Don't Say Anything

☆ Ångel ℬoss ☆


Forcing myself to swallow lunch was a true torture. The fact that I have lied with all the teeth I had in my mouth was obvious and that guilt was unbearable…I was like that…lying wasn’t one of my strengths…even though I could be really believable doing it, after I lied I would suffer from what I called – post lying traumatic syndrome. It was characterized by intense stress, lack of appetite and a deplorable feeling of guilt…

I decided to just relax a bit after lunch so I chose to read one of my favorite books to distract myself – Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”. Even though I couldn’t really describe why that story was appealing to me, I kept trying to unveil all the possible meanings of the interaction between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy…

I quickly browsed through the pages of the book my absolute favorite quote of Mr. Darcy in the story…

“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” 

I didn’t have time to read anything more. If I didn’t know what would happen next, I would have been eager to know Elizabeth’s response to such demonstration of love.

I've read it so many times before...I guess no one would think I would read something like that anyway...and I frankly can't deny that made me think of that hateful oppa...definitely...Why would I pick something like that again? I thought I was becoming bipolar...the most independent part of me was becoming lost in that dorm...The book didn't help me relax at all...just gave me more reasons to think and be frustrated about...

Suddenly, I heard the porch’s sliding door opening slowly and then some soft footsteps coming from my right side. I didn’t look right away hoping that it was just one of the boys wanting some fresh air. But unfortunately enough, the footsteps were getting closer to me approaching from my back.

“Oh no!” – I nervously thought – “What should I do?” – I already knew who it was, and what he wanted…and I knew that I didn’t have an explanation to give too… I was really deliberating either running away from his sight or feign a sudden death right there. I was really imagining it – He coming slowly putting his hand firmly on my shoulder whilst I looked back to see who it was. Then he looked at me with black cold eyes demanding that I would confess my sins – well, more like a cop or a detective would do – seeing no way out I Just feigned sudden death…Seeing from this perspective it really could work…the problem was that reality was way more difficult to handle…but in any case, I would keep that way out as plan B.

“Hey!” – Baekhyun greeted cheerfully but seemed reticent to approach me as he was cautiously sitting by my side.

 “That’s it…I’m screwed…” – I thought defeated - “Oh! Hi!” – I feigned enthusiasm like I didn’t expect him to appear.

“So…” – he started as he looked briefly at me whilst playing with his fingers.


Suddenly a mini angel me and mini devil me appeared. “Puff!” – as they suddenly appeared in my mind. They were, in fact cute. My imagination was working really well. That or I really lacked sleep.

“Don’t tell him anything!” – Advised the cute evil me with a funny voice that seemed like she inhaled helium – dress in red with a devil tail and cute pinky cheeks. – “Lie!! Make up a story and lie like there’s no tomorrow! If he knows he won’t let you go! He will tell everyone and they’ll be against you after they know that you lied to them! You’ll have to put up with dirty looks and worse! They won’t leave you alone even for a second!!! You know how much you appreciate your privacy…”

“Humm…it’s not like you’re wrong little devil but…lie again?” – I thought.

“Tell him! He will forgive you! Don’t be afraid…you don’t care about what they think anyway…Just admit you were wrong!” – claimed the cute mini angel me with a similar voice to the mini devil but in a white dress, with little colorless wings and a shining halo in her head - “No one can judge you for lying in that situation…it was a mistake, all of it...And it wasn’t like that was such a severe lie…it was an improvisation! You’ll feel much better if you tell!”

“Aishhh! But if I do tell him…there are no guarantees that he will understand…sure, it wasn’t a big fat lie…but, I made a fool out of them anyway, there’s no way they’ll be happy with that! I appreciate every second alone I could get! If they know they won’t let me alone!” – I thought arguing against the premises of the little white one.

They wanted to talk again but I shushed the two of them…There was enough confusing thoughts in my head…I was only certain of one thing - to get rid of that feeling of guilt as soon as possible and there was only a way to do it…


I looked at him hoping that we wouldn’t address the issue…But his attitude was definitely alerting me for the fact that he would most definitely approach it. So I decided to just advance the issue and get it over with.

“I know! I know what you’re going to say! And you’re totally right!” – I started before he could even say another word.

He looked at me confused and asked furrowing his eyebrows – “You do?” – he seemed startled.

“Yeah…unfortunately…Frankly speaking, I didn’t mean to do it in first place…it was childish but…” – I was trying to organize my speech as the words were flying from my mouth trying to appease the guilty feeling out of my chest.

He suddenly shushed me putting his finger in my lips. “What are you talking about?” – he asked seeming really intrigued.

I looked at him perplexed…he didn’t know what I was talking about? Or what? “You don’t want to discuss the issue with the message I left earlier?” – I was really intrigued, I thought he knew everything already.

“What? Message? Ha ha ha! No!” – he laughed sincerely – “I wasn’t understanding what you meant by knowing what I would say! Ha ha! – he kept mocking me. – “That it’s not the issue right now but…” – he thought – “But is there something you want to talk about concerning that issue?” – he smiled, but didn’t seem mad or curious…

“No!! I mean, there’s no need…” – I frantically waved my hands in denial. I wasn’t sure of what to do anymore…he seemed to see through my lie when I was telling it…but he didn’t confront me with it…really strange. “Thank GOD!” – I thought - “Better forget about this issue once and for all…”

“But, what was that you wanted to say to me?” – I asked Baekhyun changing the subject.

“Oh, yeah…right!” – he started whilst coming back to his line of reasoning – “It’s about tonight…I wanted to ask you if…” – he stopped and looked down as thinking if what he was about to do wouldn’t cause any kind of trouble…

“Yes?” – I incited him to continue as I looked directly into his face – he suddenly changed the direction of his gaze to meet my eyes…


A/N - Dear Readers! I fondly salute you :D Here is chapter 8 - it was a wrap of chappie 7... Hope you like it anyway! 
I'll try to update chappie 9 really soon...possibly MyungSoo will be in it  
\ (•◡•) / (yey! ^^)
Let me know if that's what you want to happen! More surprises await in the next chapters!

Thanks for your support! *o*

Stay tuned in Angel Boss!  ≧^◡^≦

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Chapter 16 is up :D


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Chapter 20: I love it! <3 Fighting!
Chapter 20: lol a water fight on a back of the car :p That sounds funny!
ohh, I want to know what's gonna happen! >.< Plz update soon
Chapter 19: Haha this chapter is amusing. Sungjong you worry me....
Chapter 19: Omg lol Hunhan! In my opinion it's Hunhan then Baekyeol then Kaisoo then Taoris but okay.
Chapter 18: Thank you!! Really good!! Update more!
Chapter 16: It's really good and funny!
Chapter 13: OMG I love it so confused on who it will be Myungsoo or Suho??
Chapter 12: Hi Faby Great update :D.