When do you know your in 'LOVE'



The 3 days that you spent with your friends and B.A.P was one of the best days you have since the passing of your parents, but the best was when you spent time with Yongguk oppa and how closer you both became your feelings for him were getting stronger but you were afraid to go any futher not because of him being an idol, but because of your close friendship with Yongguk oppa. But you couldnt help but feel some attraction towards Daehyun as well the time you spent with him the last 3 days were just as nice when you were with Yongguk oppa.
You sitting in a boards of directors dressed in your school uniform.
in the Meeting at the head of the table with Changmin hyung sitting next to you which was really helpful on your part you were listening to the board which were discussing matters concerning about the company even though you found it hard splitting your time with your friends (Luna, Min, Minah and Ken), school, music & dance, the company you feel like you have to grow so quickly. You couldnt have done it without Changmin hyung, anyways the meeting was pushed to finish because you needed to go to school which you were actually looking forward to, you still were appointed owner and c.e.o of the company and Changmin acting c.e.o which seemed to work out for both of you and Changmin really well Changmin hyung did an awesome job. Finally the meeting finished and you were whisked away with Changmin escorting you and the guards that always escorted you when you were at the company, Changmin had also told you that you had guards parading around at school he was worried about your safety you couldnt understand why but you didnt contradict Changming hyung in anyway, you were still getting ridiculed at school by Hyoyeon and her friends, Yongguk oppa and them were still not coming to school but since you knew what they were doing it didnt bother you school was the same nothing new, hanging out with your friends during breaks, music lessons after school, work commitements at the company, dinner with Changmin the same time every night.
(Hyoyeon POV)
Haneul, what makes her so special she wasnt excatly beautiful compared to me. Why did Yongguk oppa and B.A.P oppa's feel protective of her or cling to her like she was the only girl in the world. Even the cute new kid Ken is clingy to her as well what is it with her I should be the one that the guys drool over and cling to. When I started here I was the one that the guys pawned over and find ways to get my attention, I was the one who can dance y, sing, but now shes come and with all the rumours going on around the school about her being a triple threat which I couldnt understand from that day forward I swore to make her life terrible her at school.
(End of Hyoyeon POV)
(Changmin POV)
"Changmin sshi?"
I look at one of the bodyguards I have for Haneul's protection during school.
I look at him he looked like a student when he walked in with the school uniform that Haneul wore every morning, it was my job to protect and guide Haneul, I did tell her that I was getting bodyguards to potray as normal school students she was hesitant but she followed through.
"You said that you wanted an update about Haneul during school time?"
"Yes, whats the update?"
"She goes to her classes, with her friends during break times, and..."
I hear a pause
"She is being ridiculed and bullied by a group of girls constantly, I have a background checks of the girls here sir"
He passes the file and I see 6 pictures of beautiful girls, they didnt look like the type to terrorize others for there benefit. 
"The first is the leader Hyoyeon she is the main instigator of the bullying towards Haneul, the rest of them are Yuri, Hyomin,  Bora, Eunjung and Jia they aree part of her group"
"I you have any idea why?" 
"No clue, the girls are following there leader that is all we know, What do you want us to do?"
"I want you to keep an eye on her and only get involved if it gets serious, I promised Haneul that we werent going to complicate things, thank you"
I was worried for her safety as well as mine but I chose not to tell Haneul.
(End of Changmin POV)
(Detective Yoochun POV)
The invistigation was a tricky one Minho and I couldnt find the killer or killers for the murder of Mr and Mrs Park there had to be a motive for this crime. We did background check on Shim Changmin and that ruled him out of suspicion in the investigation. Days went by, still no leads we had organised an officer to cover Miss Haneul Park's moves. There was something not right about this investigation it is a high profile invistigation.
"Yah Yoochun-ah"
"Wae Minho?"
"Theres something thats bugging me?"
"I dont know Yoochun?"
Minho and I have been partners since attending the police academy together and now detectives, Minho was not just my parnter but also my buddy, I tend to follow him whenever he had a feeling and thats what worried me most it.
