The Makeover

Pretty pretty please!


After Woohyun made a deal with me about his car..

“Remember when you borrowed my car then crashed it to a post?” Woohyun asked, blinking inocently.

“But that was an accident! I thought you already forgot about it!”

“Oh no I didnt. I was actually saving that excuse to blackmail you into something for the future. And I think now is the right time.” Woohyun grinned evilly. “So go to Korea and dress as a girl, will you? I promise to let go of my car’s incident.” He raised his right hand as a sign of his pact.

.. we went to the mall.

“I didnt know shopping for L would be this exciting,” Sungyeol said. I just glared at him.

“It’s a first time for me to shop for dresses not for a girl,” Woohyun related while chortling.  I just rolled my eyes. He’s widely known as The Cassiopeia so others decided that he, Sungyeol and Sungjong will take care of my make over. I sighed. How did they make me agree with Hoya’s idea again?

“I think we should go to salon first,” Sungjong suddenly suggested making me snap back to reality.

“Come on now!” Sungyeol and Woohyun pulled me to a salon inside the mall instantly.


“So first, wax him. Wax every body hair that he has.. Give him a facial treatment then get him hair extensions,” Woohyun instructed the salon’s staff. Wax, facial, hair extensions? I blinked simultaneoulsy. I didnt know what I am into!

“Is his extensions straight Sir or with curls? How long?” the staff asked.

“Beach curls stops by the middle of the back,” Sungyeol butted in. The staff nodded. What the! There are different kinds of curls?

“Give him manicure and pedicure,” Sungjong requested.

I looked at my fingernails. “No!”

They all looked at me. “I dont like my nails painted.” I bowed still looking at my nails.

“Ok then,” Woohyun said. “Please fix his eyebrows. Keep it neat. And uhm..” he looked at me. “Do you want anything done to you more L?”

What a ridiculous question Woohyun. I kept my thought inside me and just shook my head.

“I think that would be all,” he said to the staff.

“Very well then. Follow me Sir,” the staff nodded at me signaling for me to follow her. I walked on but then noticed that the guys were not with me. I turned back and saw them grinning and just standing by the door.

“Hey, arent you coming with me?” I asked.

“Nope, we dont need any makeover,” Sungyeol answered.

“We’ll watch a movie while you’re being made up. Dont worry we’ll be back even before you know it,” Sungjong smiled reassuring me.

“Go now,” Woohyun pushed me further into the salon. “Bye L! We expect you to be beautiful when we meet again.” They all waved.



“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!” I know I shouldnt be screaming like a girl but waxing my hair on my legs and armpits simultaneously seriously hurts! If only I could beg these staffs without me being so shameful, I would have done so. “AAAAARGH!” I growled as they pulled the paper or whatever it is called from my legs. The wax feel cold on my skin but when it is being pulled, it burns.

“That will be the last Sir,” the staff told me. Thank goodness. She then made me follow her to a room. I think it’s the facial time. My life is being dragged from here. This is the start.

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Chapter 8: Update please~!!! :D
My Myungsoo! <3