Chapter 20

Before The Dawn

Yongguk gently settled Reinie down on the grass patch before taking the seat beside her. Yongguk took a look at the watch on his left hand. ‘What time is it now?’ Reinie asked as she turned around and looked at him.

‘6.49 am, 10 more minutes’ Yongguk replied as he met her eyes that was filled with excitement.

‘Just 10 more minutes and I can finally be able to see the sun rise now’ Reinie reached her hands out as she anticipated for the sun rise.

‘Yeah just 10 more minutes, we can always go back under the shades now’ Yongguk offered but Reinie shook her head ‘we came all the way here. I don’t know when I’ll be able to see it again, we cant back out now’ Reinie knew she was selfish but if she never see it today, she might really never see it again.

‘Im sorry’ Reinie took Yongguk's hand and looked into his eyes.

Yongguk shook his head ‘its okay, I promise to make you happy didnt I? If this is what it takes to make you happy then I’ll have to go through it.’ He forced a smile on his face as he hid his sorrow away.

‘Good, then promise me this as well’ Reinie suddenly requested but Yongguk shook his head ‘No, whatever you are thinking now, no.’

‘You hadn’t even heard of it yet’ Reinie protested.

‘I don’t need to’ Yongguk stubbornly turned away,

‘Not now, Yongguk, I don’t want to quarrel with you.’ Reinie said, she didnt wish it to be like this today. 

Yongguk heaved a sigh before he asked ‘what is it?’

‘Whatever happens later, don’t look at me or try to stop me. Let me finish watching the sun rise’ Reinie requested. A tint of sorrow flashed past her eyes but she hid it quickly. She had to be strong for the both of them. ‘Please..’ she pleaded as she took his hand.

Yongguk closed his eyes, it was hard for him. Instead of replying he nodded his head. Reinie laced her hand through his and rest her head against his shoulder as she watched the dark blue sky that had yet to lighten up while Yongguk rest his head on top of hers. The couple watched as the sky began to brighten up. ‘The sun is up’ Reinie whispered in awe as she watched the dark blue sky slowly turned into a shade of lighter color.

Faint red appeared in the sky and replaced the dark night as the sun began to rise and just like the sky, Reinie’s body began to react to the UV ray as well. Her body was heating up, pain began shooting through her body without mercy. Reinie’s hold onto Yongguk’s hand began to tighten as well but her eyes never left the sight of the sun as it began to rise.

Yongguk clenched his fist as he watched the sun rise. Pain, it was hard for him to breathe every single second but he held it in. *she wanted it, I wanted it* he constantly reminded himself.

‘Its beautiful..’ a tear slipped down Reinie’s cheek as she watched the sun rise. She was more than content now.  She looked away from the sun and looked at the man in front of her. Memories flooded her mind once again as she looked at the man in front of her.

*Heaven had been nice to me. I was fortunate to live up to the age of 20. Midnight child, that was the name people gave for someone like me. Child of the Sun, that would probably be what people would called you if they were to give you a name. You belong to the sun while I belong to the night. It could have been impossible but fate gave us a chance. Fate gave me a chance to meet you and Im glad I did.

Before the dawn, that was the first time I met you. Then, I was awkward and alarmed at your approached. Your smile so bright, Sun was the first thing I thought when I saw you. You were bright and warmed, that was who you were, just like how you appeared to be in my eyes and just like this, you captured my heart I thought would have never been possible in my whole life.

Thank you, thank you for loving me, for being selfless, for loving a selfish person like me. Because of you, I wanted to live through every single dawn, because of you I wanted to live another day more and because of you, I finally get to see what happens after the dawn.

Bang Yongguk, I love you and Im sorry because this would be kept inside my heart. Im sorry my love could only go this far. I wouldn’t be selfish anymore, Im letting go now. Be happy..*

‘Thank you..’ Reinie whispered before her eyelids fell. A tear fell from the corner of her eye but a smile appeared on her face despite all the pain she went through because of the sun. She was more than contented.

Yongguk froze as Reinie’s hand slipped off his. *Cant be* Yongguk told himself yet he couldn’t feel anything anymore. Not her breathing, not her voice, nothing. Yongguk frantically turned around and cupped her face ‘Reinie’ he called out but her eyes were closed.

‘Reinie’ Yongguk desperately called again but again there was no response from her. ‘Dont do this to me darling.. Wake up Reinie, don’t play anymore. Its not funny. You’re not suppose to be the joker between the two of us’ Yongguk said, hoping that she would reply or at least chuckled at his words  like the old times but nothing, nothing happened at all.

‘No!’ Yongguk let out a painful screamed as he embraced her limped body as his. ‘This cant be.. Reinie.. how can you be so selfish.. you’re not suppose to leave yet, not until I tell you to.. Come back, I don’t want just a thank you from you, Im not a selfless person. Come back Reinie or I’ll hate you’ he cried against her cold neck. He knew there would be a possibility she couldn’t survive through the day but the reality hurts. It hurts too much for his heart to take it. There were still so much things he wanted to do with her, there were still so much things he wanted to tell her but there was nothing he could do now, she left.


Even after the competition was finished, Yongguk never once left the place. It was pure silence in the middle of the night except for Reinie’s voice. Yongguk was walking along the shore as he played Renie’s song from his phone. This had been a routine that had never once been missed. Walking along the shore, Yongguk reminisced their days together.

Yongguk stopped in the middle of the beach and looked up towards the sky that was beginning to brighten up. *Reinie are you happy up there? You loved the Sun so much yet you can never enjoy it. Now, you no longer have to run away because you can finally live peacefully with the Sun. 

Before the dawn, that was how I met you. Before the dawn, that was when you were always running away and before the dawn that was when I fell in love with you. You showed me a person didnt need light to shine, you showed me how a person could shine brightly in the night just like the stars.

Before the dawn, the night where I thought there would never be anything meaningful for me, you showed me otherwise.  Friendship, Love, Pain, and Sacrifice, you taught me all. I’ll never forget our love, wait for me, I’ll join you up there one day.* Yongguk smiled towards the sky that was shining brightly now. A gentle wind tickled his face as if it was Reinie responding to his words. 




Last chapter! I hope there's still someone reading this and I hope I hadnt spoiled anything. Thank you guys for reading! :))

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Chapter 20: This is definitely one of the best fan fiction I've ever read.. Touching and heartbreaking to the extent that it made me teared up.. Good job author-nim.. I love this story a lot.. ^^
yoshi1990 #2
Loved it!! that was so heartbreaking!! it made me cry :(
Indah501 #3
Chapter 2: Whats wrong with reinie? She had sick?
Indah501 #4
Chapter 1: I love mr bang..
I agree with stat 'like a sun, his smile so bright.'..
Tarantulax #5
Chapter 20: I knew it..argh!!! Even I know that Reinie will leave Yongguk alone,but stil my heart feel so sad right now..
Chapter 19: okay, that was a heartbreaking chapter :'/
Chapter 18: new reader here. thank God! I finally catch up this fic btw such a heart wrecking fic :| but also sweet.. looking forward the updates :)
Chapter 14: oh my god my feels for this fic ;---; please update soon im anticipating it c: