
Pretty pretty please!

"Why dont we go to the bar instead?" Jiyoon asked as she chew her food. The girls got comfortable inside our room for dinner or what they called the 'Welcome Party for L'.


All the girls looked at her with different expressions. Are-you-serious look. We-have-classes-tomorrow look. Excited look. Whatever look.


"To welcome L fully. Hehe." Jiyoon laughed trying to explain the logic of what she just said.


Bora beamed then stood up. "I think that's a good idea!"


Minutes later I am inside Soyu's SUV with all the others. We, or should I say they, were all too y we fit inside. Only it was jam packed.


"Is it alright?" I asked Jea while we were walking to the bar's entrance. The bar was just few blocks from the univ so we were there instantly.


"Dont worry L," Hyuna suddenly said while wrapped her arm around my shoulders. I feel suprisingly hot already. "Professors dont usually teach at the first day of the classes."


"Others dont even attend it." Bora smilingly said seconding Hyuna.


Jea nodded silently beside me. Somehow, that made me smile too. I am not actually after my professors tomorrow. I was thinking about Jea. She was hesitant at first about going here until Jiyoon persuaded her telling that we wont take long.



"So what's your full name?" A looking guy asked me when I was by the bar having a drink by myself. All the girls were in the dance floor pumping the bodies they have. I was too distracted and not sure how I should dance. I'm a boy and I dont really know how girls dance so I thought of having a break and drink instead. I was on my 2nd glass when this guy approached me. Now, I dont know how girls reject guys. Sungjong absolutely havent taught me this so how? I wasnt rejected even once before so how?


I couldnt help but look disgusted with the guy. Fashion sense, he . Hygienic sense with all those yellow teeth and corpse-smell breath, he . And who the heck asks girls their full name the first time they met? Definitely not guys who .


I rolled my eyes, switching my stool's direction opposite from him wishing one of the girls would save me.


"Anyway, highway.. I'm Bogart," he said following me while sticking his hands for a hand shake. I tried to smile. "Sorry, cant understand." I opted to adopt a foreigner character who doesnt understand the language of the country he's in. I seriously hope it'll work.


"Oh. No Korean? Not Korea?" he asked.




"No no," I said riding he's nonsense.


"Ahh.. English? Chinese? Japanese? What?"


"Sorry." Why dont he just go away? I'm starting to get annoyed. Where are the girls when I need them?


"Sorry Bogart but this girl is mine."


I suddenly felt an arm around my waist. I immediately turn around ready to punch whoever defied my body.


The guy (wait, is he a guy coz he is seriously pretty) winked at me.




"Excuse me?" I asked with matching raised brows to go with my pissed look.


He pointed behind me. I turned around. Bogart is gone.


"I just saved you."


I looked at him again. Pretty. Pretty. Pretty. Even for a guy, he is undeniably pretty. He's clad in clothes I would absolutely wear. He looks so clean. He seems somehow to be glowing. He's dashing and charming. Sht why am I describing him like a fangirl? I turned around again trying to find the girls on the dance floor through my gaze.


"I'm Luhan," he said while sitting beside me. "A glass," he told the bartender then looked at me again. "And you are?"




I heard someone yell my name amidst all the blaring noise so I turned around.


In the midst of the sea of people I saw Dasom's figure.




"Your name's Dasom?" Luhan said making me turn to look at him.

"No, no," I said when someone suddenly hold me by the wrist then pulled me out of the bar.


"We still have classes tomorrow, girl," Soyu said smirking while on the driver's seat after Bora grabbed me from inside with Dasom following us behind.


"I saw you there with a guy," Bora winked.


"OMG!" Hyuna gaped. "Really? Our L with a guy? Is he cute? Where's he from?"


Everyone looked so excited.


"What's his name?" Jea suddenly asked.


I looked at her first before muttering the name Luhan.


"Oh my gosh," Jiyoon said, shocked.








Oh! She's back.. she's back.. she's my all~


Hahaha. I'm baaaaaaaack! :D

okay, so before you glare at me like this,

i want to apologize for not updating so looooooooooooong it took light years. Haha! I'm really sorry guys, I waited for my sem break to write ths coz yeah.. being a graduating student means being awfully busy.

Sorry for the excuses haha. Anyway! I am planning to make this guy the love interest of L girl version..

ASDFGHJKL. DO YOU APPROVE HUH GUYS?! Okaaayy, lets not talk about this with sehun and sungyeol hahaha. Will they look good together? Wanna bet? Hahaha.

And guys! tell me who are those idols you want me to put in the story. I might just work it out ;)

So comment tlist. It will inspire me more. Thank yoooooou >:)<

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Chapter 8: Update please~!!! :D
My Myungsoo! <3