One Shot - Teen Top - LJoe and his FRIEND

A Compilation of One Shots

Teen Top is going to America, here in California! I am so excited. I've been a fan of those kids like FOREVER.! I'm finally going to meet them! I wonder how LJoe's been. I haven't seen him in years.

"KAREN!" that's my mom.

"Nae, eomma?!" I said going down the stairs.

"Byunghun's mom called. He said they would be hear in 30 minutes. You better get ready," said mom fixing the table.


Okay. I didn't listen to mom anymore. I went to my room running and choosing some comfortable house clothes. I AM SO EXCITED.!

I was almost ready when I heard our front door open. IS IT THEM ALREADY?! I went out my room and looked down from the stairs. Aaaw. Just my older brother. His name is Minhyuk. English name is James.

"Hey Karen. Are you excited?" he said.
"Of course, I am. I want to see Byunghun and Chunji so bad," I said pouting. Chunji's my bias. <3

"HEY! I told you not to call me Byunghun!"

A head popped from my brother's side wearing a grin.


I shouted running down the stairs and giving him the tightest hug I can ever give. He hugged me back.

"Kim Minyoung. I missed you," he said in my ear. He has always been so sweet.
"Yah! Look at you! You didn't even grow taller!" I said.

Then I saw his mom and dad behind him. "Mr. and Mrs. Lee!" I said hugging Mrs. Lee.

The Lees have become my second family. They were our neighbors before and Byunghun was a classmate of mine. I seldom saw them when they went back to Korea. I wish we could, too.

And just like a dream, I saw the other Teen Top members behind them. Oh gosh. There's Chanhee! *O*

We let them all in and led to the living room.

"This room hasn't changed. Except for the piano. You finally put it down here," said LJoe touching the keys.
"Yeah," I said.
"Guys, this is my friend, Minyoung. She's called Karen here," said LJoe putting his arm around my shoulder.
"Hello, noona," said Niel smiling at me.
"Hi! I'm a fan," I said.
"Yeah. LJoe told us. You're childhood friends?" asked CAP. He looks really cool in person.
"Sort of. She's my reliever. I was bullied at school, I bully her here," said LJoe with a grin. I glared at him and he stopped. "It was just a joke, Minyoung," he said.
"You two look good together," said Chunji. He really is an angel.
"Don't make me throw up," said LJoe. This guy. -.-
"Why you... I'll make mom dig up some child photos of you," I said stomping my feet to the kitchen.
"I want to see!" said Ricky. I like this kid.
"Yah! Kim Minyoung! Andwae!" shouted LJoe and grabbing my arm.
"What's all the shouting there?" shouted my mom from the kitchen.
"Lee Byunghun! Are you maing fun of Minyoung in front of your friends again?" said Mrs. Lee.
"No, mom. We were just having fun," said LJoe.
"Geojitmareun," said Changjo putting his hands behind his head.

LJoe gave him a death glare. He pulled me to the sofa and made me sit. I put my feet up and did and indian sit.

"Do you fight a lot?" asked CAP.
"Only when I say I'll expose his childhood photos," I said.
"Aish! Shikkeurreo, Minyoung-ah!" said LJoe.
"I bet hyung was cute," said Niel.
"Oh. Anya. It's the other way around," I said laughing.




Updated again.!!! Wah.! I can't update my other fanfics yet. I'm finishing one up. And I'm really determined to finish that one. Please support me and comment below please. !!! :* Thank you..

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