Memories and Promises


*Italics are Yuri’s thoughts.


So what were you doing in Jessica’s room?” Tiffany asked, an eyebrow raised, grinning. She placed the books that she was reading on the coffee table and stared at the girl in front of her. “So…? What happened in there? Did you somehow get to know each other better or you two did something… you know.”

Tiffany, being the most observant friend that Yuri ever had in her entire life, knew that something was happening or had happened between the two. Just couldn’t figure out what, and so the interrogation begins.


Yuri moved closer to Tiffany and sat at the couch across her. Her face was pale as snow and couldn’t seem to understand what she’s thinking. was open and wasn’t sure of what to say. “Hey! Snap out of it! Does my question need a mathematical solution to answer? No, it does not.” Tiffany raised her voice intentionally, enough for her friend to notice. “So what really happened that you just can’t find the words to speak? And I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to raise my voice.”

“Oh. No, nothing happened, really. We just talked and told stories about our lives. You know, getting to know each other kind of thing. You get what I mean, right? I don’t think something would go wrong in that. So what’s your say?” Yuri snapped out of her thoughtless imagination and focused on the person across her. “And if you’re asking me why I’m acting like this is that… I just happened to know one of her darkest secret, and no, don’t even bother asking me what it is because I’m not telling.” She let out her tongue and plastered a very big smile on her face.

I can’t believe I just said that. I just literally escaped my death. Tiffany must never know about this or else, I’m really gonna die of embarrassment.” She thought to herself.


“So, anything you want for lunch?” she asked out of the blue, changing the subject. “It’s only the both of us though, coz the blonde would be going out.”

Speaking of the devil, Jessica walked out from her room and said goodbye to her new-found friends. “Guys, I’m sorry I can’t eat lunch with you today, I have an appointment, but I’ll be home by dinner. Bye!” she waved her hand and left.

“Well, that was something unexpected. Anyway, you won’t do any cooking for this afternoon because we’re going to the Mall!!” Tiffany’s voice reverberated across the room causing Yuri to get startled. “I’m sorry ‘bout that.”

“It’s fine. You should’ve said it louder. Or if you want, I’ll buy you a microphone next time.” She said sarcastically and went to the kitchen for a glass of water. “Oh by the way, She’s… I can’t tell her anything about Jessica. Nevermind. Let’s go after I finish cleaning here. This won’t take long.” She placed the dishes in the dishwasher and left for her room. “I can’t believe I almost slipped!! I really have to be extra careful next time.”


Tiffany stood up from the couch and arranged all the unnecessary things on the table and left for the Kitchen. She grabbed herself an orange juice and drank, “Mall’s on sale today, what should I buy?” Gulp. “I really want that PINK bag from Victoria’s Secret, but I also want to buy something for Yuri.” Gulp. “Or should I just buy that bag and nothing for Yuri, but that would be mean.” Gulp. She placed her hand under her chin and contemplated. “No, I think I should buy Yuri’s first then I think I should just wait for the next sale, but maybe that bag would be sold and I’ve really waited for that bag to be on sale.” Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. “Nah, I should just buy both and I don’t care if it’s gonna cost me a fortune.” Gulp.Gulp.Gulp.Gu- *door slam* Yuri was already dressed for their ‘shopping’ and also failed to notice her door that was about to shut loudly.

Tiffany spitted out the orange juice on the sink and screamed at her best friend. “OH MY GOD, KWON YURI! I ALMOST CHOKED! You can close it slowly, right?!”

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t notice the door. Anyway, you should get dressed now. You know how much I hate waiting, right?” she headed straight to the living room and the TV. She scanned all the channels and nothing seems to be on her favor for the day. “Try channel 36. I know you’re gonna laugh at the show.” Tiffany snapped right before she went inside Yuri’s room, since they share rooms. Yuri did as told and seconds after, all the advertisements ended and the show began. “Oh. It’s a gag show. I didn’t notice that.” She said to herself. Then minutes after, she began laughing like there’s no tomorrow and laughed until she couldn’t anymore breathe that tears starts to form from the edges of her eyes. “Why didn’t I notice this kind of show before? Hahahaha!” Still laughing, she went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water to calm herself. “I should really stop laughing or I’m gonna choke on this water.”

On the other hand, Tiffany heard all of Yuri’s laughing and also began laughing from Yuri’s laugh, even though she doesn’t know what was showing on screen. “Ahh~ I should dress up now. Have to stop laughing or else Yuri’s gonna notice and might think I have an imaginary friend. Hahaha.”

Yuri stopped her laughing and turned off the TV before she starts laughing again. She didn’t notice that she’s been waiting for 30 minutes for Tiffany to finish her dress-up game. “Time sure flies fast.” She got up from the couch and walked towards Tiffany’s door. “Ya! If you’re not here within 10 seconds, I’m gonna cancel this ‘shopping day’ whatever you call it or you can just go by yourself!”

10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

One and a half… one and one-fourth…” Yuri teasingly included the one-halves and one-fourths because she knows that Tiffany really isn’t going to appear in just mere 10 seconds.

“Here! All done!” Tiffany swiftly opened her door before Yuri could stop counting and she would still come with her even after the count of 10.

She was sporting a pair of skinny jeans, a simple blouse, and a doll shoes. Well, if you imagine, how could someone dress up as simple as that within 30 minutes. If it’s Tiffany, it would surely take more than 30 minutes to decide which to wear.

“So, it took you 30 minutes to wear as simple as that?” Yuri raised her eyebrow and chuckled. “Alright, come on, let’s get going or else someone’s gonna claim that bag.” She grabbed Tiffany’s wrist before Tiffany could do any second choices with what she’s going to wear and walked towards the front door. “No, you’re not gonna make me wait for another 30 minutes just to change your outfit, little missy.” Yuri said with a deep adult-like voice. She already grabbed everything she needs and went inside the car. “Fany, before you come in, can you check if the door is locked?” I hope what happened before won’t happen for a second time around, unless if that person was Jessica. “It’s locked. We’re good to go. Woooh!” Tiffany exclaimed in excitement, like a kid with a big lollipop on its hand.

The afternoon heat was really intolerable, but good thing they didn’t have to ride multiple rides just to get to the mall. The street was lively, as usual. With lively, I mean cars, and more cars. Their car stopped before the red light at an intersection. They waited and when the red light was replaced with a green light, Yuri sped off with a 60mph speed and good thing her speed wasn’t illegal, 70 was an illegal speed for a highway though.

“Ya, is this your death wish? Dying inside a speeding car? And what’s worse, you’re the one behind it.” Tiffany jokingly scolded her bestfriend, just for her sake.

“No! Of course not! It’s because the car on my right at the intersection was a show-off and I was thinking of showing off too. You know me.” she said it with ease and just shrugged it off. “Anyway, won’t happen again. I promise.” She showed a childish smile and focused back on the road. Then the air turned silent again.

“Yuri…?” Tiffany opened up another topic.

“Yeah? What about it?” she took a quick glance at Tiffany and back on the road, her hand was firm on the steering wheel.

“So… what was that about… you know, the one… earlier at home.” Tiffany was playing with her hands, hesitating whether to ask her or not, but she just couldn’t resist it and just had to ask her away. Her hands were beginning to sweat from nervousness, but she already asked. She can’t take it back.

Yuri gave her a weird stare and back on the road. She gripped her hands tightly on the wheels and good thing, Tiffany didn’t notice it. She promised herself not to tell Tiffany about it unless everything’s at the right time. And by what means does being on the road, driving, and at the same time confessing, be at the right time? That’s a no for sure, unless you’re trying to kill yourself with over speeding and crashing to a wall. Then that would be the right time to confess something big. “I really promised her not to tell anybody. It’s just that, her secret slipped out of and when I asked her, she told me everything. I wasn’t even trying to pry though, but she’s the one who spilled everything and I promised not to tell anybody.” She told her a big lie, and seems to be believable though. Eyes still on the road, another left and they have arrived. “We’re here!” Yuri exclaimed before Tiffany says any excuses and then forces her to tell her everything. But this time, not a chance, because she’s involved in it.

“Alright. I respect you, but are you not going to tell me just a little bit? Even for a little bit?” she pouted. She gave in a lot of aegyo goodness for Yuri to spill even just a little bit.

“No.” she said it flat. “Fany, I have told you a lot of secrets that I shouldn’t even tell anybody, but with this one, I just can’t. Alright? Just for once.” She pleaded with her not-so-cool voice, hoping Tiffany would stop asking her and let it pass.

“Alright. But for this only, okay?” she agreed with Yuri’s pleading and stopped.

The car went to the parking area and Yuri, being a driver for almost 3 years, sleekly parked the car in one go. “And your extravaganza shall begin now.” Yuri said it with a jumpy voice to avoid any cold air between them. “Come on, let’s go!” she grabbed her bag and her phone before stepping out. And same goes for Tiffany. “So where to go first?” Yuri showed a little excitement to shake off all those cold vibes they had in the car.