(End of Yoochun's POV)
Days went by like a normal routine, school, board meetings, work dinners, work parties, music lessons, friends, Hyoyeon constantly terrorising you at school, B.A.P on tv, you rarely see them cause they are busy you only get texts from them which was sweet but your heart was excited when you got texts from Yongguk oppa and part of you felt excited when you got texts from Daehyun as well. 
To: Haneul
From:Yonggukkie Oppa
Gibuni Eottae?
To:Yonggukkie Oppa
Hwaginibnida Yongguk oppa  
What about you?
You must be tired
Ye Gwenchana Daehyun 
What about you?
From:Yonggukkie Oppa
Im ok Haneul, been  
Busy with shows, and with our comeback
Writing, would be cool if we could hang out like last time.
Gwenchana, just busy with our comeback but
having H.W.A
(Haneul Cheesecake Withdrawal) keke
To:Yonggukkie Oppa
Oh I have seen them online  
Its pretty funny especially online, 
Your awkward aeygo
Would be cool to see for
Real, so cute
Yongguk oppa I didnt know you could rap like
and it would be cool to hangout
Ye I've seen them
I didnt know
that you can sing so well, Daehyun
When I see you I may bring you are cheesecake
since  you could be suffering from withdrawal symptoms keke
From:Yonggukkie Oppa
Keke thanks Haneul
But there are somethings I dont want to  show keke
and Yeah there are somethings you dont know about me
Ill hold you to that Haneul
I dont want to wait to long keke
Everyday went like a routine that became a habit which kept you on your toes you had moments where things would change. Ken was fast becoming one of your best guy friends of course he wont replace or take Yongguk oppa and the others place. Life seemed to go well, school exams were getting closer which made you study and listen more in class, work commitements juggling that with school you went to regular board of directors meeting and the odd client dinners, music lessons went on like normal, you had an upcoming recital which you had to attend which was planned before your parents passing, dancing was like the sun beneath storm whenever you danced you felt like there was nothing but you and the music which made you forget about pressures of reality, hanging out with your girls and Ken when you had time, and only seeing Yongguk oppa and the rest of B.A.P on tv or online which wasnt much but it felt like you were with them. Changmin hyung was also trying hard you could see that he was tense at times.
"Hyung whats wrong?"
"Nothing Waeyo?"
"You seem like you have something bugging you, if its work please let me know, we promised each other that we will help each other no matter what it is, or if it is not work whats up?"
You were worried for him hes helped you so much and this was like small change to assist him.
"Ani its nothing just mentally going down my list of things that needs to be done"
You look at him he looked like he was stressing about something but you didnt want to push him. Finally you rest after what seemed like a long day. What felt like a long few weeks to the day you wont forget you sit on your bed and look at your reflection at the mirror and you see that youve GROWN UP to become a better person and have the understanding of what parents, single parents, adults go through in there daily lives no matter what background but all the same work hard to become better person and reach there potential.






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sorry there maybe a couple of pictures that I have used twice sorry!


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Good job!! I like it ((:
Chapter 26: Oh its finished, I loved the ending short and sweet it's so romantic and sweet, I could actually picture Bang Yongguk being like that, you have a way of drawing me in when I read this fanfic can't wait for your next story if you do another one hwaiting!!!
Chapter 24: Wow really nice....
The tragedy, the action, the triangle,
"two cute guys loving her"
wow would love to be in her shoes, but... I can see what your trying to do, and dont worry about the mixup with the pictures its all good not everyone's perfect. Cant wait to read the rest.... Of this fanfic, and how you updated alot of chapters for us is so awesome, cant wait for next update!!!!
Chapter 8: Ooooooo, so excited cant wait for the next update, love the aeygo gifs you have and love that Yoochun and Changmin involved in this fanfic, loved them since DBSK days but more since watching Yoochun in Rooftop Prince and Changmin in Paradise Ranch.
I like how the stroys going not to bad cant wait till you update authornim.
love the cute aeygo gif you have!!!!
The characterd in this fanfic is so cool cant wait....
Chapter 5: Oh thats cute authornim, cant wait for next update, thanks for accepting my friend request....
Chapter 4: Cant wait for next update :-)