
Perfectly Mismatched

Chapter Four


Jiyeon and Myungsoo stepped out of the airport. It’s a province so people in the area don’t care that much about their identities. “Looking good today, huh?”, L teases her. She’s not wearing too much make-up like she used to wear everyday on the set.

“This way”, soon, the two of them got their room numbers in a hotel reserved for them to stay . Good thing that their managers didn’t get them only one room or else complexities might be there. But still, even they have different rooms, Myungsoo’s room was only a hallway apart. It was just right there in front where Jiyeon were staying.


“Very”, Jiyeon added to what IU said on the line. “Don’t you think that you were each other’s destiny? Like ‘two lovers who were fated by some twisted tale’?”

“We’re not”, her body shakes while drinking some latte to ease her mind from stress. Jiyeon had put too much milk in there so she barely enjoyed her drink. Then moments later, she had decided to just put it down on the dining table standing on her way and sit on a chair, talking to IU on the phone all night.


She loved talking to her. She was nice. “Jiyeonnie-Ah, may I ask you one question?”

“Sure”, Jiyeon yawns. “Aww, you’re tired aren’t you?”

“No.. I’m not”, IU caught her but still she insisted in keeping the conversation up. “What is it bestie?”

“Okay.. I’m just wondering why.. why don’t you find a boyfriend? I know it’s mixed but still I wanted to know”, IU chuckles. “I mean, you’re beautiful. You’re nice. You’re talented and you also got a nice job.. and you’re free now. Why don’t you try dating guys?”

Jiyeon coughs. She did not expect to have this question enter her ear buds. “It’s because I’m not ready yet”, she answered in a calm tone of voice and gave her a straight answer to not let IU ask her again. To put it simpler she didn’t really want to answer her question nor elaborate this kind of topics. Jiyeon was awkward in talking about love life because she thought that love has their own way. If it's meant to be then it will be. She also believed in Cupid, fate and destiny, making guys that pass onto her see her a little childish. 

So her past relationships didn’t work for long.

IU sighs. “Okay then”, she knew all along. But there’s hope in her eyes. She presses the red button that cuts their connection.






“What did she say?”, Jinwoon asks suspiciously while looking at IU when she ended her talk with her bestfriend. “She’s not ready yet”, she pouted her lips. IU’s really sad about it. “Sorry oppa”, she apologizes.


Jiyeon and IU's older brother had been friends since IU and her became friends and it can't be hidden that he has this big crush on her. One day, IU saw this and her oppa confesses to her bestfriend. They did not expect that things will be good and Jiyeon and Jinwoon leveled up. They’ve been a couple but unluckily, it only lasted for a few weeks.

She tried to talk to her bestie about it but she only says that she wasn’t the right girl for him. Making the situation more complex, Jinwoon shows up to the set to visit Jiyeon but he doesn’t have the guts to talk to her or say anything. His greatest achievement is sending Jiyeon postcards and flowers on special days like her birthday and Christmas. He was a very shy guy but a very caring person inside. But what Jinwoon feels for her is true. He's not just a fan but he can be his everything.


“No. It’s ok”, Jinwoon smiles at her little sister. Deep inside him was hurt. He never knew what was Jiyeon’s reason to break up with him and knowing that Jiyeon is now working with some other guy just added to the pain he was feeling inside.

“But hyung”, “It’s ok”, Jinwoon pinches IU’s nose and then goes back to his bedroom. He laid on bed and closed his eyes. “Just sleep Jinwoon”, he commanded, not wanting to think about it all day, all night.




“So.. you know what you’re going to do. Camera. Lights. Action!”

Waves crashed on Jeju’s seashore like what’s inside L’s heart. He walks into the path. The stormy waterfall is inviting him to come nearer. He cannot handle the pain anymore - the pain of losing one’s love. The wedding was crashed.. and so as his life. He felt more than dumped. On that very day, when HyunJee was in a comma, he felt this hope that he would see her face smiling again. But that didn’t happen. It’s been two years from now. Two years of agony and pain.

He felt lightless when he stepped on the sea and as the calm water touched his feet, he spread his arms like he was open and ready for the next to happen.

Jiyeon saw this event. L was getting farther and farther to the land. The sea water smashed into the stones around it and made roars like a monster eating L alive. She did not think twice but to go to where he was going. “L!”, she exposed her feet and touched the sea as quickly as she can.

She took long steps as not to be late to save him. L was about to be drowned. The seawater was of the level of his mouth. Fear chased her but still, Jiyeon tried to stop him and grabbed his clothes to pull him. “L!”

Water goes into but she didn’t mind. Her main goal was to save him. Back to the seashore, Jiyeon grasped again the sandy feel in her toes. She had L beside him but he’s not responding to her calls. She screams for help but no one answers.

“L, talk to me”, Jiyeon puts her ears on the top of L’s chest, sounding if he was still breathing. There was a slight amount of beeps. “L!”, Jiyeon yells but still there was no answer. Only one thing could resolve this. This was to give him a CPR.

She thought for a moment until she was convinced. Jiyeon closed her eyes and made herself look like a real lifeguard. She pinched L’s perfectly pointed nose and soon enough, he opened his mouth. L thought if this was true. If Jiyeon was to really kiss him. It was seen on the camera that his facial expression is acting a little strange.

“Just keep breathing”, Jiyeon said while getting closer and closer to L’s face. He slightly peeks from his left eye and sees Jiyeon’s face about an inch away. Her eyes were closed, ready for the catch. And there he had realized that in looking at Jiyeon up-close, she was beautiful beyond.





“Cut!”, the director cued. L was surprised and opened his eyes. Jiyeon was nowhere to be seen, and she actually just let him lying there on the sand. He sat up and saw the whole area full of cameras and lights. L smiled bitterly as he sees Jiyeon talks with the director, looking at her acting if it’s some sort of strange or ugly.


L was there, confined with his thoughts for the past two minutes. It was all for the film, he thought. He raised himself out of the place. The crews offered him a towel to dry himself. It wasn’t the first time he had made a scene like this. It also wasn’t the first time Jiyeon and he worked together. They’ve made commercials before. But only for this day, it’s the only time he get to see Jiyeon’s face that close and say in his mind that he has blown away.




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Chapter 10: Update soon authornim,plizzz..
Betrayal #2
Chapter 10: Haha, chap 10 is very funny! I like the way Yeollie and Myungsoo joke with each other. But why is it too short, chingu???
niiyeon #3
Chapter 10: Wow he's going to tell infinite? I wonder about their reaction kekeke
yeonniestan94 #4
Chapter 10: thanks for updating again!! really miss this story..
omo. is myungsoo gonna reveal jiyeon to infinite? don't tell me he is!!! o.O
cant wait for their reactions ....
Chapter 9: Omg, can't he just go back to where he got the poison from and get a new one that allows her to get back to her normal self? Poor Jiyeonnie..
Chapter 8: OMG !!! Is Jiyeon tiny because that wrong poision ?? Poor Jiyeonie :( Myungsoo ah ,please help her !
cericeria #7
Chapter 8: kyaaaa pls notice jiyeon n help her myung!! i like ur story.pls update soon :)
tikikabum #8
Chapter 8: kyaaaaa thanks for the double update xD

So the story going to be like the cover picture?kekeke interesting
Chapter 7: And then I'm double updating coz i love youu guuys! :D This fic will never be written if not because of you <3 Thanks for reading/subscribing/commenting.

Okay, i'm so cheesy now =))
tikikabum #10
Chapter 6: Hiks, i'm gonna miss you, authornim..
i love this story so much

Oops! don't say that the one myungsoo took is hate potion o.O