The Apprehension

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"So that’s the reason why I am really asking you for help." YiJeong said in a very persuasive way. He had been trying hard to get JungAh to allow him to stay in her house since his assistant, Mr Park failed to get him a house in the village, and as fate was in his side, he succeded. YiJeong just couldn't stay apart from GaEul anymore. Not after his thoughtless deeds towards her.

"WHAT? Just why did you let him stay here?" GaEul issued a complaint the moment she received the news about JungAh’s decision of allowing YiJeong to stay in the house for a couple of weeks.

"He needs to get some inspiration for his artwork. There is nothing wrong with helping him” JungAh replied nonchalantly while her hands were busy washing tofu.

“But Granma, he is a complete stranger.”

“Same goes with the other tourists. GaEul ah... a lot things had changed after your departure. This village is not a remote place anymore. This place is now our nation’s heritage” JungAh said proudly. “And he is not staying for free either” JungAh continued her cooking process, cutting the tofu into small cubes.

GaEul could only pout to express her dissatisfaction. Her eyes wandered and caught the sight of YiJeong who was sitting on the bench under the tree, smiling with his eyes closed.

His smile, is quite nice. GaEul thought before she nearly slapped herself for the nonsensical idea she just had.



GaEul was watching music show alone in the living room. Nowadays she had been absorbed in watching SeungHyun’s concert and variety shows. He must has been busy, since he did not call at all. JongSuk too, was at his university and will only be back on weekends.

“GaEul ah” GaEul heard JungAh’s call.

“Yes......”GaEul who was getting bored watching her brother’s stiff dance on the telly automatically went to the kitchen to respond to the late aged woman’s call. GaEul smiles turned to frown immediately after she saw YiJeong in the kitchen, chatting deliriously with JungAh.

“Lunch is ready....” JungAh placed a jug of iced tea on the traditional wooden dining table. She sat at the corner, the place where the family leader always sits on a dining table.

GaEul did not have any other choice but to sit across YiJeong since the only other chair was occupied by bunch of stupid rice sacks. GaEul ate quietly because JungAh and YiJeong were having conversations which GaEul was not interested of. She rather ate quietly and thinks about what to do in the next few hours than to listen to their boring conversation.

“GaEul ah .... You can accompany our KimBeom this evening right?” JungAh’s raised voice startled GaEul from her diverting thought.

“Huh?” GaEul who was totally not listening asked again.

“Accompany our KimBeom to look around the village” JungAh smiles.

GaEul nearly choked her food upon what she just heard. Accompany him? And since when did he become ‘our’ KimBeom?

“But” GaEul tried to protest before she saw JungAh’s anticipating face.  JungAh was not blood-related to her in any way, yet she has been treating GaEul like her own granddaughter. She had been lonely, living without his only son, and his grandson was now busy with college.

So by declining her request means to turn her down, and that will definitely make her sad.


“o- Ok” GaEul reluctantly agreed to her request.

GaEul stared across the table just to meet YiJeong’s eyes who was smiling, again.

She rolled her eyes to conceal her raging heart beat.`                                                                                                                                                                                            


“So .... Your name is Chu Ga Eul?” YiJeong tried to break the silence that had existed ever since they went out of the house. They were now walking slowly along the beach, and the situation was more awkward than ever.

“Hmm” GaEul answered coldly. She was kicking the sand, mentally imagining that she was kicking YiJeong.

“So JungAh is your grandmother?” YiJeong asked again, still playing the clueless card.

“No, she was my neighbour.” GaEul replied simply.

“Was? Wait, so you are not a local?” YiJeong purposely asked, hoping that she will remember something.

“I used to be” GaEul’s answer was getting shorter and shorter. She was not paying attention at all as her eyes were fixed on the tantalizing sea in front of her. It had been nearly two weeks since she was sent here, but not even once she had the chance to indulge in the cool sea water. She had been literally locked at the house because of her so called injuries.

“Hey .... Do you want to play in the water for a while?” GaEul asked, her eyes still fixed at the beautiful sunset view.

“W-what? Don’t. Your body is still weak” YiJeong responded with a concern.

“Eeeyyyyyyyy. Just for a while” GaEul gave YiJeong the cheekiest look ever, turning YiJeong speechless.

She ran happily into the sea, leaving YiJeong who was still dealing with his blankness.

She crouched on the sea edge, feeling the sea waves hitting her body slowly.

YiJeong could only look at her back view with a blank stare. Then suddenly GaEul stood up and turn around, with a grin exhibited on her face.

“Hey look! I found a red seashell” GaEul yelled from the spot she was standing.

The next thing that caught YiJeong’s sight caused his jaw to drop. GaEul’s torso was soaking wet, her striking

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Thanks for writing this beautiful story.. Love SoEul forever ^^
Kim_TaeV #2
Chapter 17: Wow cool fanfic,nice ending :) jinja daebak
Kim_TaeV #3
Chapter 14: Its if i not i if n grandma/grandmother
Kim_TaeV #4
Chapter 1: Its Shinhwa n Yah
just correcting ur mistake :D
dopey- #5
Ur an awesome writer author-nim.....i really luv dis story
Riothelazyintrovert #6
Chapter 17: Aigoo, there are many times where I wanted to just wrangle lovely Yi Jeong's neck with what he did, anyways your take on the story is completely possible seeing his personality wherein he sometimes get too deep in his loneliness and problems that he shuts everyone's out. Great story, good job.
Chapter 17: I cried for times and omfg thus story is too angsty for the cute couple tbh e u e but I still love it <3
aigoo I don't like Jongseok character here

and lmao curly Junpyo xD
Chapter 17: love the ending...super sweet couple with soon to born baby,,,kyaaaa!!!!!! soeul much ^^