


“Aron, can I have a word with you?” the manager closed the door to the loge to speak in private with Aron.

Aron turned around to look at the manager. “I did wrong, I know. But they asked stupid questions. Making lives hard for Minhyun and Minki. I will never accept that”


The manager hit Aron on the cheek. Aron backed two steps back and placed one hand on his cheek. It hurt so much.

“How do we know that they will survive? How do we know that Nu’Est ever will be the same again?” Aron cried.

The manager shook his head and put his hands in his pocket. “We can do nothing but pray”

Aron chuckled and fell down into the chair. He removed the hand of his cheek; he was red where the manager had hit him.

“I do pray… every single minute” Aron whispered, he began to sob lightly. “Every second… I think about them. I think about what I could’ve done different, if I could’ve prevented all this”

The manager sat down next to Aron. “Why are you blaming yourself?”

Aron leaned forward; he placed his elbows on his knees and rested his face in his hands.

“Because… I knew it all” Aron looked at the manager. “I knew about Minki’s feelings for Minhyun and Minhyun’s feelings for Minki, I knew about Minki sleeping with Jonghyun, I knew about Minki’s depression and his suicidal thoughts. But I didn’t do anything about it; I thought that it all would be okay in the end. I didn’t know”

Aron covered his face in his hands. “I didn’t know it would turn out like this”

The manager patted Aron in the back. “Don’t blame yourself; it will be fine… they will be fine”


Minki sat in a wheelchair next to the bed Minhyun was lying in. He was holding Minhyun’s cold hand while it with his thumbs.

“Why did you run? Why didn’t you call for a taxi?” Minki whispered to Minhyun.

Minhyun’s face was all white and he looked dead from here. Only the chest, which was moving up and down because of his breaths, indicated that he was alive.

“Keep on fighting Minhyun” Minki said and kissed Minhyun’s forehead.

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Tannie #1
Chapter 5: It's been 3 years and finally found your fic, OMG cant describe my feeling now :')
Thanks to you I've discovered many new things that are now good memories..
I just want to ask if I could translate your fic from this chapter into Vietnamese, please? The translator in my country had dropped...
Chapter 12: That's all? ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 2: So sad... but it's still a great story ㅠ ㅠ
take my tears T_T ...but yeah its good
Chapter 12: At first,I must appologise to u for my late cmt and subscribe... Sorry...I m so late... :(( I love MinRen with all my heart...So ur fanfic make my heart so hurt... I never feel this pain before... it feel like my heart brust out into pieces soon.... But the end make me a little fine... However,I really really love it... Pls more write minren fanfic more.... ^^
russian_girl #6
Chapter 12: Okay... very good =з

Interesting finale ...

Sorry, I'm not a critic, so do not criticize. Do not know how XD
loveghost #7
Chapter 12: It's finished already??WHYY?
lol jk xD aww this time Ren is the one running for Minhyun x3 its not their dream right? you didnt write minren are recover n fine so I'll just assume its happy ending and they are on a date!yippey!
Thanks for this awesome story!^^*
Chapter 12: Though I only found this story on chapter 11 I have enjoyed this one:D Hope to see another one sometime