
Share your pain with me


Minhyun has always hated the smell inside a hospital, the clean atmosphere but yet ill surroundings made Minhyun feel like he was about to go sick.

Nurses and doctors, both dressed in white with masks over their mouths, were running around in the halls. A few of them were holding medicines while others food and hospital-journals.

Nu’Est’s manager was standing right outside one room. He was walking back and forth over the floor. When he spotted the four boys he began to walk towards them.

“How is he?” Minhyun hurried to ask, he had been feeling this huge urge to show the others that he was caring for Minki more than Jonghyun was.

“He is still unconscious” manager informed.

Minhyun felt how his stomach was turning in-side-out. This couldn’t be true. Minki had to wake up.

“I need to speak to you later. Dongho said that you were the one that saw the accident. The police also wants to see you” the manager continued to speak to Minhyun.

But what the manager didn’t know was that he was speaking to deaf ears. Minhyun’s mind was somewhere else. He was thinking about Minki, who was lying there in his hospital-bed and fighting for his life. A life he didn’t want to return to.

“Minhyun, are you listening?” the manager asked. “Can you meet them tomorrow morning?”

Minhyun woke up from his thoughts and looked at his manager and nodded.

“Y-yeah, I’m listening. Tomorrow morning is fine” Minhyun said, even though he had no idea what he was supposed to do tomorrow morning.

Minhyun looked at Aron, a bit stressed out over the fact that he didn’t know what was happening.

“I’ll tell you about it later” Aron whispered to Minhyun. Aron seemed to be the only one that understood. And Minhyun couldn’t be happier that it was Aron right now.


The manager returned into the hospital-room where Minki was lying. Minhyun, Jonghyun and Dongho were sitting on four chairs outside the room.

Minhyun looked at the clock, it was 2 a.m. and he hadn’t got much sleep this night. But yet, he didn’t feel tired either.

Aron, who had been to the cafeteria for buying some snack for the members, returned with a chocolate-bar and a coke for each member.

“Here, we all need something to eat” Aron said.

Minhyun accepted the drink and snack but he didn’t eat it, like the other three was.

He knew that they were worried as well, but compared to them, he couldn’t seem to relax. Minhyun was waiting for the manager to come out and say that Minki was awake and that he wanted to see Minhyun.

Not Jonghyun, not Aron, not Dongho, not manager-hyung. But Minhyun and Minhyun only.

Minhyun hoped that Minki had understood Minhyun’s confession from before, when they were both standing on the bridge. It hadn’t seemed like a confession to Minhyun but it as Minhyun’s way to say that he loves him.

‘If I didn’t love you, do you think that I would run away just to save you?’

It all had been so confusing lately and Minhyun didn’t know what to do any longer.


Every part of Minki’s body was hurting; it was hurting so much that Minki was sure that he still was alive.

Minki slowly opened his eyes, even though she wanted to have them closed. He couldn’t sit up; it hurt too much in his back. But he could look around a little bit.

He noticed that he wasn’t in the dorm, which meant that he probably was in a hospital.

Minki’s thoughts got confirmed when a lady, all dressed in white and possibly was a nurse, came and looked at him.

“He’s awake” she said to someone.

“Good, you can leave the two of us alone for a bit” a very familiar voice replied. It was Minki’s manager.

Manager-hyung sat down on a chair next to the bed and studied Minki for a while. Minki wondered if he looked funny or something, since the man looked so surprised or something.

“This was something I… never had expected from you” manager-hyung said.

To be honest, Minki was also surprised. He had never thought himself that he would possibly try to commit suicide before.

“I’m sorry, I have been causing a lot of trouble and worry” Minki apologized, he didn’t feel guilty though.

“Not only for me. Your hyungs are worried for you as well. Minhyun ran away to save you”

Minki nodded, he knew that Minhyun had been worried.

“Is he… here?” Minki asked; Minhyun had suddenly corrupted his mind. It wasn’t something that Minki thought would happen but here he was.

Manager-hyung nodded. “The nurse said that you are strong enough for one meeting. Choose which one of them you want to see”

Minki thought about it for a while.

Should he take Minhyun, his love?

Jonghyun, the lover he never really loved?

Aron, a wonderful friend?

Or Dongho, his best friend?

For Minki, the choice was simple.


Manager-hyung stepped out of the room. He looked both happy and troubled at the same time.

“Minki is awake”

Minhyun felt a wave of relief shoot over him. Minki was awake; it all would be fine again. They could finally confess to each other.

“He wants to see Minhyun” manger-hyung continued.

Minhyun felt how his heart began to beat faster than it’s ever done before in his whole life.

He was seeing Minki, a person he was seeing every day, so why was he suddenly so nervous?


Minki was pale, his lips was white. Everything in Minki’s face was white, except one red scar he had on his lip. It was still bleeding.

Minhyun felt how his steps were getting heavier as he walked closer to Minki.

What would he say? How would he act? Would Minki understand Minhyun’s true feelings?

And most of all, would they get together now?

Minhyun sat down on the chair next to the bed and saw how Minki his head to Minhyun.

There was so much Minhyun wanted to say, but all he managed to say was:

“Are you… okay?”

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Tannie #1
Chapter 5: It's been 3 years and finally found your fic, OMG cant describe my feeling now :')
Thanks to you I've discovered many new things that are now good memories..
I just want to ask if I could translate your fic from this chapter into Vietnamese, please? The translator in my country had dropped...
Chapter 12: That's all? ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 2: So sad... but it's still a great story ㅠ ㅠ
take my tears T_T ...but yeah its good
Chapter 12: At first,I must appologise to u for my late cmt and subscribe... Sorry...I m so late... :(( I love MinRen with all my heart...So ur fanfic make my heart so hurt... I never feel this pain before... it feel like my heart brust out into pieces soon.... But the end make me a little fine... However,I really really love it... Pls more write minren fanfic more.... ^^
russian_girl #6
Chapter 12: Okay... very good =з

Interesting finale ...

Sorry, I'm not a critic, so do not criticize. Do not know how XD
loveghost #7
Chapter 12: It's finished already??WHYY?
lol jk xD aww this time Ren is the one running for Minhyun x3 its not their dream right? you didnt write minren are recover n fine so I'll just assume its happy ending and they are on a date!yippey!
Thanks for this awesome story!^^*
Chapter 12: Though I only found this story on chapter 11 I have enjoyed this one:D Hope to see another one sometime