Making Connections

Wrong Number

***Sulli POV***

“Once again I advise you to pair up carefully. Your performance will be the last thing you will be graded on. Your partner doesn’t have to be someone in this class, just in the performing arts department,” the teacher says before excusing us.

I stare at Krystal who is busy texting on her phone. When she’s done she smiles at me.

“I can count on you being my partner?” I ask her.

She nods. “Not this time. Amber asked me to be her partner earlier.”

“Then who will I be with?” I think out loud. I lightly hit the bottom of my pink dress.

“Luna is your last hope. You better hurry before someone asks her,” Krystal says while looking at her phone. She looks up and stares at me. “Is it me or have you become prettier?”

“Huh?” I look at her confused.

“Is Sulli in love?” she says playfully.

I stare at her quietly.

“No way?! You, out of all people have finally fallen for someone?” Krystal yells as we walk towards the quad.

“Shh-,” I tell her. “Don’t be loud.”

“So who is your prince charming?” She asks.

I look down, debating whether to tell her that I like Minho.

“Over here.” Victoria signals us towards her.

We walk over and see Luna is talking to Key. Key smiles at her energetically and does a turn. Luna nods her head then they both walk towards us.

“Girls, meet my beautiful partner!”

I stare at him. There goes my only shot of getting a partner.

“Why are you making a sad face?” Key asks.

“You took the person I was going to ask to be my partner,” I pout.

“Um… I can fix your problem!” Victoria yells as Key scratches the back of his head.

“You will be my partner?” I ask her cheerfully.

“No,” she replies. She turns to look at Key. “Does the dancing boy have a partner?”

Key shrugs his shoulders. “I can call.” Victoria nods.

“Who’s your partner?” Luna asks Victoria and Krystal.

“Amber is mine,” Krystal says.

“Taemin,” Victoria replies.

“Onew is with Jonghyun,” Key adds. I stare at them silently.

“Those two will make the perfect team,” Luna sighs.

Their chattering is stopped by a ringtone. Key reaches into his pocket to grab his phone then answers it. After a while he hangs up and gives Victoria a thumbs up.

“We got you a partner.” Key pats my shoulder as Victoria smiles.

“Who?” I ask.

“Just follow me,” Key pulls me. Luna goes up to us and hits Key making him let go. “Did you do something different to yourself today?”

“That’s what I was wondering!” Luna yells. “You look cuter than usual.”

“It’s cause she’s-“Krystal begins to say, but is cut off.

“We are here!” Key yells as he opens the door to a practice room. The sound of music flows out then draws us in like ocean waves.

“You’re here,” Onew whispers.

I stare at Minho who is concentrated on his dance routine. I can feel my face burning. When I look to the side I catch Krystal staring at me. She mouths the words “prince” and “Charming” while pointing at Minho. I cover my face in embarrassment. She giggles.

“What’s wrong with you two?” Victoria asks.

“Nothing,” we both laugh.

The song ends and so does Minho’s dancing. He drops himself on the ground and begins panting heavily.

“Good job!” We hear someone yell from the door.  We all look and see Ae Sook coming in. “Minho you looked stunning.”

“This ,” Key says in a low tone.

“What do you want?” Minho says while getting up.

“Can we talk outside?” She asks.

I stare as she gets closer to him. Minho nods and begins to walk towards the door. I start feeling a heavy pain in my chest. I suddenly realize my hand is gripping Minho’s wrist.

“What’s wrong?” he asks in shock.

I nod and let go. Everyone stares at us. The heat omitting off his body makes my heart beat faster. I can feel my face turning pink. Minho’s hand finds its way to mine.

“Whatever you want to say, say it here,” he tells Ae Sook.

“Will you be my partner?” she asks him.

“You really think he’ll say yes?” Amber steps into the room. “If I were you, I would’ve never asked.”

“Who’s asking you?” Ae Sook says rudely.

“Can you leave?” Minho tells her. He grips my hand tighter then pulls me in. “I already have a partner. One that’s better than you.”

Ae Sook starts laughing. “I admit I made a mistake coming to ask you. Either way I don’t want a hopeless partner. With Sulli at your side, you’re surely going to lose to me. Look at her, she’s all looks. People like cuteness and talent, too bad she only has the one thing that anybody can have.”

