Chapter Twenty-Two - Finding Pikachu

Be His Slave to Protect My Best Friend
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“PIKACHU!!!!!” Jiyeon shouted around the house but he didn’t show up.

“PIKACHU!!” She sniffed. “CHUUUUUU!!!!!!”

“What happened, Jiyeonie?” Jieun saw her looking around the house and asked her.

“Jieunie…” She cried. “Chu…”

“Why? Where’s Pikachu?” Jieun patted her back.

“Chu is gone…” Jiyeon bawled even louder.

“WHAT?” Jieun finally understood the situation. “Did you search the whole house?”

Jiyeon nodded her head and continued crying.

“Don’t cry now… You have to find Pikachu!” Jieun wiped her tears and pulled her up on her feet. “You have to find all the way back to school, alright?” Jieun guided her. “I will look around the neighborhood!” Jiyeon nodded her head and dashed out of her house.

“CHU!!! CHU!!!” She kept on shouting all the way from her house to school but her Pikachu did not show up at all.

“CHU!” She finally reached her school and dashed inside. Even though the gates are closed, she still climbed over. She didn’t care anything else but her Pikachu now.

She ran around the whole school, even into the male washroom, but found nothing.

“Noo…. Chu… Where are you?” She cried out desperately, sitting down against a wall in a corridor.

“Chu~~~” She continued crying and crying for about an hour. She suddenly thought of that one guy. She dashed out off the school, not stopping even if she fell down and hurt her knee. Her knee cap’s already bleeding but she didn’t care. Her destination is that guy’s house and she didn’t intend to stop.

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Chapter 31: Awww!!! So cute~~ I lobe pikachu !!!!
Chapter 1: Oh my god! Pikachu!! ><~ I want to be pika's friend too. Pikachu is soooo cute!
honoki #3
relationship between slave and her master
Chapter 1: Omg having Pikachu as a bestfriend in a kpop fanfic is one of the most random things I've ever encountered.. like sure pikapika
Chapter 31: Morning Paris baby :3
Jisoo ♡
Pikachu ♡
Aha Everyone is so cute in the ending ~
Chapter 30: Whinny Myungie :3
Aha Jealous Pikachu ♡
Aha Wedding day ~
Bye bye you two ! :3
Chapter 29: Sad Ji ..
Surprise !
Pikachu :3 ♡
Chapter 28: Jieun to attack !
Kim Myungsoo is the fiancé ! Knew it !
Ji is crying ..
Chapter 27: Aha Lovely moment with Pikachu and INFINITE ~
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Plus the boyfriend doesn't even care ..
Chapter 26: Childish Myungie :3
Ji is pretty ~♡