“Where do you think, babo? Of course THE Victoria’s Secret! I can’t wait to lay my hands on them.” Good thing she didn’t anymore think about that ‘secret’. She grabbed Yuri’s wrist and dragged her all the way to its location. “You know, you could’ve been faster for someone who does workouts.” Tiffany commented on how Yuri sluggishly walks. They stopped in front of the store and were mesmerized by the products and everything. It was just too perfect. How Tiffany wished she owned everything inside the store.

“Good afternoon. Welcome to Victoria’s Secret.”

“Good afternoon, too.” They bowed their heads for respect to the employees.

Tiffany hurriedly scan the entire store to reunite with her long lost love— PINK bag. Yuri being her sidekick whenever she goes shopping, she just watched all the lavish items and would be seldom shocked at the prices. “This simple lingerie even costs more than my weekly allowance.” She thought to herself. She moved to the Perfume Section of the store and grabbed one of the testers. She sprayed the Pure Seduction BLUSH on her wrist and the smell lingered on the air. “Wow, it really smells like candy.” She contemplated whether to buy it or not. In the end, she didn’t. She didn’t want to spend her money on some perfume, but this one, she really wants to buy it. By then, she left the section before she could make up her mind and buy it.

“Is there anything you want to buy, Yul?” Tiffany gave her an eye smile, signifying that she had already reunited with her long lost love— PINK bag.

“Nah, I’ll pass on it. It costs too much. I’ll just go with a regular perfume.” She shrugged and exited the store. “So where to go next?” Her eyes were looking at every store, finding for a good place to windoe shop.

Thank you, come again!” the employee bowed her head and gave them a smile.

“I don’t know? Let’s go find something to eat. We didn’t have lunch just so you know.” They headed to *YO! Sushi, a Japanese Restaurant just right around the corner. Once they were in front of the Restaurant, the aroma of Japanese food lingered in the air. “Ahhh~ it smells so good. Can’t wait to eat already.” They went inside and was directed to their table. A waiter was bringing a menu to them, he carefully handed the menu with both arms forward to the girls. “Good afternoon, ma’am. Can I take your order?”

(*YO! Sushi is actually a real Japanese Restaurant. I didn’t made that up.)

“Uh, Fany, I don’t know a lot about Japanese foods. I’ll go whatever you’re gonna order.” Yuri closed the menu book and placed it on the table. She looked around at the surroundings of the restaurant, awed by its Japanese feel.

“Yeah, sure.” Tiffany responded. She had one last look at the menu and told the waiter for their order. “Uhmm, I’ll have two Katsudon, California Maki, and Iced Tea.” She already knows what to order, but decided to look at the menu and maybe something might change her mind.

The waiter scribbled their order on a paper, the tip of the pen freely gliding on the surface of the paper. “Let me repeat your order, ma’am. Two Katsudon, two California Maki, and two Iced Tea. That will be for five minutes.” After the waiter repeated, he left for the kitchen and instructed the cook for the orders.

The gals were enjoying the ambience of the store and waited for their orders to come. “So you like Japanese Food, huh?” Yuri asked the person across her. “Yeah, I guess. After going for a vacation to Japan with my family, I started loving their food.” She gave her a smile. A waiter came and served them water and the utensils, carefully placing it on the table to avoid spillage.

“Thank you.” The girls said with respect.

After the waiter handed them their water and utensils, their order came. The steam from the Katsudon circulated around their table making the gals hungrier. “Ahh~ it smells good too!” Yuri said with delight. She couldn’t wait to try them. “Just wait until you get a first bite, I’m sure you’ll love it.” Tiffany said before taking a spoonful in . The two enjoyed the food very much that they wanted to take-out another order. “How about we take-out another two order?” Yuri wanted some of it and wanted to take-out another order.

“I’ll pass on that, Yul. I’m going home after our stroll here. Mom’s gonna kill me and plus, tomorrow’s Sunday. I have to attend mass.” She responded. “but we’ll see each other on Monday, so no biggie! We can hang out here after school though.”

“Yeah, I forgot, tomorrow’s Sunday. Anyway, where do we go next?” she was thinking of a place to go after their lunch.

“Ah! I forgot something, wait for me here. I’m just going to buy something real quick!” Tiffany hastened to the door and went straight to Victoria’s Secret. She didn’t tell Yuri that she will be buying her something. Well that’s what friends are for. As soon as she entered the store, she went straight to the Perfume Section and picked which Yuri wanted. She tried it before going to the counter, “Oh, it does smell good. No wonder she liked it.” After testing it, she grabbed on from the pile and paid for it and went directly to the restaurant.

