
This Restless Love
In the situations where you feel like you’re in danger one doesn’t think straight. For example, when someone covers your mouth and tells you to shut it, you start getting hysterical. At that moment, I felt like I was literally going to die. In my mind I could see the headlines now: Young woman is murdered behind a large building! Unless they didn’t find my body, then that would be a horrible end for me!

I started to thrash my body around more and the person who grabbed me didn’t seem to struggle with me at all. I screamed and bit as hard as I could on his hand. He pushed me away roughly and I fell with a thump on the ground. Quickly getting up, I held my elbow that was scratched and zipped out of that place as fast as I could. As long as I could get away from that evil person, I would be okay.

For one second I looked back and saw no one in sight. With a sigh of relief I stopped running and looked around to see where I was. I glanced and all I saw were trees. I spun around and trees were everywhere, almost tall enough that the sun was only peeking through the leaves. “How in the world did I end up in the forest?” I muttered to myself. That was one important question, but another important thing was how do I get out? I pounded my head and tried analyzing which way would be the best way.

“Someone save me!” I yelled up into the sky.

“Well, if you didn’t run so fast, I would have,” a husky voice said to me. My eyes widened and I hesitated to look towards the sound. I’m pretty sure that was the same voice as the evil person who tried to capture me. But if I started to run now, he would for sure catch me in a flash. If he stepped any closer I would kick him where it hurts. I just have to try and trick him into letting me go or maybe hit him with a large stick.

Slowly I looked towards the voice and suddenly tensed up. Standing there with tired eyes was a handsome, tall man with black medium length hair dressed in expensive branded clothing. I felt myself blush as I peeked at his hand that had distinct red bite marks.

I pointed towards it shyly and tried to put on a smile. “I am really sorry about that. Self-protection you know?” I giggled nervously and looked away from him. The one time a cool guy was trying to capture me, I had to bite him!

“It’s alright, you were acting without thinking like always. Typical Heebin-ah,” Mr. Handsome chuckled. I stared at him and pointed at myself.

“How do you know my name?” Jackpot! Cool guy knows my name!

He started to walk closer to me and looked down at me. He started to pat my head like I was a little child. “Ah, I remember when I was that short,” he teased.

I stepped away from him and crossed my arms. I wasn’t that short. In fact I am average height. “Who are you?”
He shook his head and smiled. “I can’t believe you don’t remember me? Look closely. I used to be shorter, had thick rimmed glasses and didn’t talk.” It’s hard to forget a face like that. He waved me closer and as I walked forward, I narrowed my eyes trying to remember what he wanted me to recall. I looked at his facial structure and then my eyes wandered to his then it clicked in my head!

I clapped my hands together and grinned. “Seunghyun-ah! Choi Seunghyun! You grew up! Look at you all handsome and husky-voiced,” I said admiring Seunghyun’s transformation. This guy was a friend of Yekyung and mine in high school. He didn’t really talk to us, so that’s why I didn’t recognize his voice earlier, but he liked to tag around and we were never really bothered. He told us one day that he liked the name T.O.P, but we both didn’t ever think it suited him... well, that changed today.

Grinning as well, he nodded. “Ever since I moved out of the city during high school, I started my growth spurt. How was the end of high school anyways?” My grin slowly faded at the thought of that ending year and I shook it out of my head.

With a smile I changed the topic quickly. “Anyways, why are you in this town?” You wouldn’t happen to be visiting Yekyung here too right?” I asked.

His face suddenly got serious and he frowned. “Since when did Yekyung move here?” he asked with a low tone.

I shrugged. “Not too long ago I guess. About a month now,” I replied.

He shook his head. “She shouldn’t live in this town it’s too dangerous. You shouldn’t be here either anymore,” his voice grave now. When I didn’t say anything he looked at me with worry. “The reason why I’m here is to capture a monster. Dead or alive.”

I gasped and felt my heart beat faster. Monsters didn’t exist Seunghyun was just trying to scare me. “There’s no such thing as monsters Seunghyun-ah. Don’t scare me like that. Why are you really here?” I said with a weary voice.

His expression showed no joke though. “It may not be a monster that hides under your bed, but it is something horrifying and scary. I call it a monster for that reason and I don’t want you to be in this area while it is still here.” He grabbed my forearm and start to drag me I suppose out of the forest.

“I don’t believe that Seunghyun, stop trying to scare me! Show me proof then!” I said loudly, hoping he wouldn’t prove me.

“You said so. I am going to take you to where it is and show you what it does,” he said firmly. My eyes widened and I tried pushing off his hand now. Shoot! This is not good; he’s really going to prove me wrong! Please don’t be something that will scar me for life! Please be just a mutated bird or rabbit or something!

He stopped abruptly and put his finger over his mouth signalling me to be quiet. I nodded and felt like I should run. But if it was a monster that could run fast, then I was doomed. I looked at my surroundings and then to my right I saw the Restlessness building. We were near the end of the forest. How did I not notice a forest here before?

Seunghyun pulled me gently to a spot and crouched down. I did as he did and he pointed to a small opening in between leaves where I guess I would be able to see the ‘monster’. I inched closer to the opening while gripping my fist. I couldn’t scream no matter what.

My eye looked through and immediately I saw a girl lying on the grass looking lifeless and I covered my mouth with one hand. My other hand now clenching onto Seunghyun’s hand. My gaze wandered a bit to the right and there I saw a man looking down at the girl while clenching his fists. The man seemed like a regular human being except for the fact that his hair was a very light silvery blonde.

This couldn’t be the monster that Seunghyun was talking about. Unless what he was talking about was a murderer than okay, we could ambush him right now. The man started to circle around the girl and I tried to peer at this criminal’s face. He walked to an area where I couldn’t see and just as I was getting anxious he appeared by the body again and sat down beside her just looking at her.

Clearly now I could see that unmistakable face. The appearance had changed but no doubt that that murderer was G-Dragon himself.
A twist in the plot? Sort of ahah. I wrote this to celebrate GDragon's birthday today... but he ended up being a bad guy in this chapter... oh well =D HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GDRAGON! <3
Enjoy and comment please! :)


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