and then pointed to me.

“I would like to speak to you for a second if you don’t mind Heebin-sshi.” I nodded and told Yekyung to go ahead of me. She walked slowly out, wanting to hear herself what he was going to say. I turned to him and saw he was sitting on top of a table. He patted on a space beside him and instead of sitting beside him, I stood in front of him. He shrugged and then began to speak.

“I know you might have a lot of questions as to what this place is. But if you can come back a couple of times, it will make more sense to you that it doesn’t need to have a grand meaning. As long as this place gives comfort for people, it’s okay. Everything is different in here, even time,” he explained and then grinned.

I gripped onto the side of my bag and diverted my eyes to the ground. “Yeah, I figured out it was unique all right. I might drop by tomorrow with Yekyung or something…,” I started with caution. Did he sense my unease?

He jumped off the table and I stepped back afraid he would slam into me. He landed a one foot in front of me which made my heart beat at the closeness. “You don’t need to figure me out. I’m scary when I want to be, and I usually don’t show that side of me to others. So, don’t be afraid to see me as a friend or someone to talk to. I won’t bite your head off." He took a small step towards me and the gap between us was only about a few inches. I tried so hard not to look into his eyes, but there was a strange pull that I couldn’t control.

“Plus, I am cute, charming and someone who just won’t get out of your head,” he whispered into my ear. I felt myself shaking and then quickly turned and fast-walked out of that room with him. I heard him chuckling as I was exiting and couldn’t help but feel nervous. What was that all about anyways? He was right though he wouldn’t be getting out of my head anytime soon.

Yekyung stood right outside the door and looked at me with bright eyes. She practically jumped at me with questions. “G-Dragon is so nice isn’t he? What did he say to you? Are you coming back with me tomorrow? Tell me! What did he say?” she exclaimed.

I just stared at her and then said one sentence, “I am coming back with you tomorrow.”

“Okay goodie! Now Heebin-ah, can you drive me home? I don’t feel like walking. Pretty please,” she whined cutely. I unlock my car and then waved her towards it. Once she sat, she stretched her arms up. “It’s so special right?” I didn’t answer and just started my car. I must come back tomorrow. I still have more unanswered questions for you G-Dragon.

Dictionary.com for the definition of Restless ahaha. Sorry for the late and short update! Things have been all over the place for me and I just came back from camping a few hours ago ^^;; Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!
Comments are lovely ehehe.
Also!!!! Credits and thanks to Sheer Essence's w n. for making my poster and background!! I love it eheh, it's so pretty :)


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