Chapter 9

Before The Dawn

Yongguk and Reinie were holding hands as they walked along the beach. The sun was no longer shiny bright outside. Yongguk had the guitar slung against one of his arm while the other holding Reinie’s hand. They were beginning to feel more like a couple now. Yongguk and Reinie enjoyed the seabreeze for a short while before heading towards Reinie’s home.

It wasnt long before the couple reached her house. Yongguk didnt want to end here but he didnt have a choice. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow?’ he asked and she nodded.

‘Bye’ Reinie whispered as she took her guitar back.

‘Bye’ he lightly caressed her face with his thumb before he turned around to leave.

Before Reinie could turn around and enter the house, an angry voice was heard. ‘You’re finally coming back home now?!’ the next thing Reinie knew, she was being whacked.

Yongguk instantly turned around at Reinie’s voice. ‘Appa! Ouch! Appa!’ Reinie was jumping at the pain while her father continued to whack her using the newspaper he had in hand.

‘What did I tell you about not going out at night and coming home before dawn? You ended up staying away for the whole day?!’ her father angrily snapped.

Without a second thought, Yongguk rushed forward and hugged Reinie in his arms. ‘Yongguk’ Reinie called out, surprised.

‘Who are you? No, forget about it. Move away’ his father harshly said as he tried to pull Yongguk away from his daughter.

Yongguk protectively hugged Reinie, refused to let her go. ‘No, if you want to hit, hit me instead’

‘Mwoh?!’ Her father stared at him.

Before anymore words can be exchanged, another voice was heard ‘Yeobo?’ They turned around and saw Reinie’s mom at the door.

Reinie’s mother noticed the stiffed position everyone was in and instantly knew what happened. ‘Yeobo, dinner’s ready. Lets go in first’ she tried persuading her husband, pushing him from the back towards the house.

Reinie’s father heaved a sigh before entering the house. Reinie’s mother took a look at the both of them before stopping at Reinie ‘ask him to come in too’ she softly said with a smile before entering the house.

The request was too sudden, Yongguk didnt know what he should do. Unsure, he looked at Reinie who gave him a smile, ‘you heard my mom, lets go in’ she encouraged as she held out her hand.

‘Okay?’ he said as he scratched the back of his neck.

Reinie chuckled at the sight, finding him cute and amusing at the same time. ‘Dont worry my parents wont bite’ she chuckled again before she pulled him in with her.

The moment they entered the dining room, delicious aroma filled the air. ‘Sit’ Reinie’s omma smiled as she placed the last dish on the table. Reinie’s father on the other side was silent. Dinner started. Reinie’s mother had been nice, putting a few dishes of food on Yongguk’s bowl while Reinie’s father just quietly ate his meal.

Yongguk and Reinie had been quietly glancing her father’s way every few while. Yongguk could felt himself having indigestion soon at the heavy atmosphere even with Reinie’s mother there. Every one stopped eating when her father stood up. Yongguk watched as her father left the dining table without another word.

Reinie placed her chopstick down and stood up as well. Yongguk grabbed her hand, worried that something might happen to her. ‘I’ll be fine’ Reinie comfortingly squeeze his hand before leaving the table as well. Yongguk didnt turn back, he watched as Reinie entered the room her father had previously went in. His gaze didnt leave the door even when Reinie entered the room.

‘Dont worry, her father wouldn’t hurt her.’ Yongguk shyly turned back and rubbed his neck, embarrassed at being caught for thinking that Reinie’s father would hurt her.

Reinie’s mother smiled warmly and urged him to continue eating. ‘My husband, he isn’t a violent person. He’s a person that isn’t good with his words. He cared a lot for Reinie. We all do. He couldn’t sleep the whole night yesterday knowing that Reinie isnt home even when the sun had rise. He was worried that something had happened to her. Reinie’s condition..’ her mother stopped there. She didnt know if Yongguk knew of Reinie’s condition and she didnt want to be the one who revealed it if Reinie didnt.

‘Reinie told me’ Yongguk replied seeing how her mother had stopped.

Reinie’s mother nodded then continued again ‘Reinie’s condition isn’t stable. It is best if she could avoid sunlight at all cost so her father was angry when she had been missing for a whole day.’ Yongguk nodded, understanding her father’s feeling now.

Reinie’s mother took Yongguk’s hand then softly spoke again ‘Dont break her heart, don’t let her under the sun too. Please, help us take care of her when we’re not around.’

Yongguk comfortingly squeeze her mother’s hand and replied ‘Dont worry omo-nim, I would’ he assured her.

‘What are you all talking about?’ Reinie’s cheerful voice was heard again. Yongguk instantly turned around at her voice while she took her seat again.  

‘Your appa’s okay already?’ Reinie’s mother asked even when she knew the answer.

Reinie nodded with a wide smile ‘Yeah, we’re good’

‘Good. If you’re done, bring your boyfriend for a tour around the house then. I’ll clear all these up.’ Her mother chased them out.

Reinie shook her head before looking at her boyfriend ‘Shall we have a tour then? But don’t say I didnt warn you, there’s nothing much to see’ Yongguk chuckled then replied ‘lead the way’

Reinie briefly tell him about the house she grew up in before she stopped in front of her room. Yongguk’s hand was already at the door-knock, preparing to see the room. ‘Wait’ Reinie stopped Yongguk before he could even open the door. She was nervous just at the thought of Yongguk seeing her room.

‘Whats there to wait?’ Yongguk twisted the door knock and opened the door before Reinie could stop him again.

Reinie bit her lips and followed behind Yongguk ‘Well this is my room. Boring huh?’ Reinie let out a nervous laugh.

‘This is cute’ Reinie’s eyes widened as she saw him picked up the photo by her bedside. She instantly went over to snatch the photo back. ‘Dont look at it! Its embarrassing!’ she tried snatching it back from him.

Yongguk wasnt going to just let her take it over like that. He stretched out his arm, making the photo go high in the air. ‘Why? Its really cute! I should take a picture of it’

‘And let you laugh at me whenever you had the chance to? No way!’ Reinie reached out and tried snatching the photoframe back. That photo was taken when she was four. She had no idea what lipstick was and drew it all over her face.

In the midst, Reinie tripped on Yongguk’s leg and both of them fell onto the bed. Reinie blinked, surprised by the fall as she landed on top of Yongguk.  ‘Reinie!’ a voice called out before the both of them could react. The next moment they knew, the door was opened.

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Chapter 20: This is definitely one of the best fan fiction I've ever read.. Touching and heartbreaking to the extent that it made me teared up.. Good job author-nim.. I love this story a lot.. ^^
yoshi1990 #2
Loved it!! that was so heartbreaking!! it made me cry :(
Indah501 #3
Chapter 2: Whats wrong with reinie? She had sick?
Indah501 #4
Chapter 1: I love mr bang..
I agree with stat 'like a sun, his smile so bright.'..
Tarantulax #5
Chapter 20: I knew it..argh!!! Even I know that Reinie will leave Yongguk alone,but stil my heart feel so sad right now..
Chapter 19: okay, that was a heartbreaking chapter :'/
Chapter 18: new reader here. thank God! I finally catch up this fic btw such a heart wrecking fic :| but also sweet.. looking forward the updates :)
Chapter 14: oh my god my feels for this fic ;---; please update soon im anticipating it c: