"Turn around. I don't like you."

Always be Mine


* Hyein's Point of View *

Youngmin just introduced himself in front of the class as Jo Kwangmin, a transfer student.

What a fool. Is this a joke?

I watched as he sat down in the seat in front of me while giving me his usual cheeky smile, which I loved, but then I frowned, “Turn around. I don't like you.” I said to him with a serious expression.

Watching his smile disappear was like the highlight of my year! Brilliant.


* Youngmin's Point of View *

— a few hours earlier —

My brother made me seem like a heartless jerk. It's not like I'd seriously give Hyein to him, just like that. I just wanted to see if Kwangmin can pull off pretending to be me for a day. I mean, we're twins but we do have different personalities. I'll have no problem pretending to be him, but I don't think Kwangmin can pull off my personality as easily.

Even so, most people can't tell us apart anyway, but I wanted to see if what he said about Hyein was true.

Could she spot the difference?


* Hyein's Point of View *

I was brushing my teeth after just waking up when I heard a few knocks on my room's door.

“Mom, it's open! You can come in!”

After hearing another few knocks, I went over to the door with my toothbrush still in my mouth and opened the door. I almost spat out the toothpaste, when I saw that the person who was at the door was not my mother but my boyfriend, Youngmin.

I held up my index finger with one hand telling him to wait, and motioned with the other hand for him to come in as I backed away and ran back into to my bathroom to finish brushing my teeth.

“You scared the crap out of me... why are you here so early?”

“Felt like it.” he said, sitting back in the chair beside my desk, trying to look cool.

I gave him a skeptical look for a moment, before grabbing my hair brush and fixing my hair. I was already dressed before Youngmin came in, so all I had to do was pack my bag and I was ready.


“Want some breakfast before you go, dear?”

“I'm ok mom, I'll just grab an apple today.” I said, grabbing an apple, throwing it at Youngmin, and then grabbing another one for myself. Youngmin stared at me with surprise for a moment, before I rolled my eyes and wrapped my hand around his before lacing our fingers. “Just eat it. I bet you didn't have breakfast this morning either. Lets go.”


* Kwangmin's Point of View *

I couldn't believe it. Hyein was completely different from the girls Youngmin usually dated. She seemed really cool. She wasn't shocked when I was at her door while she was still brushing her teeth. Well, she was shocked, but not because I saw her with messy hair and a toothbrush in , but because I was just there so early.

She also didn't throw her arms around me and try to kiss me like Youngmin's last girlfriend did when she saw me at the shopping centre buying new shoes. Ugh.. it still puzzles me what Youngmin liked about that girl. Chest? Face? No. She wasn't that pretty. Youngmin's tastes are so weird.

I glanced at Hyein, and felt her squeezing my hand as she turned to look at me too and smiled. Her hand was so small and soft... she seemed really fragile, and I felt like I should protect her or something. It was strange.

“How come you're not saying anything, Youngmin? Are you still sick, Youngmin? Are you sure you should go to school today? Maybe you should go back home and stay in bed for another few days, Youngmin?” She said it all rather quickly without giving me a chance to reply.

And was it just me or did she just say my brother's name like 4 times?

“I'm fine.” I shrugged, and rolled my eyes like I thought Youngmin would do. “Quit worrying about me.” I gave her a cheeky grin – or tried to – and squeezed her hand, like she squeezed mine just a while ago.


She's definitely on to me. I stayed up late practicing how to act like my brother but I still couldn't do it perfectly. 

When we got to the school and sat down at our first class, I had no problem recognizing any of the guys in the class because Youngmin had introduced me to them before and we hung out sometimes. I'd also seen a few of the girls before, the ones Youngmin had dated of course, but I couldn't remember their names. Everyone else was a stranger to me.

“You're acting really weird today, Youngmin.”

“Really? What do you mean?”

“For example, Youngmin, you didn't say hi to anyone. Usually you'd be walking in the classroom, saying—” she imitated my brother's voice perfectly as she said, “Yo, Jonghwa. Hey Taehyun. Whats up Chiho!” she shook her head, “Today you didn't even look at anyone, Youngmin.”

She's said his name multiple times again. That was definitely on purpose.

“You were right. I don't feel that well today. That's why I'm not being my usual self.” I smiled at her, “I just wanted to come back to school quickly so that I could see you again—”

Oh ... I forgot Youngmin told me not to say things like this.

Hyein giggled. It was kind of cute.

“What? What is it?” I asked her suspiciously.

“You're just so cute, Youngmin.”

“So are you, Hyein.” I mimicked her way of saying Youngmin's name all the time, by saying hers too.

“Really? You think I'm cute, Youngmin?”

“Yes. You're beautiful, Hyein. Very beautiful.”

This time her eyes widened a little, and she turned around in her seat to face the front of the classroom again. I wanted to ask her if I said anything wrong but I didn't. I already knew the answer. Yes. I said everything wrong. Youngmin clearly told me to never say things like this if I didn't want her to figure me out. I'm hopeless...

I wonder if she disliked what I said though... 

“I knew it.” she suddenly whispered under her breath and grinned as she looked on at the front of the classroom. I turned to the front too and found my brother there, with the teacher, ready to introduce himself as me, Kwangmin.


* Hyein's Point of View *

I already had a feeling something was going on, before he stepped into the classroom and proved to me that there are two Youngmin's and I'm currently with the fake one, but his introduction confirmed it for me.

“Hey, I'm Jo Kwangmin, Jo Youngmin's twin brother. Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you.”

It was the exact same way he introduced himself when he first transferred to this school a year ago.

I turned to the fake Youngmin, who was sitting beside me and smiled at him.

“Your brother is very cute too, Youngmin. Let's break up so I can date him instead.”

I could always see his expression change a little bit when I called him Youngmin. He made it so obvious. I'll make a note of that in case this continues on for longer than this. This is one way I can tell if I'm talking to the real Youngmin or the fake one, who's name is apparently Kwangmin?

They really do look very similar though. I could barely tell the difference between their appearance.

I looked up at the real Youngmin, and saw that the teacher got him to sit in the seat in front of us.

As he turned around to give me his usual smile, which I would have normally loved to see, I wasn't having it this time – not after the trick he was trying to pull just then – so I said to him seriously.

“Turn around. I don't like you.”

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Japaru #1
Good story
Chapter 17: Anneyeong...thanks a lot for your kind-hearted which willing to continue this story just coz my begged heheh. I'll waiting and become subcribers forever hahah :D
Chapter 17: Hello i'm new reader.....i love this story so much coz the story can make me so fluff and flues. I like sugar sweet scene. Hope that you can continu
are Sungjong and Hyein twins Because they have the same age???
And are the Jo twins like younger than Hyein?????

Sorry , Overly curious mind
unknown009 #5
New reader here! Nice story, I hope you can update soon ^_^
thanks for commenting.^^ I'll consider updating it. :)
okay... this is just so cute! I love this fic. pleasee.... do update soon! ^^
asndaoifalflaflnsrhlg.... i missed reading this fanfic! xD <br />
i love it!<br />
Hyein and kwangmin look adorable together!! and she's felling in love with him xD eventhough she's with youngmin y prefer kwangmin x3<br />