
When did everything turn out so wrong?


Minhyun had been trying to flirt with Minki, but Minki was still being distant to Minhyun.

The time Minhyun remembers the most is when Minki was being asked about a person he thought was pretty. Minki answered that the thought T-ara’s Areum was a really pretty girl. Minhyun told Minki that he thought that Minki was prettier than Areum.

Minki had only looked at Minhyun as he rolled with his eyes and simply said “Idiot” to Minhyun.

That was when Minhyun learned to accept the fact that they had been growing apart from each other.


If Minki could travel in time, Minki would travel back to the day when he heard Minhyun speak to Aron. He didn’t want to hear Minhyun telling that he loves another person.

Minki had never been feeling so dead on the inside before in his whole life.


Minhyun thoughts his lungs was about to explode. He was breathing heavy and fast while he was studying Minki, who peacefully was looking over the dangerous and cold water.

Minhyun gazed over, to the other side of the road, where a group of girls was standing. They kept on yelling and Minhyun was being sure that they were yelling at both him and Minki. Probably fans.

Sadly enough, Minhyun didn’t have the courage to approach Minki now; it didn’t look like Minki was planning on doing anything stupid.

Maybe had they all misunderstood his note?


Girls, possibly fangirls of Nu’Est, were yelling from the opposite side of the road. Because of the sound of the cars and the distance, Minki couldn’t tell if they were fangirls or not.

Minki took a deep breath. The air was cold, almost icy; it felt like if he held the air into his lungs for a long time then his lungs would freeze.

Minki had been reflecting over his life; if this was a right decision to make. If he should return to the dorm or if he should jump.

Minki had thought about all those heartwarming smiles Minhyun had been giving him. Minki even remembered the time when he spoke to After School’s Lizzy about it.


“Noona?” Minki asked the three years old After School-member Sooyoung, also known as Lizzy, in the dace-local.

It was only the two of them there and Minki felt like he had to ease his heart on this point.

The always cheerful noona turned around. Her hair, loose brown curls, fell down on her shoulders and she smiled to her younger label-mate.

“What is it?” Sooyoung said with her Busan-accent. Compared to Minki and Minhyun, Sooyoung never tried to make the accent disappear. It was also a part of the charms of Sooyoung.

“I have a confession to make; I have been trying for a long time to… come out…” Minki swallowed.

“You mean that you’re homoual?” Sooyoung asked and hugged her friend.

Minki nodded, he bit his lower lip to not cry. This had been the easy part of his confession.

“I love someone. Someone that I shouldn’t love, someone I could risk my life for, someone I can’t live without” Minki’s voice was shaking as he spoke.

Sooyoung didn’t smile; she looked at Minki seriously as if she understood everything about what Minki was telling her.

Maybe she did understand.

“Who is it? Jonghyun? Dongho?” Sooyoung guessed.

Minki shook his head. “Minhyun… but he… likes Krystal from f(x)”

Sooyoung looked like she thought about what she should say next. And when she finally figured that out she smiled big towards Minki.

“If you really like him let him know. Feeling like this towards someone, you will only get one chance. If Minhyun is that person, don’t let him go away.” Sooyoung said and kissed Minki’s forehead before she added:

“Plus; if he likes Krystal, he has to wait until he meets her. She is a ” Sooyoung laughed and Minki laughed along with her.

Maybe, confessing wouldn’t be that bad anyway..?


There are times when Minki wonders why he didn’t confess. Sooyoung had been right; he would only get one chance to feel like this.

If Minhyun is that person, don’t let him go away’

Those words echoed inside Minki’s head. He shouldn’t have let the wall between him and Minhyun grow any thicker. When Minki began to treat Minhyun coldly, Minhyun began to act the same way back to Minki.

Why did the reality hurt so much?


Minhyun could handle a heart-ache; Minhyun had gone through it before. But seeing Minki like this, looking like a lost child without any home to come to, it hurt Minhyun from the inside.

Tears began to build up under Minhyun’s eyelids as he continued to watch the flawless profile of Minki, with Minki’s blonde hair blowing together with the blowing wind.

When Minki took one step up onto the railing Minhyun felt his heart race faster than ever before, Minki was going to jump!

“Stop!” Minhyun yelled without hesitation.


It’s now or never. Minki told himself that as he took one step on the railing. Tears were flowing down from his cheeks; he would now leave the life he had been treasuring for so long now.

“Stop!” A familiar and loved voice yelled on Minki.

Minki his head in the direction the words came from and he saw Minhyun standing there.

Minhyun’s eyes were just as red as Minki’s and Minhyun’s cheeks were just as wet from tears as Minki’s. They had both been crying.

“I can’t lose you” Minhyun stretched out his hand and took one step closer to Minki.

Minki looked down into the water, if Minhyun hadn’t yelled at him maybe he would been lying inside the cold water.  Dead.

Minhyun took a deep breath as tears began to roll down on his cheeks from his glassy eyes.

“Please, don’t jump”

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Tannie #1
Chapter 5: It's been 3 years and finally found your fic, OMG cant describe my feeling now :')
Thanks to you I've discovered many new things that are now good memories..
I just want to ask if I could translate your fic from this chapter into Vietnamese, please? The translator in my country had dropped...
Chapter 12: That's all? ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 2: So sad... but it's still a great story ㅠ ㅠ
take my tears T_T ...but yeah its good
Chapter 12: At first,I must appologise to u for my late cmt and subscribe... Sorry...I m so late... :(( I love MinRen with all my heart...So ur fanfic make my heart so hurt... I never feel this pain before... it feel like my heart brust out into pieces soon.... But the end make me a little fine... However,I really really love it... Pls more write minren fanfic more.... ^^
russian_girl #6
Chapter 12: Okay... very good =з

Interesting finale ...

Sorry, I'm not a critic, so do not criticize. Do not know how XD
loveghost #7
Chapter 12: It's finished already??WHYY?
lol jk xD aww this time Ren is the one running for Minhyun x3 its not their dream right? you didnt write minren are recover n fine so I'll just assume its happy ending and they are on a date!yippey!
Thanks for this awesome story!^^*
Chapter 12: Though I only found this story on chapter 11 I have enjoyed this one:D Hope to see another one sometime