“Wow, that was quick. And you bought another something from Victoria’s Secret?” Yuri was amazed that Tiffany can buy two things at one time. Tiffany extended both of her arms indicating that what she bought was for Yuri. “Here. I got something for you. It’s not that much though, but use it.” She showed her eye-smile and took her sit across Yuri. When Yuri opened the paper bag, she found the perfume that she wanted to buy and now, it’s already right in front of her eyes. She didn’t expect anything from Tiffany though. “Oh Fany, this is too much. I don’t know how much I’m going to pay you.”

“What pay? It’s yours, babo!” she and went back to her seat.

“But it’s quite expensive.” A side from Yuri wanted to refuse it, and the other wanted to accept it. She didn’t know what to do, but accept it.

“You see, I just can’t spend my money on my own. So I thought of buying you a little something in return from all of your help. And I saw you spraying that on your wrist, so I decided to buy that.” She said it simply, not bothering how much it costs. “And you have good taste in scents too.”

After eating at YO! Sushi, they decided to just stroll around the mall and the usual, window shopping. Tiffany really wanted to buy a lot of things since it’s on sale, but used it all up for the bag and her present for Yuri. They stopped outside a RayBan store and were supposed to go inside when they saw a couple trying out the aviators. They thought the girl was familiar and just when the girl turned around, it was Jessica. She was with a guy, a good-looking guy that is. They were so cute together and tried a couple of sunglasses. That’s when Yuri realized that the guy she’s with was the Eric whom Jessica was talking about when she was at her room. She never imagined what the guy looked like though, but now she’s seen it, he really was gorgeous. They observed the couple from afar, careful not to let Jessica spot them spying or should we say, observing.

“I wonder who that guy is? He’s really gorgeous.” Tiffany was being jelly again.

“Ya, Fany. If that’s Jessica, then that’s her boyfriend, Eric. Wouldn’t that be obvious?” she nudged Fany on the side to stop her from fantasizing things that would never happen in her life. “And we should stop staring, it’s weird.”

“How did you know that it’s her boyfriend and his name?” Fany raised her eyebrows.

“Just from the looks of it, they’re so sweet and I think everybody can tell that they’re a couple, aside from you. Oh, his name? Jessica told me about him when I was at her room.” They watched the couple being so lovey-dovey, hugging and smiling and pouting. You know, what every couple does. Eric stood inches away from his girlfriend and kissed her on the forehead, he then placed his arm on Jessica’s shoulders. Eric stood by the cashier and paid for two aviator shades then exited. They were still very close to each other and hands were intertwined as soon as they got out from the store. Jessica whispered something on Eric’s ear and Eric was smiling like crazy.

Yuri and Fany still followed them, but still very careful not to let Jessica spot them. They stopped every now and then to let their distance be unnoticeable.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to keep following them. Maybe we should just go home now.” Yuri suggested, knowing that if she continues to watch them being so lovey-dovey, she would just hurt herself.

“Wait, they’re already leaving the mall. Let’s just follow them and anyway, we’re going home too, right? Let’s not make it obvious that we’re following them.” Tiffany insisted. She grabbed Yuri with her and gained pace towards the exit.

“Alright.” Was all Yuri could say and couldn’t do anything about it.

When they were outside, the sky was turning to dusk and the street lights were being lit up. They didn’t notice the time and got caught up talking and strolling around the mall. They saw the couple heading towards somewhere dim and unlit, but their figure was still visible from afar. Tiffany wanted to go up close, but Yuri insisted that it was private stuff. They just took advantage watching their figure in dim light and saw what they were doing, they were kissing. Yuri couldn’t take it any longer and just insisted to go home.

“Fany, let’s go home and stop looking at them, people might think you’re a ert.” She said jokingly.

“Yeah, whatever you say.”

“Alright, just wait here while I get the car.” Yuri left and walked towards the parking area. She juggled the key in her hand and walked towards her car.


While Yuri was getting the car, Fany saw that the couple was no longer there. She looked around and when she turned to her left, Jessica and her boyfriend was on her side. “Oh my! You surprised me.” Fany was shocked that Jessica was already on her side.

“Sorry about that. Hmm, you what are you doing here? And by the way, this is Eric, uh, my boyfriend.” The couple gave Fany a warm smile.

