Dancing Through Reality

His proposal....(Hiatus)



Eunhyuk finished the dance off and thanked everyone who had appeared at the rehearsal. The other Super Junior members collected their bags before saying goodbye and following their managers who were eager to get them showered and sent to their next schedules. Only he, Donghae and Heechul didn’t have any schedules at that time. Donghae’s variety show taping was for the evening and Sukira and Youngstreet were broadcasted late at night. Eunhyuk grabbed a towel out of his bag and dried the sweat of his body. His hair was all sweaty and hanging limply on his forehead, making Eunhyuk feel even more sticky. Donghae looked the same and Heechul had already run off to the showers to clean himself.

“What are you doing after?” Eunhyuk asked.

“I have an appointment with the hair stylists” Donghae replied, swinging his bag onto his back and walking towards the showers.

“Hmm, I think I should get a haircut” Eunhyuk said, blowing at his fringe.

After taking a quick shower in the building’s facilities, Eunhyuk and Donghae left the building to go to a nearby hair salon. The salon was actually owned by SM Entertainment and there was a designated floor for the hair stylist coordinators to work on the hair of celebrities while the ground level floor served as a salon for the public. Donghae and Eunhyuk walked up the stairs and found themselves face to face with a half of SM Town. They walked over to one of the couches and waited for one of the coordinators to be available. In one corner was SHINee getting their hair redyed and trimmed, f(x) was getting their hair ready for their comeback and SNSD was in one corner getting their hair dyed, cut or digitally permed. One of Super Junior’s favourite hair stylists, Yoomi, was currently working on Jessica’s hair. She had finished adding the rollers to Jessica’s hair and was adding the chemicals for the perm. Once Jessica’s hair was dripping wet she led her over to the perm machine and attached the rollers to the cords that would heat the hair up. The other SNSD members were already hooked up to the machine or were sitting in nearby chairs with dye and foil on their hair, chatting while they waited.

Jessica was the last person to be done from SNSD so Yoomi waved Eunhyuk and Donghae over to the empty seats.

Yoomi and Eunhyuk had graduated in the same school and in the same class but were not really that well acquainted. Eunhyuk was already focused on his dreams so his friends mainly came from his dance and singing groups. Yoomi had been very quiet during high school and was very different from what she looked like back then. She had been an obedient student, reluctant to break rules and eager to graduate so she could go to fashion school. In the past she had braces, glasses and her hair was always respectful to the school uniform policy. After she graduated she had left for Australia and had graduated with a degree in Hairdressing and Fashion Design. Though she had never really talked to Eunhyuk in high school she did feel attracted to him but her loyalty to her parent’s wishes was stronger than her feelings.

Eunhyuk sat down in one seat while Donghae took the other. He had seen Yoomi several times but hadn’t really acknowledged any female since a girl that he had secretly dated had broken his heart a few years ago. He didn’t know that they gone to high school together and was completely unaware that she was Kibum’s older cousin, a fact known to every other SM Town member. Yoomi was quite popular with the SM Town artists and was well known for being responsible for several artists hair. She was so good in fact that she was the only stylist that Heechul allowed to touch his hair which meant she was constantly with Heechul or Super Junior as a whole. Yoomi was the person who had suggested Heechul’s bright red hair during Don’t Don promotions and was also responsible for Kyuhyun’s curly hair during Sorry Sorry, just to name a few of her successes.

Before she did anything with the two boys’ hair she made a quick call to the head of the stylist department asking if there was anything specific that she couldn’t do as she knew that the two were going to be doing Super Junior M promotions in a few months. The head stylist replied that the decision was up to her but asked her to take a photo of her current hair colour. Confused by the request Yoomi took a photo of herself and sent it over. After two minutes she received a text telling her to change Donghae’s hair to the same colour. Yoomi shook her head and walked over to collect the hair dye to match her hair. During this Eunhyuk tapped his foot, his impatience increasing especially as he watched Yoomi taking photos of herself. Donghae was oblivious next to him as he was enjoying a game of Angry Birds on his Iphone. Yoomi returned with the right mixture of hair dye and began to wash Donghae’s hair. The two chatted happily as she dried his hair and applied the dye and when she finished she went over to Eunhyuk.

