The Proposal

Pretty pretty please!


“What?! You’re getting married?!” Sungyeol bawled. All my friends looked at me, shocked too.

I nodded absentmindedly.

“Wow, I didnt know arranged marriage is still a thing in 21st century,” he said.

I sighed.

“Wait, so who’s the girl?  Did your parents told you who she is?” Woohyun asked me.

My friends and I met at Woohyun’s house to talk about my dilemma. I cant believe I’ll be in an arranged marriage. I just graduated from college for goodness sake. What the heck.

“Well,” I started. “They told me her name is Dasom and she’s a Korean. Wait, I have a picture.” I fished out my phone from my pocket and scrolled to the gallery. My parents sent her picture to me. I gave my phone to my friends for them to see.

“She’s cute!” Sungjong squealed.

“Pretty..” Dongwoo trailed off.

“Go for him L!” Sungyeol said.

“Psssh.. I dont even know her,” I told them.

“You don’t? She’s not a childhood friend of yours or something?” Sunggyu asked.

“Nope. She’s a no one to me.”

“Wait, wait.. I dont understand. Why would your parents push you in this kind of thing? What’s the story?” Sungyeol asked.

“I- I actually dont know.”

“It’s not possible that you dont know.” Hoya stated.

I have second thoughts of telling them the reason for I know they’ll just laugh about it. I still told them anyway. “Her parents and mine are bestfriends. Before my  parents went here in Japan, they were really close. They made a promise that their children will marry each other.”

Everyone looked at me intently and then 1.. 2.. 3.. They all laughed out loud.

“What the hell,” I uttered looking at them.

“Sorry L..” Sungyeol said tapping my shoulder as he billowed his belly. I shrug his arm off my shoulder. Cant they see I’m pissed? They still laughed.

“I thought that only happens in movies! Puahahahaha!” Dongwoo guffawed.

“Shxt L,” Woohyun held onto his stomach as he laugh. Sunggyu’s eyes cant be seen because of cackling so much.

“Ok, sorry L. I know it’s hard for you but.. Puahahaha!” Hoya just cant contain his laughter. I stood up and turned towards the door.

“Wait! Where are you going?” Sungjong asked.

“Out,” I muttered. “If you’re just going to make fun of me, I’ll go out instead. Jerks.”

“Calm down,” Woohyun held my shoulders then plopped me down again on the couch. “So what’s your plan?”

“I’m not going to marry her,” I declared.

“But why?” Sungjong looked devastated. I gave him a ‘Are-you-seriously-asking-that-question’ glare.

“Because I dont like her. I dont even know her!” I bellowed.

“Why dont you give it a try? Try to know her. You might not know but she could become your soulmate. I mean.. Never mind.” Sunggyu mumbled, looking as if he said a wrong thing.

“Yeah! Most of the time, those who are in arranged marriage end up loving each other for real anyway,” Dongwoo said. Sungyeol and Sungjong nodded.

“You’re watching too much drama, guys,” I muttured.

“Why? It’s true! Like what I said before, go for it!” Sungyeol placed his hand on my shoulder again while grinning widely. “Sunggyu is right, you never know but she might actually be the love of your life and your parents are doing you a favor.”

“Wow, what a great theory.” I pretented to sound excited but I glared at him afterwards. I waved off his hand from my shoulders then whacked his head.

“Ouch! That hurts!” Sungyeol rubbed his head at once. I shook my head while looking at him.

“I have a great idea!” Woohyun suddenly shouted. We all then looked at him  keenly. He sat comfortably, crossing his arms and legs before speaking. “L will go to Korea to meet her!” he declared confidently.

“Actually, that was what everyone was already thinking,” Sungjong said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“I won’t, okay? I’ll just tell my parents I won’t. The girl doesnt even know she’s going to be married soon. I’ll bet she’ll call it off too.” I bare to them what I am thinking ever since the news broke to me. “Why would someone marry somebody she doesnt love? That’s ridiculous. The heck, she doesnt even know me.”

I saw Hoya smirked. “What are you smirking at?” I asked irritably.

“None, I think this arranged marriage is good for you. I think it will bring color to your life. I know you’re bored and vexed, L. Maybe, just maybe, it will bring you to life.”

I stared at him absorbedly. Do I look that way? I mean I feel like that. But do people see me like that too? Am I that transparent?

“So any proposal Hoya?” Woohyun asked.

“L will go to Korea, disguise as a girl, attend Dasom’s university, befriend her and..”

I cut Hoya off. “Wait what? Disguise as a girl?” I looked at him as if he’s the weirdest thing on earth.

He just nodded innocently. “You’ll know a girl better if you’re a girl too.”

“I’m okay with attending her university but why the heck do I have to disguise as a girl? I could go there as I am. She dont even know she’ll marry me till she graduates.” I storied. What a bizzare and crazy thought he is suggesting.

“Do I have to repeat myself again?” Hoya asked and I nodded for him to continue.

“You’re good looking L. It’s already given that any girl will act around you girlishly.”

“Is that even a word? Girlishly?” Dongwoo suddenly asked.

“Oh shut up. Let him continue,” Sunggyu snapped at Dongwoo.

Hoya looked at me again then continued. “If you want to know the real her, befriend her as a girl. She could be an angel to men but is really a great .”

“That’s a great idea!” Woohyun clapped.

“Hoya has a point,” Sungyeol approved.

I know. But.. I cant imagine myself dressed in girl’s clothes. That is just insane! Arrgh. Why do I have to go through all of this?

“I think that will be fun,” Sungjong almost sang. I glared at him and saw him smiling. Sunggyu who’s beside me nodded grinningly.

The whole night was spent trying to convince, persuade and even blackmail me to go with Hoya’s proposal.


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Chapter 8: Update please~!!! :D
My Myungsoo! <3