“Ohh, nothing. Just bought something and I’m going home already and you? Still on a date?”

“You can say that.” Jessica was smiling at Fany and to her boyfriend. “I was touring him around the mall. He just arrived here all the way from San Fran.”

“Wow! He’s from California?” Tiffany asked excitingly. Her eyes were in crescent shapes. “I was raised there though. So, uhm, hey, Eric. Nice to meet you.” She started talking in English, barely removing the smile on her face.

The couple was shocked that Tiffany also speaks English fluently, leaving the Korean accent behind. They started talking English and received stares from by-passers because of their gorgeous accent that are foreign for some by-passers. After a few seconds, a car stopped along the side and Fany knew it was Yuri’s car. “Hey guys, I have to go. My friend’s waiting for me and it was nice getting to know you both. I hopr you two have a great time.” She smiled at them and walked towards the car door, but before she could hold the door handle, Jessica raised her voice enough for Fany to notice. “Fany, wait!” Jessica was still able to catch up on her. “Is that Yuri driving? Mind if can come too? I’m going home anyway and Eric only lives at Holiday Hotel, it’s just 5 minutes from here. I’m still not familiar with the place.” While Yuri, from the inside, watched the two girls talking and she knew what they were talking about. She rolled down her windows and agreed to let Jessica tag along.

“Eric, I’m sorry if I can’t come with you tonight. I promised Yuri that I would be eating dinner with her and plus, I can’t go home on my own. I’m still not familiar with the place.” She hoped that Eric would understand her without any hard feelings.

“Of course you can. Anyway, the hotel is only 5 minutes away; I can go on my own. Take care on your way back!” He waved goodbye to his girlfriend before he started walking towards the Hotel. The girls went inside Yuri’s car. They buckled their seat-belts and left. Inside the car was dead silent. Nobody started a conversation, until Jessica started to talk. “Hey guys, I’m sorry if I’m riding with you now. I have nobody to come home with and it’s already at dusk.” Jessica apologized for her spur of the moment decision. “Oh, it’s alright. It’s always been so lonely only the two of us here.” Yuri didn’t mind that Jessica was riding with them now, despite what happened to them on her room. “Uh Yuri, you can just drop me by the bus stop. I’ll just wait for the bus, and don’t even think of taking me home. You know how far my house is.” Tiffany was certain with her decision and Yuri slowly turned right or the bus stop. Tiffany walked out of the car and before she could sit in the benches, Yuri rolled down the window. “Fany! Be careful on your way home, alright? And call me when something comes up and when you’re already home. By the way, thanks for the present!” she wanted her friend to be safe and reminded her of some things. “Yeah, I get it. You’re welcome and you’re on speed dial already. Take care!” Tiffany waved goodbye and stared at Yuri’s car speeding off until it turned to a small dot from her view and luckily, a bus came just in time. “Good timing.”

Meanwhile in the car, the air was cold. Silence was killing them both and no one bothered to speak until, “Hey Yuri?” Jessica started a conversation. “Yeah?” the other girl replied, her heart was beating so fast and was thinking of good things to say if ever Jessica comes up with the topic that they were on bed.

“Can you stop for a while?”

“Yeah, of course.” Yuri was wondering why Jessica would want her to stop when they’re not even halfway through their home. She slowly turned her car to the side and stopped and suddenly, Jessica went out of the car. She opened the front seat door and sat there. “It gets lonely at the back, you know.” And seconds after, she turned to Yuri and looked at her in the eyes and smiled. “Confused?” She leaned in and gave her a kiss, and then it turned into a deep kiss. Yuri didn’t know that she was returning the kiss and when she realized it, she pushed Jessica away.


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kpopswiss #1
Chapter 16: hey are you not updating anymore??
Chapter 16: hey! i'm a new reader of yours..i already love this story :D
you're awesomE!
Locksmith_27 #3
Chapter 16: WAH! I've been always waiting for this to update! Author! Please update! :(
ilovedjians #4
Well this is exciting! Can't wait for you to update! When will the next update be?
meltss #5
Chapter 15: Well, obviously, Eric is Jessica's childhood best friend and boyfriend.
Zulmrih #6
Chapter 14: Ooooyy what's that supose to mean, who's this Eric or whatever?
Chapter 15: what??is jessica playing with yuri's heart?
meltss #8
Hey guys :) I'm going to update soon :)
LuvSica #9
Aww too bad this fic seems abandoned, now I'll never know what the conversation between Yulsic would turn out to be :(
please update soon^^