By this time Eunhyuk was annoyed so he just sat there frowning at his hair.

“Eunhyuk-ssi what’s wrong with your hair?” She asked.

Eunhyuk’s hair wasn’t that long yet and looked quite nice despite the fact that it was currently limp on his head.

“Can you cut it so my fringe isn’t in my forehead too much?” He asked, still in a grumpy mood.

Yoomi sensed his mood and decided to keep silent. She placed the cape around his neck, directed his head to a basin and grabbed the hose to begin washing his hair. Upon touching Eunhyuk’s hair she cringed as it was very oily even though he had just washed it. She grabbed the shampoo and conditioner and washed his hair thoroughly before raising him up and towel drying his hair. After she could no longer dry his hair with the towel she waited for it to air dry. Eunhyuk’s tension had lessened while Yoomi washed his hair as the massage she gave him was very relaxing. After grabbing a fresh towel Yoomi was about to continue drying his hair when Heechul came into the salon.

“Yoomi-ah! I can’t take it any longer! I want my hair to grow already” Heechul whined giving Yoomi pleading puppy dog eyes.

Yoomi laughed and replied, “Oppa, you were the one who told me to cut off your hair”

Heechul pouted and took the seat on the other side of Eunhyuk.

“I don’t like my hair” He said, folding his arms across his chest.

“Don’t worry, you still look very handsome” Yoomi reassured him teasingly.

“Of course I’m still handsome, I am way better looking than these two” He said pointing at Eunhyuk and Donghae.

Donghae chuckled to himself before returning to his game. Eunhyuk sat there, his impatience levels rising again while Heechul opened his Twitter to tweet about his hair dilemma. Yoomi finally dried of Eunhyuk’s damp hair and combed it to see how long and thick his fringe actually was. It wasn’t too bad but Yoomi could understand why it was bothering him so much. They were currently in the middle of the Super Show 3 tour so it would be annoying having sweaty hair all the time. She cut the sides and was about to start on his fringe when Taemin suddenly arrived at the salon.

“Noona!” He yelled to Yoomi before jumping on her and giving her a hug.

“Saengil Chukahae!” He cheered, “Neomu Yeppeo! Chincha!”

“Aww Taeminnie! Thank you” She said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Eunhyuk looked up guiltily at Yoomi, not realising what an important day this was for her. Everyone else seemed to know about it and it explained her high spirits during the day. There was even a small pile of gifts on the end of the counter near him. Yoomi smiled again before waving Taemin away and placing the gift on the counter. Donghae and Heechul looked over at Eunhyuk through the corners of their eyes as they had already given their presents earlier during the day. Yoomi walked over to the front of Eunhyuk and sat on a stool before brushing down Eunhyuk’s fringe. Because of their closeness Eunhyuk was forced to actually look at her for the first time since they had met.

They were close enough that Eunhyuk could see that her eyes were a very dark brown, so dark that her pupil’s almost disappeared. Her lips were small, pink and pouty. She had a cute button nose and a few fading scars that she had on her cheeks from pimples in her teenage year that were covered with BB Cream. Yoomi was unaware that Eunhyuk was currently observing her features and she continued cutting and thinning out his hair. When she got to his fringe she changed the way that it was parted and thinned it out a little. Standing up she brushed the stray hairs off of him and went over to a shelf to grab some styling products. When she returned she brushed his fringe up and sprayed some hairspray on to his hair. When Eunhyuk looked at himself in the mirror he looked completely surprised. With the new hair cut he felt refreshed and he looked different, it was better that the hair he had before. He stood up to thank her and found her already removing the foil from Donghae’s hair. He didn’t know why but this set a little spark of jealousy inside of him as he watched.

When Yoomi finished with Donghae’s hair that little spark grew a bit more. Donghae’s hair had been trimmed a little but it was now the same colour of Yoomi’s hair. Eunhyuk swallowed, noticing that they matched each other and turned away. Donghae and Eunhyuk thanked Yoomi and left for their separate schedules. When Eunhyuk arrived at the station for Sukira Leeteuk noticed his sad aura and decided to compliment his hair to cheer him up.

“New hairstyle?” Leeteuk asked.

““Yeah” Eunhyuk replied with no enthusiasm.

“Who did it?”

“Kim Yoomi did”

“I love her, she’s great with hair”

Eunhyuk cringed at the word love and turned away from Leeteuk. During the whole broadcast Eunhyuk acted all happy but when they got back to the dorm he went straight to his bed emotionally exhausted. Yoomi spent the rest of her birthday with her family and when she returned to her apartment she lay in bed wondering about Eunhyuk’s actions that day. Yoomi was great at guessing the feelings of those around her and had sensed the jealousy that was brewing in Eunhyuk. She wondered what he was jealous about. It couldn’t have been Donghae’s new hair as he was pleased with his own look. The only other reason he could think of was herself, but she couldn’t think of a reason why. In almost ten years he had never noticed her and she wondered why things has suddenly changed. She texted Sungmin and Heechul who were the only two that knew about her feelings for Eunhyuk and they both replied that they two didn’t understand what was going on with Eunhyuk.

The next day was a free day for most of the members and Eunhyuk woke up restless from a sleepless night. The name Kim Yoomi had repeated in his head and gave a feeling him a feeling that he had known her in the past. He decided to ask the other members about it at breakfast.

“How did we meet Yoomi again?”

“Which one, the event coordinator or the hair stylist?” Sungmin asked.

“Hair stylist”

“Kibum introduced her to us remember?” Yesung answered.


“She’s Kibum’s older cousin” Sungmin said taking a closer look at Eunhyuk to see if he was okay.

“How come I didn’t know about this?”

“What do you mean? You went to high school with her and Xiah Junsu” Ryeowook exclaimed, shocked at his hyung.

Eunhyuk suddenly returned to his room and took out a folder that contained all of his high school photos. When he reached the class photos from his final year and his graduation pictures he looked at them in shock. Yoomi had changed so much since high school and he was frustrated to not be able to recall a single clear memory of her in the past. Sungmin walked into his room to find him staring at Yoomi’s photo.

“What’s wrong?” Sungmin asked.

“I don’t know” Eunhyuk whispered back.

Eunhyuk sitting on the floor in shock. How had he lived the past few years without noticing her? He suddenly felt ashamed because he knew of the good bonds the members had with her. Yoomi probably thought he didn’t like her which was why she didn’t introduce herself as a former classmate of his. It also explained why Kibum was sometimes awkward to be with and Eunhyuk’s guilt suddenly grew. He decided to be nicer to Yoomi in case it wasn’t too late to become friends with her to make up for all the years he had basically ignored her existence.

When Sungmin noticed he had suddenly snapped out of the daze he was in he patted him on the back and pulled him out of the room. Zhoumi who had just arrived had brought a note from their manager telling them that Henry and Ryeowook needed to go to the hair salon to have their hair cut. Eunhyuk volunteered to go with them and found himself back on a chair in the salon waiting for Yoomi. Yoomi walked in and was greeted by Henry and Ryeowook who gave her a hug. She dragged Ryeowook and Henry to two chairs and started spraying Ryeowook’s hair to dampen it. She only had to trim Ryeowook’s hair this time as she already dyed it before and the only problem was that it was getting to ridiculously long. After finishing Ryeowook she grabbed playfully grabbed Henry’s Iphone off of him and tossed it to Eunhyuk who caught it and sat back down. Eunhyuk laughed and smiled at her before sitting back down to continue playing the game that Henry had started on his phone.

Yoomi began dyeing Henry’s roots that were beginning to show some regrowth. While waiting for the dye to take effect she left Henry and Ryeowook and shyly approached Eunhyuk with two cans of coke. Eunhyuk was currently winning in Angry Birds but when he heard the clicks of Yoomi’s shoes against the floor he miscalculated the slingshot and lost the game. He placed the phone down in frustration to find Yoomi looking at him.

“Do you like your hair now?” Yoomi asked giving him a small smile.

“Yes it’s better than how it was before” He replied before gesturing to the seat on the couch.

Yoomi sat at next to him and handed him the coke before checking the time so she would know when to return to Henry. She opened the can and took a sip shivering slightly at the sudden fizz. Eunhyuk opened his can as well and stared at the brown liquid inside.

“How was your birthday yesterday” He asked, grasping at ideas for a conversation.

“It was good” She replied feeling awkward.

Both drank their drinks not really sure on how to continue the question.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me you went to school with me?” Eunhyuk suddenly asked.

Yoomi stared at him, not sure on how to reply.

“Well....” she started, “We never really talked back in high school so I didn’t think it was that important to mention.”

Eunhyuk looked back into his drink feeling very guilty. Yoomi probably thought he was one of those typical stars that shut down their past once they got famous.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were Kibum’s cousin then?” He asked quietly.

Yoomi looked at his bent head in disbelief at his question.

“Kibum introduced me to all of you during the promotions for Haengbok, you were there”

“I...” Eunhyuk began, he didn’t know what to say and felt ashamed of himself.

How had he lived his life without not noticing a person who was the cousin of one of his friends. Tears started forming in his eyes and he blinked quickly not wanting Yoomi to see him crying. Yoomi left to go finish Henry’s hair while Eunhyuk thought of the past few years. After finishing with Henry she walked back to Eunhyuk and tapped him on the shoulder to tell him that they were done. When Eunhyuk looked back up at her she took a step back surprised at the tears forming in the corner of his eyes and walked into Ryeowook. She apologised and walked with them to the exit to find that there weren’t any taxi’s around.

“I’ll bring you guys home” She said.

“Noona, it’s okay we can find a taxi somewhere else.” Ryeowook replied.

“No I need to go to the dorms anyway” She said firmly before Ryeowook or Henry could begin doing aegyo to convince her otherwise.

After re-entering the salon she grabbed some files and led them to the staff car park. When they arrived at the dormitory building she parked in the underground parking and walked into the elevator with the three boys. Ryeowook and Henry were frantically texting the other members to clean up the dorm and to put on some clothes just in case they had decided to stay topless in the warm day. When they reached the eleventh floor dorm they found all of the members including Kibum and Siwon already convened in the lounge area. Yoomi waved at them before being attacked by Kibum who pulled her into a hug.

“Noona! I miss you so much!” He yelled in glee, shocking everyone from the change in his quiet personality.

Eunhyuk woke up from his sad state and laughed with the other members at Kibum who had was now swinging Yoomi round and round until the two were dizzy enough and collapsed on the ground.

“Kibum-ah!” Leeteuk laughed at loud before pulling Yoomi off the floor and into a hug. The rest of the members passed her around acting adorably jealous before Heechul pulled her out of their arms and hugging her possessively.

“Yah! She’s my hairdresser” Heechul cackled before losing her to Kibum who hugged her even more possessively than Heechul.

“She’s my Noona! Right?” He turned to his cousin expecting her to say yes.

Yoomi decided to be as evil as Kyuhyun and released herself from his arms before running to Eunhyuk and Donghae and hiding behind them.

“Yah! You think I’m still your Noona after you don’t contact me for a month?” She laughed.

The rest of Super Junior fell to the ground laughing while Kibum sulked in a corner. Donghae, Eunhyuk and Yoomi laughed the hardest and Yoomi found herself on the floor with Eunhyuk’s arms around her waist trying to help her stand up again. Once she gained control she felt his arms tightly on her waist and started blushing very noticeably. Kibum looked over at the two and frowned, he knew Yoomi’s feelings for Eunhyuk but wasn’t keen of the idea of the two together because he had never actually seen Eunhyuk acknowledge her in the years that he had known him. Kibum decided to test if Eunhyuk had any feelings for her and once everyone was settled he decided to compliment Donghae and Yoomi in front of Eunhyuk.

“Donghae hyung! When did you get your hair dyed? It makes you and Yoomi look perfect together” He said winking at the members so they would catch onto his plan.

Yoomi looked at him confused while Eunhyuk’s hand curled up into a fist.

Donghae played along in a more subtle way, “Yoomi did it for me”, he replied as though she hadn’t been asked to by the hair department.

Yoomi frowned, she had caught onto Kibum’s plan faster than he had expected and glared at him before pulling out several files out of her bag. Kibum didn’t care, Eunhyuk’s jealousy obviously meant something so he let it slide.

“The stylist deparment sent over the designs for your next outfits and I have a little special something for you guys” She said trying to lift the mood that had suddenly become intense.

She passed out the member’s individual files before pulling out another folder filled with her own personal designs. After everyone had flicked through their files and seen their outfits plans they all looked pointedly at the folder in Yoomi’s hands. Yoomi decided to be a tease and opened it slowly before ‘pretending’ that she pulled out the wrong folder. She herself was very excited and she pulled out a varsity jacket from her bag and passed it to Leeteuk who caught it. After untangling it from the small ball it was in all the members looked at the jacket in awe. It had a crest of Super Junior on it and looked simply amazing.

“Yoomi-ah, this looks beautiful” Leeteuk cried, tears of happiness appearing on his face.

He pulled her into a hug before passing the jacket to the other members. They all look at the jacket, touched that she would design something wonderful for them. Heechul was emotional and this was apparent in the way he hugged her in a more affectionate way. Eunhyuk looked at the jacket and pulled her into a hug before realising that this was the first time he had done so. Eunhyuk looked down at her hair realising how perfect her height was for him. Yoomi froze a little before feeling his heartbeat which had quickened. The hug was cut short though by the magnaes who pulled her into one big hug which the rest of the members joined in.

“I’ll get the rest of the jackets made before Super Show 3 in Japan” She said, happy for them.

“Who gets the first jacket?” Heechul asked, wiping his tears.


Everyone looked at her in shock, especially Heechul and Eunhyuk. They were all expecting the jacket to go to Heechul, Kibum or to Donghae who were the closest to her. Yoomi realised this and coughed a little.

“Unnie lent me his clothes so I used his measurements” she lied.

She was actually Eunhyuk’s and Donghae’s outfit coordinator but she had kept this secret even from Heechul. Eunhyuk took the jacket from Zhoumi and gave her another hug to Super Junior’s amusement before looking down to hid the blush on her face.

Later that night when Yoomi had left for her own apartment Eunhyuk sat down in his room thinking.

“What is wrong with me?” He asked out loud.

Donghae walked into his room and sat down on his bed.

“What do you mean Hyukkie?” Donghae asked him.

“After all these years after breaking up with her, why has it taken so long for me to notice Yoomi? I mean, she’s always with us. I think yesterday was the first time I actually looked at her.”

“Well that just means you finally let your heart be open again after what happened. So does that mean you’ve fallen for her?”

“Who has fallen for who?” Kibum asked before joining Donghae on the bed.

Eunhyuk gulped before answering, which caused Kibum to stare at him.

“I think I’m falling for Yoomi” Eunhyuk told him.

As expected Kibum narrowed his eyes at his hyung.

“Do you mean it?”

“I don’t know it seems so sudden” Eunhyuk replied avoiding Kibum’s eyes.

“Well, she’s older than me so you don’t need my permission” Kibum said.

Eunhyuk looked at Kibum in surprise. Kibum nodded at him and walked off to the other dorm to go to sleep. Donghae grabbed Eunhyuk and pulled him onto the bed with him.

“If we both get rejected this year we still have each other right?” He smirked before ‘lovingly’ wrapping an arm around Eunhyuk’s waist.

“Yah! Get off my bed” Eunhyuk joked, “You’re not going to get Haneul if this is how you’re going to act”

Donghae poked his tongue at him before walking off to his own room. Eunhyuk turned off the lights before falling asleep on his bed.

Over the next few weeks Eunhyuk was able to see Yoomi almost every day she had been scheduled to do their clothes and makeup for every appearance or performance. Eunhyuk made sure to pay attention to her and found it easy to become close to her as he found out that the two actually had a lot in common. On one day Eunhyuk found out that Yoomi knew the entire choreography to most of Super Junior’s songs and enjoyed rapping all of Eunhyuk’s parts when he overheard the stylist coordinators singing and dancing in the dressing rooms waiting for Super Junior to return. During another occasion Eunhyuk saw Yoomi sipping strawberry milk as she styled Heechul’s hair. After pestering Kibum for information he found out that she also refused to drink alcohol or smoke.

On the day of their flight to Japan Super Junior members wore their new Super Junior varisty jackets and met a large group of staff at the Incheon Airport. There were a lot more people on this tour than usual as the three day concert meant that some of the stylists would be working overtime to meet the needs of a hectic schedule. Eunhyuk was relieved to see Yoomi there even though he already knew that she would be part of the stylist team for every Super Show 3 concert that followed until the end of the tour. SM entertainment had hired a plane to transport everybody so there wasn’t any issues with seating arrangements or disturbing the passengers on the plane. Once they boarded Heechul grabbed Eunhyuk and Yoomi and placed them on seats next to each other while sitting next to Donghae. Yoomi blushed and pretended to act irritated with Heechul who told her to be quiet.

As it was early morning and Yoomi had been working late last night for SNSD she found herself slowly falling asleep. Eunhyuk noticed this too and nudged her until her head fell on his shoulder. Donghae and Heechul were pretending to be asleep and when they saw this Donghae handed money over to his hyung and rolled his eyes. When Yoomi woke up from the flight two hours later she found herself on a sleeping Eunhyuk’s shoulder. Eunhyuk was actually pretending to be asleep as he had been watching her sleep the entire time and didn’t want to get caught in the act. While he had watched her sleep he had heard her mumbling something but the only words he could understand were ‘monkey’, ‘Eunhyuk’, ‘pabo’, and ‘saranghae’. Eunhyuk really wanted to know what she was dreaming of and his imagination was creating several scenarios in his brain. Once Yoomi lifted her head from his shoulder he turned slightly and wrapped an arm around her waist before whispering, ‘i like you’. Yoomi heard this and tried to get a closer look at his face but couldn’t as the airport chair and Eunhyuk’s position didn’t allow for much movement. She felt her face getting warmer and decided to let Eunhyuk sleep the way he was as she stared out of the plane window.

When the plane landed Eunhyuk pretended to wake up and let go of Yoomi before stretching his arms. He had listened to her heart and had been amused when it had sped up or slowed downed when he had made little movements. The rest of the members laughed at the two before showing several pictures that they had secretly taken during the course of the flight. The two blushed and avoided looking at each other while they waited to get off the plane. After leaving the airport the entire SM crew departed for the Yokohama Arena via several buses after Super Junior was able to get through the large number of fans that were waiting for them. At the Arena the light and music technicians began testing the equipment, the Super Junior members began warming up for rehearsals on stage and the stylist coordinators went backstage to set up the dressing rooms and to organise everything for the concert tomorrow. Yoomi opened the dressing room for the members and dragged a suitcase filled with several boxes of makeup in it. She opened them and set them out on various tables set up for each member before taking out all the make-up brushes and setting them as well. After checking that all the make-up was in place she helped out another coordinator distribute several hair straighteners and hair curlers before pulling out a box of more than twenty cans of hairspray.

When she was finished another coordinator walked over to check that they hadn’t missed anything and she walked over to help the other coordinators take several boxes of clothing with the members names on it and to bring several racks into the room. There was a coordinator for each member to save time so they all grabbed a box and a rack. Yoomi found herself with Heechul’s clothing and after opening the box she placed the clothes on the rack before pulling out a folder that had the specific order that the clothes were to be hung to make it easier to change during the concert. Yoomi found that a lot of the clothes were not in order and started changing the positions of the clothes. After she triple checked that she had the right order she grabbed a sign that had Heechul’s name on it and hung it on the rack so his clothes would not be mixed up with anybody elses.

After several hours of checking that the make-up wasn’t expired, cleaning the make-up brushes, setting up a mini refrigerator with energy filled food and drinks and other tasks the coordinators closed the dressing room and walked over to the seats to watch Super Junior finish off their rehearsals. It was quite late by now and everyone wanted to get out of the arena. The technician and the other coordinators had places they wanted to see but Yoomi had already been there so she refused and joined Eunhyuk, Donghae, Leeteuk and Heechul to a bar. Thankfully the bar was quiet so Yoomi was relieved that she had joined them instead of going on a sightseeing tour with the rest of the staff. She took out a camera and gestured for the four to pose. After taking the picture she clicked on the view button and showed it to them.

“Oppa! You look so handsome” She squealed.

Eunhyuk, Leeteuk and Heechul looked at her.

“Which oppa?” Heechul asked playfully.

Eunhyuk was about two months older than her so they had already established what they should address each other. As Heechul expected Yoomi blushed and to hide this she laughed and said,

“All of you look handsome, including you Donghae-ah”

A man suddenly approached her and asked her in Japanese if she wanted a drink. Yoomi knew a little conversational Japanese and politely declined but he kept on insisting. The other members couldn’t understand a word but Eunhyuk recognised some of the phrases from the Japanese animes he used to watch.

“Leave her alone” He told the man in Japanese.

“Why should I?” The man retorted glaring at him.

“Because she’s my girlfriend” Eunhyuk replied before grabbing Yoomi’s shoulder and turning her away from the man.

Yoomi had lost track of the conversation as she couldn’t understand it anymore but she could feel that the man had finally given up on offering her a drink. She turned to Eunhyuk who still had his arm around her.

“What did you say to him?”

“I told him to leave you alone” Eunhyuk said.

“What was the second thing you said to him”

“That you were my girlfriend”

Yoomi blushed and pretended to act all carefree, “You wish”

“Actually I do” Eunhyuk told her and leaned in to kiss her.

Eunhyuk and Yoomi almost kiss but were interrupted by three camera flashes. Eunhyuk pulled away and turned to look at the three who were looking at the phones with glee. Heechul showed Yoomi his phone and she saw a picture that looked like they had kissed. Leeteuk and Donghae laughed at the two before sending out a mass text to the other members, making sure to send several to Kibum. Yoomi laid her head on Eunhyuk’s chest in embarrassment and felt Eunhyuk’s lips against her cheek.

“I think I found what I had been looking for my entire life”

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fizz-peaze #1
finished your review...
13elieveinprom15es #2
gnawww so cuute!! ^^
awwwwww, hangeng (: so sweet !
HEEismylife #4
and by the way chingu, maybe u meant UMMA..hehehe..they kinda mixed up..<br />
<br />
“Siwon was labled Appa and you were named APPA by the fans. Haven’t you ever heard of HanSiChul?”
HEEismylife #5
OMG! i was smiling the whole time i was reading this! gahd..it's so beautifully written..the story's so original and very light to read..made me very very very happy..awww..i'm so happy coz hangeng has gotten over with his problems..and gahd! hanchul will forever exist! kyahaha..even with wives and children, hanchul will never fade..LOL it doubled my happiness coz there are mentions of hanchul..kyahaha..awww..and hangeng referring heechul as his wife is really cute..hahaha..aww..i hope this story would come to life so that everybody would be happy..:D great work chingu..i so love you! :D i'll wait for the kyu proposal..hehehe..i won't get over this chapter, ever! really really good..can't stop praising it..LOL
hahahha (:< oh eunhae (x so dorky you two :)<br />
reilajoongie #7
I'm a new reader^^ wow this is sooo cute! I loved the hanchul one keke. You're very talented in writing!
HEEismylife #8
kyaaaaaa~~ really really cute eunhae..and heechul shouting "i'm a man" is unusually hilarious..haha! :D i don't know why i find it funny..kekeke..and hell yeah, chullie trained kyu so well..evil brothers rule! :b
HEEismylife #9
haha! :D cute yesung..i love his character here..kekeke..and heechul's acting diva again..LOL i like this chappie! and eunhae teaching dogs how to 'sing' sorry2 is just sooooo cute! i'm so imagining it already..LOL and sungmin's "who was having " is so epic! haha! :D great job chingu! write more..:D
HEEismylife #10
omo! i can't help but smile in teukie and taehee's story..i think they look great together! haha..:D and heechul is so--i can't explain..i'll die if he gets married..but it's for his happiness anyway..kekeke..i wanna see him getting shy! LOL he'll look so cute, i wanna pinch his cheeks..kekeke..nice chappie chingu! :D