Getting Ready

Hush hush


Hi guys!! Sorry for going MIA on this story for awhile. Mian~ Holidays has started for a week and I'm getting reallly lazy. I'll try my best!! Oh yea, and from now on, when its in Your P.O.V, it will be either I or you, but mostly I will put it as you. Thanks for the understanding!!
Kai's P.O.V
She wouldn't agree. Would she?
Aish! Why am I even I thinking of her! I've only might her once and... and... Nevermind.
"I'm back!" Great. Mr annoying-the-crap-out-of-me is back.
Lay's P.O.V
Great. First thing I see, is a waiting umma. Never really a good sign, i can say. "She's back safely right? You didn't do anything to her right? Did you go anywhere else? Is her -"
"Everything's okay. She's home."
Kai's P.O.V
Haha. Serves him right. D.O, shoot away.  Wait, what. Where did they go?! Nowhere? What a relieve...
~Fast forward to three days later~
   - In the morning -
Nobody's P.O.V
"Boys, wake up!" 
Nobody moved from the comfort of their beds, except Suho, who was seated at the table, having his morning coffee. D.O sighed. Lay and Kai was always the most difficult to wake up. Suho chuckled at D.O and called out. "Boys! Minzy is here! She's been waiting for the past 15 mins!" 
Struggles were heard as Lay and Kai scrambled around to prepare, much to D.O's amusement. 5 mins later, both of them appeared at their respective room doors and rushed down, growling as their heads collided. "Where is she?" they chorused. 
Suho chuckled and grinned. "Aigoo, my boys, all grown up, vying(is that even a word?) for the same girl. I was just kidding, she's not here. Now sit down and have your breakfast."
"Hyung!" Both if them whined.
"Hey! That was my line!"
"No! I said it first!"
"Seriously guys! Chill! Are you even 18?!" D.O shooked his head and pushed them to the table.
"Speaking of you guys being 18, School is going to start, we're going to buy the stuff needed."
~Meanwhile, in Minzy's place~
"Minzy-ah... Wake up. We have to buy things for school. The holidays are over soon~" Luhan cooed.
Mumbling, Minzy turned over, burying her face in her pillows. Luhan sighed, before calling Sehun over. "Sehunnie, you do it. I can never wake her up." Nodding, Sehun giggled to himself, before jumping on her bed. "Wakey wakey! We made pancakes with butter and maple syrup and hot chocolate for breakfast! If you don't wake up, I'm going to finish yours!"
In just a second, you shot up from bed and started whining immediately. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier! Shoo! I need to change!"
Both of them quickly left, due to your whining. Luhan shook his head before speaking. "If I had knew that, it would have had saved me so much trouble."
>Skip to an hour later<
      -In the car-
Your P.O.V
"Oppa... What happens if we see Chanyeol oppa? I don't know what to do... ottokae?" you timidly squeaked out.
"Yah! Are you forgetting about your two lovely oppas?"They both chimed.
"Him!"  -They both took turns to finish the sentence.
"Aish oppa! Just say it once!"
"We were saying it once~ We didn't repeat~" Sehun cooed.
Dun Dun Dun~~ 
School = More unfolding drama :D
heheh ~^^~ Can't wait for Lay and Kai's reaction, can we? 
By the way, the vampires and werewolves are archenemies~~ They can pretty much sense each other. ~huhuhu~
Vampires & Werewolves in the same school = Much, much, much, more drama^^ Looking forward to it?
Silent readers out there!! Don't just read silently! Suscribe and Comment!! ><
Lastly, on a note. 
- Again, I'm really sorry for not updating frequently.정말 미안해!
 Also, I'm going for a holiday on the 15th June, so I will be updating really slow, again, 
정말 미안해!! 
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Thank You Banana Graphics, for the awesome poster!!!


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chaniechanXOXO #1
Chapter 18: I want her to be with Lay
EverlastingExoticElf #2
Chapter 18: Aigooooo Has she really just gave up on channie? its KaiXing noww

and lol some random classmate to invoke jealousyyyyy!! xD
EverlastingExoticElf #3
Chapter 16: Aigo aigooooo they fight to be with her???? :OO omonaaaaa
EverlastingExoticElf #4
Chapter 13: Ahahahahhaa they're latee! ><'

nawww have fun! :D
EverlastingExoticElf #5
Chapter 12: Short but good update~~

kais giggling xD

ajhdhghsjskbcdhjsz GROWL OMG ♥
EverlastingExoticElf #6
Chapter 11: Lolololol the history bit was interesting! :D wahhhhh >< werewolves and vampires eh?
EverlastingExoticElf #7
Chapter 10: Omoooooo lovin' the vampire action :D

nawwwwwww a short update is better than nothing yeah? :)
EverlastingExoticElf #8
Chapter 9: Omooooo xD both of them smelt minzy? xD good sense of smell they have there XD
EverlastingExoticElf #9
Chapter 8: Lolol Love how kailay woke up for minzy xD hehehe its ok :) we can wait~
EverlastingExoticElf #10
Chapter 7: OMG KRIS IS SO OLD :O

Ohhhhh LayKaiMinzy :D