Chapter Three

Crossing Paths
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She had a home in which she didn’t live.

Da Eun swung her arms back and forth as she walked to the door of her home. After feeling dejected about not seeing her mystery singer, she decided to go spend the rest of the day at home. She unlocked the door and entered the seemingly amazing home.

“Is anybody here?” She called aloud, not expecting an answer.

And an answer is what she never got. Da Eun walked down the long hallway before entering the kitchen. She grabbed a glass and poured some water into it. After hydrating herself, she walked into the living room and fell down on the couch.

“What do I do now?” She asked herself.

Da Eun never spent much time in her home. She would go to university or to work early in the morning and come back home late at night. Sometimes her parents would be home while most of the time, they wouldn’t. The lack of people left the home lonely for most of the time.

Da Eun decided to go through her purse to look for something interesting to do. She took out a large amount of old receipts she didn’t need. She also found many empty packs of gum. In the middle of her search, her phone began to ring.

She picked it up, “Hello?”

“Um,” She recognized the voice to belong to Sungyeol. “H-Hi.”

Da Eun giggled, “Hey, Sungyeol. It’s a good thing you called, I was starting to get a bit bored.”

Sungyeol, who was lying down on his bed in his dorm room, shot up, “Really?”


“Well,” Sungyeol decided to take a risk by continuing on. “Maybe I should come over to your house to entertain you.”

Da Eun looked around at the lonely home, “Be my guest.”

And within fifteen minutes, Sungyeol was standing outside Da Eun’s door, somehow sweating in the cold weather. She invited him in. Sungyeol managed to save himself from nearly tripping twice from the door to Da Eun’s living room.

“I need your help,” Da Eun said when they finally arrived in the living room. She figured she might as well get the help she needed from someone anyway now that Sungyeol was here.

“With what?” Sungyeol said, eyes and ears alert.

“I need you to model for me,” She smiled. “You’re tall and quite skinny. You would be the perfect model!”

“Why do you need a model?” He asked, his eyes practically bulging out.

“I need to practise my realistic drawing. I’m not that good,” She pouted. “Would you mind standing here for a bit? My friends would never stand still, you see.”

“Ah,” Sungyeol nodded his head. “Well, I’m already here so I might as well, right?”

Da Eun smiled happily before running up to her bedroom to get her art supplies. She came down in a flash with her easel in one hand and pencils in another. She plopped the easel down about 5 feet away from Sungyeol while settling herself on a stool.

“Can you put your hands in your pocket, please?” She asked as she used her pencil to look at his dimensions.

Sungyeol obliged to what Da Eun said and stuff his hands in his jeans. He put on his best modeling look and stared ahead at Da Eun because staring at her wasn’t very difficult. Da Eun knew very well that he was watching at her but was used to it. She did have admirers from everywhere after all.

“You’re a really good model, you know,” Da Eun pointed out. “Your posture is very good.”

“Thank you,” Sungyeol blushed. “Why do you say that?”

“I was once a model,” Da Eun said. “It was for a clothing company and it was when I was in high school. You have the perfect pose.”

Sungyeol blushed at her words, “Thank you.”

Sungyeol stood in that position for about twenty minutes before he physically couldn’t take it anymore. Da Eun brought him to the couch and got a snack for him. Sungyeol ate the food happily as Da Eun showed Sungyeol her sketch so far. He praised it saying it was perfect. Da Eun thanked him for standing

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pupils #1
finally sunggyu learning how to play a violin
Chapter 25: omg i didn't know what to say ;;A;; i teared up and this is just so sad how i wish i can hug both myung and gyu. daeun should do something to cheer gyu ouo fighting authornim!!! u did a good job in this chap
Chapter 25: Aw this chapter was really sad, even got me teared up.
I hope Sunggyu and Myungsoo feel better soon and just cherish the wonderful memories they have of/with their grandmother!
Chapter 25: Oh noooo this chapter make me cry :' *sobsobsob*
Chapter 24: This story is such a beauty. I like how the plot's going up till now. I hope grandma is going to be fine so do sunggyu and daeun. Keep writing author, I'm patiently waiting for this story to be finished. I love ur writing ^^
Chapter 24: i'm glad you're updating, thank you so much :""""")
I'm worrying grandmaa~ hope she'll recover soon ><
this chapter brings so much feels to me though ( '_')
Chapter 24: Nice to know you haven't died or anything dreadful has happened to you :)
Omg Grandma, you have to get better! Myungsoo and Sunggyu need you
Poor Daeun though, she really needs a good friend and Sunggyu is busy with his grandma
Great chapter ^^
(I read it at 4:22 in the morning~!)
Kenzie8590 #8
Chapter 23: This is not all over the place... It is wonderful but if u want to know where this is going make sungyy and her a couple lol.. Like when her parents find out that he is poor they try and do something to fix it so she wont date him... Idk just putting those ideas out there ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 23: finally you're back! :"")
thank yu for not letting me hanging with the story, i know you'll update it no matter when ^^
keep up the good story and writing :)