Chapter 5

Before The Dawn

The alarm clock by the bedside rang. Yongguk groggily sat up in his bed but lie back down immediately when he felt his head spinning. ‘Aissh, whats wrong with me?’ Yongguk touched his head that felt like bursting anytime soon. The fact that the alarm was still ringing doesn’t help any better. Yongguk slowly reached out and slammed the alarm shut with the little energy he had left. Even his body wasn’t functioning that well anymore.

Yongguk felt cold and snuggled the blanket closer to him. He felt all weak and tired, even sneezing felt hard too. *Damn, did I really catch a cold?* he raised his hand up to touch his forehead, it was indeed burning.

‘Aissh’ Yongguk cursed, it would mean that he would have to give up his precious training today. Without a choice, Yongguk closed his eyes to continue sleeping. His head was spinning too hard for him to do anything.

When Yongguk woke up again, he didn’t know what time it was already. His handphone beside his bed continued to ring. He reached out his hand and answered the call. ‘Yeobosayo’ he spoke without looking at the caller.

‘What happen to the “I’ll visit you every night?”’ Yongguk heard Reinie’s teasing voice over the line.

‘What time is it already?’ Yongguk held his handphone back to look at the time. It was already midnight. He hadn’t realised he had slept that long. He placed the phone back beside his ear and spoke ‘Im sorry, I didn’t realised I slept that long, I’ll come over now’ he tried to sit up but was too weak to. He let out a groaned and held onto his head.

Reinie on the other side of the line noticed something wrong with his voice today and asked ‘Whats wrong? Are you sick?’

‘Im fine, just.. a cold. I’ll be out soon.’ Yongguk forced himself to sound a bit more energetic.

‘Mwoh?! No! Stay where you are, text me the place, Im coming over’ Reina said.

‘Im fine, you don’t have to’ Yongguk replied but Reina wouldn’t listen.

20 minutes after he hung up the phone, a knock was heard over the door. *Reinie?* Yongguk forced himself out of the bed and dragged his foot towards the door. His head was spinning but he forced himself to reach the door. With the little energy he had left, he opened the door. Just like what he thought, Reinie was standing outside his door with a worried expression.

‘Hi’ Yongguk greeted breathlessly.

Reinie frowned and instantly reached her hand up to his forehead. ‘You’re burning!’ she gasped. Yongguk slightly swayed to the side, his body couldn’t withstand any longer. Reinie noticed and quickly reached out her hands to stable him ‘Lets go in before you really faint on me. I wouldn’t be able to drag you in’ Yongguk managed a chuckle even when he wasn’t in his state of mind.

Reinie walked him over to the bed and Yongguk instantly slumped onto it. ‘Have you taken your medicine?’ she asked as she pulled the blanket over Yongguk’s body.

‘No.’ Yongguk weakly replied as he pulled the blanket closer to him, hoping it would get warmer.

‘How about food? Have you eaten?’ she asked again.

Yongguk shook his head ‘I just woke up when you called?’

Reinie heaved a sigh ‘I’ll be back’ she turned around and figured out the toilet by herself before she came back out again. Yongguk watched as Reinie placed a wet towel on his forehead, ‘you should at least have that up your forehead if you want your fever to go down’ Reinie sighed.

‘Sleep, I’ll prepare some food before you take your medicine’ Reinie walked into the kitchen without another word. She opened the fridge to find something that would make do for congee while Yongguk just closed his eyes and sleep back again.

‘Yongguk.. Yongguk..’ he felt someone shaking him and weakly opened his eyes again. ‘Sit up, I've cooked some congee, have some before you take your medicine.’ Reinie tugged on his arms. Yongguk forced himself up and Reinie helped him lie against the headboard.

Reinie took the bowl of congee on the table and fed him. Yongguk watched as Reinie gently blew air to it before holding it out to him. ‘Eat, you need food before you take your medicine.’ Reinie spoke seeing how Yongguk wasn’t doing anything but staring at her.

‘I didn’t put poison in it if you’re wondering’ Reinie spoke again.

Yongguk shook his head ‘Its not that’ he leaned in and warily sipped on the congee. He watched Reinie retrieved back the spoon and repeat the same action again. Yongguk leaned in and sipped on the congee again. *Beautiful* that was what he thought as he looked at her. His heart warmed at the sight of her sweet gesture. How could he not fall for someone like her?

After he finished up the congee, he took the medicine Reinie gave and lie back down on the bed again. ‘Sleep’ Reinie whispered as she placed the wet towel onto his forehead again. Yongguk didn’t want to. He wanted to watch her. He wanted to spend more time with her instead of sleeping but the side effect of the medicine was kicking in. With drowsy eyes, Yongguk looked at Reinie one last time before he fell asleep. Reinie stayed by Yongguk’s side and constantly changed the towel on his forehead to lower his body temperature.

In the midst, Reinie felt asleep as well. The sunlight streamed through the window made Yongguk woke up. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around his surrounding. ‘Reinie?’ he called out seeing how she slept by the side of his bed. He smiled remembering yesterday night. *She’s still here* he was glad.

Reinie felt the bed moved and slowly opened her eyes. She saw Yongguk’s smile and felt relieved ‘You’re fine now?’ she asked.

Yongguk nodded ‘All good and healthy now’ he smiled.

Reinie reached her hand out and pressed against his forehead to be sure. ‘All good’ she nodded relieved once his forehead felt normal against the back of her hand.

She stretched herself then froze when she saw the sun high up in the sky. *! How long have I slept?* Reinie was frantic now.  She quickly stood up and looked for her stuff.

‘Whats wrong?’ Yongguk asked once he noticed her change.

Reinie just paced around. She didn’t know what to do. *I cant go out now when the Sun is high up in the sky, I cant just stay in his house either. What should I do?*

‘Whats wrong? Why are you so frantic?’ Yongguk held her wrist to stop her from pacing.

Reinie stopped and looked at him *Should I tell him?*

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Chapter 20: This is definitely one of the best fan fiction I've ever read.. Touching and heartbreaking to the extent that it made me teared up.. Good job author-nim.. I love this story a lot.. ^^
yoshi1990 #2
Loved it!! that was so heartbreaking!! it made me cry :(
Indah501 #3
Chapter 2: Whats wrong with reinie? She had sick?
Indah501 #4
Chapter 1: I love mr bang..
I agree with stat 'like a sun, his smile so bright.'..
Tarantulax #5
Chapter 20: I knew it..argh!!! Even I know that Reinie will leave Yongguk alone,but stil my heart feel so sad right now..
Chapter 19: okay, that was a heartbreaking chapter :'/
Chapter 18: new reader here. thank God! I finally catch up this fic btw such a heart wrecking fic :| but also sweet.. looking forward the updates :)
Chapter 14: oh my god my feels for this fic ;---; please update soon im anticipating it c: