Chapter 12

Before The Dawn

With gained confidence, Reinie placed her fingers on the strings and take a deep breath. Yongguk gave her a nod to encourage her as he stood a few metre away from her. *I can do it* Reinie persuaded herself. With that, Reinie strummed her guitar and began singing. It was the song she sang when they first met.

Bypasser stopped and curiously looked towards Reinie’s way. She was flustered, embarrassed, she badly wanted to run away but brushed away the thought when she met eyes with Yongguk. ‘You can do it’ he mouthed. Reinie willed herself to finish the song, she didnt want to disappoint Yongguk who was there for her.

More and more people gathered around and a crowd had formed where Yongguk was when Reinie was in the second verse of the song. Reinie felt more confident now. Watching how people swayed and enjoyed her music, Reinie didn’t know how to express her feeling. It made her both nervous and happy at the same time. It was a new experience for her.

Yongguk had the camera on, filming Reinie as she sang. There was no way he was going to miss it out. This was the reason why they were there today. This was where Reinie belongs to, in front of the crowds where everyone could hear her voice instead of being alone in the beach. This was where Reinie shone even brightly at.

When Reinie ended her song, applause could be heard. The crowds around all cheered and clapped for her. Yongguk was no exception. Shyly, Reinie stood up from her seat and bowed. The crowds cheered even louder while Reinie blushed. Yongguk stayed where he was and let Reinie enjoyed all the glory.

As the crowd disperse, a few boys came up to Reinie, ‘Hi,’ one of the boys said.

‘Yes?’ Reinie asked with no clue in mind.

‘Can I have your number?’ the boy held out his phone.

‘Huh?’ Reinie replied automatically, bewildered by the sudden request.

Before Reinie could said anything, Yongguk’s deep voice was heard ‘Im sorry, because this girl here actually has a boyfriend and that happens to be me’ he smirked as he wrapped his arm around Reinie’s shoulder.

Caught off by the situation, the group of boys didnt know what to do except to bow and back away immediately. ‘Im sorry’ the boy quickly bowed and walked away with his group of friends.

Both Reinie and Yongguk watched as the boys hurried away. Yongguk chuckled, amused by the situation then turned around ‘See? I told you didnt I? There’s nothing to worry about. You’re great’ he proudly said referring to the cheering crowds from before.

Yongguk then bend down and looked into her eyes. ‘How is it?’ he curiously asked.

‘Its.. amazing, too amazing I don’t know how to describe it...’ At the thought of the performance, Reinie could still feel her heart beating fast against her chest. ‘Thank you’ she gratefully said, ‘without you, I would have never done this by myself. Thank you’ she said sincerely.

Yongguk lightly ruffled her hair, ‘Its nothing much. Besides, it makes me happy to see you happy as well.’  He smiled but turned into a smirked when he thought of an idea. ‘On second thought, if you’re that grateful, how about giving me a kiss here?’ he leaned his left cheek towards Reinie ‘right here’ he pointed his cheek to her.

Reinie didnt need a second thought and pinched his cheek ‘you’re crossing the line’ she clucked her tongue before removing her hand from his cheek.

‘I guess thats a no then’ Yongguk shrugged while Reinie shook her head. Before she could pick up her guitar that was on the bench, Yongguk pulled her into his arm and placed a light kiss on her forehead ‘I didnt say I wouldn’t give you one if you dont’ he chuckled seeing how Reinie was surprised by him. He then spoke again ‘jokes aside, you did really well just now. You did so well that you managed to charm a few boys out there.’ He rest his head above hers recalling the incident earlier.

Reinie let out a light chuckle ‘So you’re jealous?’

‘Mmm..’ Yongguk nodded.

‘You didnt seem like it though’ Reinie commented, recalling how Yongguk dealed with the boys. He didnt seem a tiny bit of jealous at all.

‘I am.’ He confessed. Who wouldn’t? Any guys would be jealous to see his girl being pursued by other guys. Of course he wouldn’t be an exception. ‘and what are you going to do about it?’ he asked.

‘Nothing?’ Reinie replied.

‘Nothing?’ Yongguk leaned back and looked at her.

‘Uh-huh’ Reinie nodded.

‘Then I’ll have to do something shouldn’t I?’ Yongguk cheekily replied. Before Reinie could register the words in her mind, Yongguk cupped her face and gave her a sweet kiss.

After a short while, Yongguk pulled out of the kiss and took Reinie’s guitar. He carried it over his back and held out his hand ‘Now that we’re done, lets get you home shall we?’

Reinie gladly laced her hand through his ‘To home it is’ she nodded then chuckled seeing how silly they were.  

They took a cab home and arrived near the beach in no time. With interlaced hands, both of time took their time walking towards Reinie’s house. They wanted the walk to last but before they knew it, they reached Reinie’s house. ‘That was fast’ Yongguk said with a sigh then replaced it with a smile, ‘Sleep well, I’ll see you tomorrow’ he gently hugged her before he placed a kiss on her forehead, ‘I love you’

‘I will, you too. Be careful on your way home’ Reinie pulled out of his arms and gave him a small smile. She waved and entered the house, she didn’t want to take anymore of his time. Yongguk still had to wake up later during the day for his practice.

Once Reinie entered her room, she instantly opened her window and looked for Yongguk’s sight. She spotted his back not far away and smiled *Thank you for today.* her heart warmed just at the thought of the things he had done for her today.

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Chapter 20: This is definitely one of the best fan fiction I've ever read.. Touching and heartbreaking to the extent that it made me teared up.. Good job author-nim.. I love this story a lot.. ^^
yoshi1990 #2
Loved it!! that was so heartbreaking!! it made me cry :(
Indah501 #3
Chapter 2: Whats wrong with reinie? She had sick?
Indah501 #4
Chapter 1: I love mr bang..
I agree with stat 'like a sun, his smile so bright.'..
Tarantulax #5
Chapter 20: I knew it..argh!!! Even I know that Reinie will leave Yongguk alone,but stil my heart feel so sad right now..
Chapter 19: okay, that was a heartbreaking chapter :'/
Chapter 18: new reader here. thank God! I finally catch up this fic btw such a heart wrecking fic :| but also sweet.. looking forward the updates :)
Chapter 14: oh my god my feels for this fic ;---; please update soon im anticipating it c: