The Papers

Pretty pretty please!


“Tenen!” Woohyun said as he opened the door to his apartment. A whole day of makeover surely tired me. We went straight to Woohyun’s house because that is where I am staying for the mean time till I fly to Korea. I didnt know others were there too, waiting for me. They were clapping, whistling and cheering my name as they saw me.

“Oh my~”

“Is that you L?”

“Darn! She’s hot! I mean he’s hot!”

I ignored them then went straightly to the kitchen to drink some water.

“Ooh.. Someone is shy,” Hoya teased as he propped his arms in the kitchen counter. The others followed suit sitting in the kitchen stools.

“Here,” he handed me a brown envelope. “All the documents you need in Korea. Passports, Transcript of Records, Enrollment papers, Birth Certificate.. Name it, it’s all there.”

I opened the envelope and was amazed at what I saw. Everything was really there. “I didnt know you could fake such.”

“A thank you would do,” he said.

“Thanks,” I uttered.

“And here’s your plane ticket,” Sunggyu gave me a small white envelope. “Your flight is on Saturday morning.”

Two days from now.

“And here,” Dongwoo gave me a paper. “That’s your dormitory pass. You’re not in the same room with Dasom but her room is just across yours.”

“What?! I got to stay in girls dorm?” I almost shouted.

“All girls dorm,” Dongwoo smiled wickedly.

That surely excite me.

Dongwoo continued, “And you’ve got to stay with 3 beautiful ladies.”

For the first time of this day I grinned. “Make sure they are really pretty.”

“They are,” he assured me.

“Can I go with L?” Woohyun suddenly asked.

“NO!” Everyone chorused.


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Chapter 8: Update please~!!! :D
My Myungsoo! <3