When do you know your in 'LOVE'



Days have gone by since the confessions you got from Daehyun and Yongguk, its been troubling you for the last few days.
(Changmin POV)
Seeing Haneul looking troubled got me worried, seeing her use her latest project to make her forget whats been troubling her these last few days. She hasnt said anything I dont want to push her, I knew it had to do with what happened the night she had dinner with Yongguk what bothered me was she walked in with a mask with no emotion. Seeing her working hard was something to be proud of but no if it is a way to run away from something. I will talk to her at home.
(End of Changmins POV)
You work hard on this project it was the first project your overseeing, you were working with the fashion department and you were targeting the younger client base and you being a teen helped you and what way was that if you get some of the hottest celebrities in the business to model the line that you were overseeing within the company. Doing this helped you from the distractions occupying your mind at the moment. You had meetings with your board and with hyung and the models they were suggesting was none other then B.A.P and you were trying to avoid seeing them until you were certain of your feelings. 
"Ok thats all agreed on so they will wear our line for the photoshoot"
"Haneul you are needed to attend an event in America in the name of your parents"
One of the directions mentioned.
"Of course"
You say with no hesitation
"What is it?"
"Its during your first week at school"
"Ok, that will be alright I will have my assistant organise flights for there"
So that was cool it gave you an excuse to leave Seoul and clear your mind and also do something for your parents, and also catch up with your friend Tamia.
One week you come back to Seoul after a moving event you attended for your parents and there work with the hospital that they helped, and the recent death of them they name a centre in there name which was touching. And also having a clear mind after talking with Tamia and you have made your mind up, you go to school and you being a senior now everything seemed to change, you became fast friends with Hyomin and Jia from Hyoyeons group along with you and Minah since Luna and Min graduated and Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo and if that wasnt awkward enough you havent see Daehyun since the day you spent with him.
(Yongguk POV)
What have I done have I ruined our friendship because what I have said, days have gone pass and havent heard anything from her, I wanted to give her time to decide.
(Flash back)
"Haneul, saranghaeyo"
I look at her and I swore that she was like a mannequin she was lifeless and her skin seem to have gone pale from the moon shining against her skin. She was silent, what felt like an eternity was just a moment and we walk back to her house in silence. I leave her at the door she walks in and I stand there constantly going through my mind thinking about what I have done. I go back to the dorm dazed ignoring the stares from the boys.
(End of flash back)
It was hard but I needed to focus on my schedule. I saw on our schedule that we willl be doing a photoshoot for Park Industries I was excited to see Haneul I was missing her presence.
(End of Yongguks POV)
(Daehyun POV)
Things have been quiet since the day out with Haneul did I push her to much, that day I had this feeling that I have ruined the already crumbling and awkward friendship we had last year, was it going to be awkward at the start of school. What bothered me was when I saw Yongguk hyung walk in the other night and I saw a reflection of what I felt that evening when I confessed to Haneul, did hyung confess to her that night as well. Days, weeks have gone pass since then I havent heard anything.
(End of Daehyuns POV)
Well you went to school and everything seemed to be like nothing has changed which was nice but you needed to talk to Daehyun and Yongguk oppa about what you have decided but after the photoshoot you didnt want to create any tension. You didnt go to school that day because of the preparations for the photoshoot with B.A.P members this will be the first time seeing Yongguk oppa well all the members together which you were excited. Time flew and you were expecting them to arrive in any moment, Daehyun hardly hanged around you and the rest of the group the guys didnt say anything especially Youngjae being that the two were close which didnt bother you.
In they all come looking really cool in what they were wearing they were all dressed casual but in there own styles well they came in and bowed at all the staff including hyung and you which was cool. You were observing because whilst you were away Changmin had taken ownership in overseeing the photoshoot which didnt bother you. They all did individual shots and group shots what seemed to amaze you was the line was made for them. You looked at each of the photos and looking at the concept that hyung had decided it seemed to work you looked longer at Yongguk oppa and Daehyuns photos. It was like it was calling out to you Changmin called for a 10 minute break for the boys to rest.
"Hyung these are really good, your concept is really suited for the line"
"I take that as a compliment Haneul"
He playfully hits your shoulder which reminded you of Daehyun and then he helps you in your seat which reminded you have Yongguk oppa.
Your assistant comes in.
"Haneul sshii you have a client waiting for you?"
"I dont have any meetings scheduled, I recall you making sure you have my schedule cleared for this"
"Mianhe Haneul sshii, this client is from Japan and he said was a close friend of your parents"
"Ok tell them I him I am on my way"
She leaves.
"Omo Haneul you sound like a boss"
"hahaha hyung"
You leave and look towards the two who occupied your mind for awhile. You finish your day at work and seemed really worn but you needed to talk to Daehyun and Yongguk oppa.
To: Daehyun
From: Haneul
Mianhe Daehyun for taking to long.
But we need to talk.
Can you come over to my house unless you have some where private we can talk?
To: Haneul
From: Daehyun
Thats ok, you needed to time
I dont mind I can come over now
To: Daehyun
From: Haneul
Ok see you soon
Well you get out of your work clothes and change into something more comfortable. You jump on the piano and touch the keys your fingers feeling at home which felt like a long time and you start playing a melody of all the crazyness surrounding you then you played a melody where you felt like everything was coming to an end.
"Whoa Haneul didnt even know you could play"
You hear a familiar busan accent which proved that Daehyun was here.
"Mianhe how did you get in?"
"Changmin let me in"
"Ok come on lets sit down"
"Dont worry Haneul, I understand"
"I knew already, but I wanted to have a chance"
You turn to face Daehyun who was sitting on the chair facing you.
"I know that Yongguk hyung is who you have chosen, you and hyung have had this connection since he saw you at the party on the dance floor. I know you were worried about what will happen to our friendship, I know that our friendship will mend but I could be a bad guy and keep fighting for you, but I know that your hearts already taken, I will need time before we can get back to how it was before all the awkward times and I also know that hyung cares for you so much."
You couldnt believe what Daehyun was saying, it was like he was reading your mind which made you feel really awkward and stink that Daehyun was saying these things but he was right, you had more of a connection and feeling for Yongguk oppa since day one and your feelings havent changed since then. Even though you enjoyed your time with Daehyun he didnt make you feel things that you couldnt explain when you were with Yongguk oppa.
"Mianhe Daehyun, you are right I am sorry that I cant replicate the feelings you have for me, for you, but I dont see you in that way, I see you more of a best guy friend then anything else even though when we first started hanging out you were quiet, and when you showed your true self when you helped me after the bullying incident, and when er became fast friends even though you were acting weird I still wanted to try and connect to you more. I am not saying that I didnt enjoy my time with you I did alot. I know that it will take time for our friendship to go back to what it was but I still want to be friends with you, I understand you need time after this and by all means I understand. I hope that this wont cause any tension with you and Yongguk oppa that is the last thing you both need and I dont want to be the one who caused it"
"It wont Haneul dont worry about that ok, I really enjoyed hanging out with you that day as well. It wont take me to long before you know it we are hanging out like normal. But I will wait for you"
"Oh Daehyun"
You hug Daehyun and you felt like tearing at the embrace you and Daehyun shared it felt so right at this moment you couldnt help it the warmth you both shared from this embrace seemed like it was a puzzle peice fitting perfectly to each other. And you know Daehyun was serious whenever he said anything, you feel him start to relax and you felt really guilty but you also felt relieved this moment reminded you of one of the dramas you remembered watching [Boys over Flowers, where the female lead had to choose out of the 2 male leads one being her soulmate (Kim Hyun Joong character) and her husband (Lee Minho character)] but in your case Yongguk and Daehyun. You both hang out for a moment and then he leaves, you text Yongguk oppa.
To: Yonggukkie Oppa
From: Haneul
Mianhe Yongguk oppa for taking to long
We need to talk
Can we meet at the park tonight?
To: Haneul
From: Yonggukkie Oppa
Gwenchana Haneul
Of course, ill see you at the park
What time?
To: Yonggukkie Oppa
From: Haneul
Gomaweoyo Yongguk oppa
Around 8:30-9:00 if thats not to late for you
To: Haneul
From: Yonggukkie Oppa
Andwae its all good 
See you then
Well you get yourself ready to go to the park to tell Yongguk oppa how you feel for him, you purposely planned to meet at the park because you felt that it was perfect because he confessed to you at the park. Time flew and it was almost time you were at the park with Changmin hyung helping you set up everything to make it perfect even though the guy should do it you didnt care you wanted to make it perfect you wanted to show your love for Yongguk oppa, you set up at the park bench Yongguk had confessed at, you had lights gathered around the area making it more romantic, and you also had white candles shaped as the letter I and red candles shaped as a HEART and white candles shaped as the word YOU which was obvious it says I LOVE YOU and the mood couldnt be more romantic with the moon gleaming its perfect white hue across the field.
You check your appearence and you seem to look ok it was pretty cold so you changed to suit the weather you had your hair wavy underneath a fluffy white beanie with you hair cascading on your back, light make up, red cashmere coat, white lace dress underneath, tights to keep you warm, white boots. You look at the time and you knew Yongguk oppa will be here soon you sit down and wait for him, eventually.
(Yongguk POV)
After the texts I got from Haneul I knew it was the time when I will find out. Daehyun had come back from where he was he looked sad but also relieved, well I couldnt focus on that I was anxious about what Haneul will say I was moving around the dorm.
I look and I see Daehyun was the one who called for me.
"It will be ok"
"Dont worry to much, your making us all worry"
"Mianhe Daehyun"
It was really nice having that come from Daehyun, part of you knew what he meant but it didnt change the fact that I was still anxious, I finally get changed into something warm the temperature seemed to have gone down this evening I check myself again, my hair styled spiky, black cashmere long coat, v neck jumper underneath, jeans, sneakers and I make my way to the car and head of towards the park. I walk along and remember when I said I love you to Haneul and it made me smile at the memory I walk furthur and I see lights leading me to the end and there I see Haneul sitting on the chair looking at the moon, she looked like an angel and I walk closer and I see that shes put alot into this. Which made me feel happy but guilty that I didnt so anything special for her.
(End of Yongguks POV)
Suddenly you feel your body react in its familiar pattern which you knew Yongguk oppa was here you turn to see him looking at you with his piercing eyes in your direction and also looking handsome in what he was wearing, from here you knew that you made the right choice he came closer towards you and you smile earning him smiling back at you which melted your heart. He sits next to you and you were sure that he could hear your heart beating.
"Yongguk oppa"
"Thank you for coming I know that your busy?"
"Its ok Haneul"
You get up walk behing Yongguk oppa and you could smell his cologne with familiarity you bend down to tie the soft material around his eyes and you feel his skin beneath you finger tips, his hair soft on your face like silk. You couldnt help but blush at the close proximity right at this moment.
He breaks the thoughts in your head.
"Mianhe wont be to long"
"your not going to leave me here (laughing)"
"Ani (laughing)"
And walk towards the shaped candles you bend to light each of them up until it showed your message and you untie the blindfold of him and wait for his eyes to adjust and you stand next to the candles. He looked and you hoped he accepted your confession to him.

What felt like an Eternity of you standing there wondering to yourself if you have made a mistake, and maybe you were too late and had he moved on someone else, you were debating to yourself non stop about this moment.   

FINALLY Haneul's confesses her LOVE to Yongguk....

WHAT will Happen????

Here comes the LAST CHAPTER!!!!



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sorry there maybe a couple of pictures that I have used twice sorry!


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Good job!! I like it ((:
Chapter 26: Oh its finished, I loved the ending short and sweet it's so romantic and sweet, I could actually picture Bang Yongguk being like that, you have a way of drawing me in when I read this fanfic can't wait for your next story if you do another one hwaiting!!!
Chapter 24: Wow really nice....
The tragedy, the action, the triangle,
"two cute guys loving her"
wow would love to be in her shoes, but... I can see what your trying to do, and dont worry about the mixup with the pictures its all good not everyone's perfect. Cant wait to read the rest.... Of this fanfic, and how you updated alot of chapters for us is so awesome, cant wait for next update!!!!
Chapter 8: Ooooooo, so excited cant wait for the next update, love the aeygo gifs you have and love that Yoochun and Changmin involved in this fanfic, loved them since DBSK days but more since watching Yoochun in Rooftop Prince and Changmin in Paradise Ranch.
I like how the stroys going not to bad cant wait till you update authornim.
love the cute aeygo gif you have!!!!
The characterd in this fanfic is so cool cant wait....
Chapter 5: Oh thats cute authornim, cant wait for next update, thanks for accepting my friend request....
Chapter 4: Cant wait for next update :-)