Chapter 13

Before The Dawn

*I hope she likes this* Yongguk took in the scent of lilies in his hands and eagerly walked towards their meeting spot. He spotted Reinie in the usual seat and happily waved with one hand while the other one holding the bouquet behind his back.

‘You’re early’ Yongguk kissed her temple.

Reinie chuckled ‘since when am I not?’ then she noticed something behind Yongguk’s back ‘what are you hiding behind your back?’ she pointed.

‘For you’ he held out the bouquet of lilies he had been hiding.

‘Thank you’ Reinie reached out her hands to take the flowers. She held it near her nose and was about to take in the scent when the flowers fell off her hands.

‘Aigoo.. you’re clumsy aren’t you?’ Yongguk who sat beside her helped her picked it up and gave it to her once again.

However instead of taking the flowers, Reinie just stared at her hands instead. ‘Reinie?’ Yongguk waved the flowers in front of her as he called her name.

‘Huh? Oh. Thank you’ Reinie smiled and take the flowers back, ‘they’re lovely, I’ll put it by the side of my bed when I go home later’ she carefully placed it away.

‘Shall we go for our walk now?’ Yongguk was about to stand up when Reinie stopped him. ‘How about we do that later. There’s something I want to show you.’

‘What is it?’ the thought of walking along the beach was pushed aside instantly.

Reinie chuckled, Yongguk looked like a kid who had instantly abandoned his wants for toy after being told he was going somewhere fun. ‘Remember I told you I’ve made a new song?’

‘You’ve completed it?’ Yongguk didnt even bother to hide the excitement in his voice.

Reinie chuckled again ‘Does anyone knows this side of you? It doesn’t even suit your image at all’ she pinched his nose.

‘What image? Does that even matter at all?’ Yongguk raised his brow.

Reinie pretended to think for awhile before she spoke again ‘Hmm..’

‘Just show me now will you?’ Yongguk impatiently said and held out his camera.

Reinie raised her brow at the camera ‘whats up with the camera these days?’ Reinie recalled Yongguk filming her with the camera yesterday as well.

‘Well, I thought we might as well start filming our memories up so we could always watch it whenever we want’ he shrugged then gave Reinie an annoyed look ‘now hurry up will you?’

Reinie chuckled ‘You’re really impatient aren’t you?’

‘I am when it comes to you’ Yongguk confessed and placed a peck on her lip. Reinie could felt her heart melt at those simple words.

‘Arasso arasso’ Reinie picked up her guitar by the side and strummed the guitar.


I now confess my heart to you

Only heaven knows my heart

At the thought of telling you the truth that I’ve kept so preciously

I feel tears coming out

All the memories pass by me

Today wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t you

The day we first met

I was awkward and young

The times you waited for me just because I told you to trust me

Each words symbolises the feelings in her heart. It is the truth. Yongguk had always showed her his heart but she never did. Now, she was going to show him her heart. She was going to show him each and every single one of her feelings. From when she was alone and empty, to hurt and despair then to happiness and blessed from the days before she met him till now. She wouldn’t be the girl here who was feeling more than content with life if she hadn’t met Yongguk.


At times, I hurt you with my mistakes

But you never once blamed me

And you gave me strength, smiling, it’s okay, it’s okay

Whenever I made you upset by saying I’m busy

You could have blamed me

But you believed in me, saying don’t worry, don’t worry

I selfishly hope that

Your heart will be the same forever

I will try my best everyday for you

She recalled the day she had hurt him. It was a first. It was a mistake she wished she hadn’t asked. It was the day where she couldn’t help but asked what would happen if she were to die one day. That day, he could have walked away. That day, he could have had a quarrel with her but that day, he chose to hide his hurt feelings and lessened the heavy atmosphere even when it was Reinie’s fault. From that day on, Reinie selfishly hope that she could live longer, she could see him longer and that his heart will forever be the same for her.


The day we first met

I was awkward and young

The times you waited for me just because I told you to trust me

At times, I hurt you with my mistakes

But you never once blamed me

And you gave me strength, smiling, it’s okay, it’s okay

Whenever I made you upset by saying I’m busy

You could have blamed me

But you believed in me, saying don’t worry, don’t worry

Reinie then remembered the first day they met. She was awkward and alarmed at his approached. His bright smiled had her smitten that very night. She was always the only one at the beach that time but he showed up that night and ever since that night, he added on to the reason why she would visit the beach in the middle of the night. Yongguk was a man Reinie told herself he was too good for her. He was perfect in her eyes. There were so many times she left him hanging with no explanation as the sun rise yet he still come to her. He never once blamed her for leaving him during those days before he knew her condition and even when he did, he stayed by her side.


All the memories we made

The times we cried and laughed

I’ll remember them even at the moment I die


Have I told you before? I love you

There is no other way to say it

I love you I love you

Other than those common words

I say it again “I love you”

My heartfelt confession today

Please never forget it

I love you

Now, there was no holding back. At the thought of Yongguk being there for her, that gave her strength. The strength to live on, the strength to love someone. There was no better way to tell him her heart and that was ‘I love you.’ Just like the lyrics in the song, she hoped he’ll never forget her heartfelt confession today. Even if she wasn’t going to be there for him in the future, she selfishly hoped that he would still remember her, he would still remember their days together because she would, even at the moment she died.  

‘I love you’ Reinie sang and ended the song.

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Chapter 20: This is definitely one of the best fan fiction I've ever read.. Touching and heartbreaking to the extent that it made me teared up.. Good job author-nim.. I love this story a lot.. ^^
yoshi1990 #2
Loved it!! that was so heartbreaking!! it made me cry :(
Indah501 #3
Chapter 2: Whats wrong with reinie? She had sick?
Indah501 #4
Chapter 1: I love mr bang..
I agree with stat 'like a sun, his smile so bright.'..
Tarantulax #5
Chapter 20: I knew it..argh!!! Even I know that Reinie will leave Yongguk alone,but stil my heart feel so sad right now..
Chapter 19: okay, that was a heartbreaking chapter :'/
Chapter 18: new reader here. thank God! I finally catch up this fic btw such a heart wrecking fic :| but also sweet.. looking forward the updates :)
Chapter 14: oh my god my feels for this fic ;---; please update soon im anticipating it c: