Chapter 12

Help Me Win Umma's Heart
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Lunch with SooSica and Hara

The three women went to a nearby restaurant to have their lunch. Sooyoung sat in front of Hara with Jessica beside her. The waiter arrived and handed them the menu. The waiter left them for a while to decide and after a few minutes the waiter came back with a pad and a pencil on his hand waiting to write down their orders.

“I’ll have the usual” Hara said

“How about for the two ladies?” the waiter turned her head to SooSica

“I’ll have today’s special with this this this and this” Sooyoung said as she pointed the things she wanted

“How about you ma’am?” the waiter eyed Jessica

“I’ll have today’s special too” Jessica then gave a small smile to the waiter who left after

Not long their food arrived.

“It’s really nice that Miss Jung can join us Soo”

What the--? Soo? How dare this peasant?!-Jessica

“Yeah I still have to force her actually” the two laughed except Jessica who have this poker face

“Anyway how’s your vacation?” Sooyoung asked as she sliced the food in her plate to bite size,

Jessica was just poking her food losing her appetite after hearing Hara’s endearment to Sooyoung.

“It was fun but I missed working for you” Hara flirted openly which caused Jessica to tighten her fist trying to calm herself down. She doesn’t want to cause any trouble inside a restaurant also the fact that she and Sooyoung came from a well-known family and she doesn’t want to cause any thing that could tarnish their reputation.

“Really now?” Sooyoung smirking raising an eyebrow. She already finished cutting her food. She then took Jessica’s plate and gave the blonde the already cut one.

“Eat” Sooyoung gave Jessica a small smile

“Thanks” Jessica returned the smile and finally started eating

“I guess I have a tough opponent eh?” Hara said felling a bit jealous

“She’s my fiancé Hara, of course she’s tough” Sooyoung said taking Jessica’s free hand to calm the latter.

“But it’s pretty obvious I’m winning Hara” Jessica said smirking at the girl in front of Sooyoung

“Don’t be too sure Miss Jung” Hara challenged Jessica

On the other hand Sooyoung who was eating felt the tense atmosphere around her. She stopped eating and looked at the two.

“If you ask me the two of you will never beat the owner of my heart” Sooyoung said having a proud smile

“OWNER!?” the two said in sync

“Yup, my one and only TIPPANY!!” She then meronged at the two as she continued eating. The two were just puzzled at Sooyoung.

Back to the office after lunch

Sooyoung’s office

“Soo” Jessica poked the busy Sooyoung on the shoulder with a pen. Jessica was sitting beside Sooyoung and was feeling bored and tired since she already finished her part of the work.

“Um?” Sooyoung said not lifting her eyes from her laptop

“Play with me?” Jessica laid her head on the table looking at Sooyoung as she continued poking the tall girl.


“Can we play after you work?”

“Yeah sure” Sooyoung was still busy pressing the keys on her laptop. Jessica then took some of the files and help Sooyoung on her work. Not long the two finished all the stuff they need to do.

“Can we play now?” Jessica said tossing the last file on their shared table.

“Sure” Sooyoung said after closing her laptop and standing up to walk to the sofa in their office. Jessica joined her sitting on the other side lifting her legs and resting them on Sooyoung’s lap.

“What do you wanna do?” Sooyoung said leaning her head back on the sofa

“Make out?”

“Jung” She looks at Jessica seriously

“How about we plan for the upcoming weekend?”

“What do you wanna do then?”

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Gaejihyo815 #1
Chapter 30: This kid Taeny is really cute! It was refreshing pairing for them to be kids of others, something different from the rest of the Taeny stories!
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 30: Waaaah! Done reading this nice story author!!! Moreee! :D
Chapter 30: Kid Tae is so hilarious HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GOSH I love kids generation. Great story author-ssi !
Chapter 1: *i mean i can let out laugh just read one chap author ._.
Sorry for wrong writing hohoho... probably of still awake in late night >_<"
I will continue read this hehehe...
Chapter 1: Woahhh... this is so funny and cute! XD
Im happy can read this one shot hahaha...
Love this author^^ nice story... love jeti and soo here... 2 american girls... vs 1 korean girl kekekek
sone_soshi42 #6
omo.. taeny is sssssooooo cute... hahahha.. and hyoyeon she's sooo funny.. I can imagine them beig a kindergarten.. hahahha
Chapter 30: this is sooooooo cute.
Chapter 30: woah this whole story is a jjang, really..i love the flow of the you did a great job :)