
Don’t lose out of breath


Minhyun is running, but this time he knows exactly for how long he has been running. He also knows where.

But he still has the same thoughts in his mind. He can’t be late.

He can never be late.

Small drops of sweat are running down on Minhyun’s forehead. A mix of exhaustion and panic is rising in his chest.

The words from Aron’s phone call are still echoing in Minhyun’s mind:

‘Minhyun, you have to come to the hospital. It’s Minki. Please hurry…’

‘Okay, I’m on my way.’

Minhyun tried to not care about how panicked Aron sounded in the phone, but he couldn’t cut it out.

There were no calmer person than Aron in this world; if he sounded panicked something must be terribly wrong.

“Don’t be late” Minhyun said to himself. “Think of Minki”

Minhyun turned around the corner and rushed out in the highway without looking.

The last thing Minhyun remembers are cars honking to him and a white light from a car coming straight towards him.

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Tannie #1
Chapter 5: It's been 3 years and finally found your fic, OMG cant describe my feeling now :')
Thanks to you I've discovered many new things that are now good memories..
I just want to ask if I could translate your fic from this chapter into Vietnamese, please? The translator in my country had dropped...
Chapter 12: That's all? ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 2: So sad... but it's still a great story ㅠ ㅠ
take my tears T_T ...but yeah its good
Chapter 12: At first,I must appologise to u for my late cmt and subscribe... Sorry...I m so late... :(( I love MinRen with all my heart...So ur fanfic make my heart so hurt... I never feel this pain before... it feel like my heart brust out into pieces soon.... But the end make me a little fine... However,I really really love it... Pls more write minren fanfic more.... ^^
russian_girl #6
Chapter 12: Okay... very good =з

Interesting finale ...

Sorry, I'm not a critic, so do not criticize. Do not know how XD
loveghost #7
Chapter 12: It's finished already??WHYY?
lol jk xD aww this time Ren is the one running for Minhyun x3 its not their dream right? you didnt write minren are recover n fine so I'll just assume its happy ending and they are on a date!yippey!
Thanks for this awesome story!^^*
Chapter 12: Though I only found this story on chapter 11 I have enjoyed this one:D Hope to see another one sometime