“Shut up!” Minho yells. He lets go of my hand and walks towards her. “You can insult me, but not her. She has nothing to do with your issues.”

“Oh Minho~ you’ll never learn. You need to be with the best to become the best. What I see is you hanging out with the people at the bottom of the chain,” She laughs again.

I feel my eyes starting to burn. My legs start moving on their own. Before I know it I’m running across campus towards the park nearby,


I lay on my couch wrapped in my blanket along with a box of tissues and a bag of chips.

I will never be good enough for Minho… Snap out of it Sulli! Today is the drama marathon you were looking forward too. No one can ruin you happy time.

I look at the screen, but doze off. I suddenly hear the doorbell. I get up and open the door. My jaw drops when I see Minho standing there with a candy basket.

“Um….?” I stare at him confused.

“Can I come in?” he asks. I nod my head yes then let him in.

“Sorry about the mess,” I tell him.

I quickly pick up my blanket and the box of tissue.

“Here this is for you,” he says while handing the candy basket to me.

“Thanks,” I say with a smile. “You shouldn’t have.”

“Sulli, I’m sorry about today,” he tells me.

“It’s not your fault,” I laugh. “Has she always been like that?”

“Yeah… but she’s part of the past.” He play with his hands.

“Then what’s you present” I ask him. He turns to stare at me. He accidently drops the basket.

After picking it up I lift my head. My eyes grow wide when I see his face next to mine.

“I don’t know… Maybe you?” he says.

My heart starts beating faster as his face comes closer to mine.

“Sulli!!!” Amber yells while walking in. Minho pulls away quickly. I stare as the girls walk in then walk to my side.

“Ah~ did she forgive you?” Victoria asks.

Minho looks at the basket then at me. I feel my face blush.

“Oh~ this is my favorite brand!” Luna says while grabbing the candy basket. She sits in between Minho and me.

“Girls…” Krystal stares at them mad.

“I have to get going,” Minho says while standing up. “So are we partners?”

“Sure,” I nod.

“See you tomorrow,” Minho smiles then walks out.

“So you like him?” Victoria asks after closing the door.

I stay quiet.

“I ruined the moment?!” Amber asks confused.

“Wait? My Sulli likes someone?” Luna asks.

“Can’t it be any more obvious?” Krystal and Victoria say in unison.

“We are sorry,” Luna says.

“It’s okay,” I respond.

“Hey Sulli? Can we spend the night?” they ask me.

“Sure?” I reply. I hear my phone vibrate. I look at it and see a message form mystery boy.

“Do you have someone you like?”

I look at my friends who are staring at my phone.

“Who is mystery boy?” they all ask.

I explain to them what has been happening in the previous months.

“So he goes to our school?” Luna asks.

“Yes. Can we continue this another day?” I ask them. “I’m tired.”

“Sure,” they all reply.

When they all fall asleep I grab my phone.

“I do. Do you?”

“Yea… but I don’t know whether she will like me.”

“Why wouldn’t she?” I ask him.

“She doesn’t like my type. Recently we have gotten closer so I thought maybe I had a chance. It got ruined though.” He replies.

“Why don’t you ask her how she feels?”

“Thanks. I will ask her tomorrow at school,” he replies.

“We don’t have school tomorrow. It’s Saturday, remember?” I text back.

“I’ll text her.”

“Good!” I reply.

“Wait! I don’t have her number.”

“Get it from a friend”

“I will try. Thanks for your help,” He replies.

I put my phone away then fall asleep.



“We need to get you Minho’s number,” Victoria tells me as we walk down the park.

“For what?” I ask.

“For dance practice,” she says.

“Oh,” I answer.

“No! Sulli that’s not why! You need to talk!” Victoria screams.

She takes out her phone and dials a number then takes mine out of my pocket. I watch as she sets the dialer up.

“What’s Minho’s number?” She asks. Victoria taps her finger on the screen. “Thanks.”

She presses the calling button then puts it next to my ear.

“Hello?” I hear someone answer in a familiar tone. I stay quiet. “Are you there?”

“Minho?” I manage to say.

“You know my name?” he sounds surprised. “I thought we weren’t going to figure out things on our own?”

“Minho, this is Sulli,” I reply.

“Sulli? Do you mind me asking whose phone you’re using?” He asks.

“Mine?” I answer.

“But this… Mystery girl?” he sound confused.

I look at Victoria in shock. I pull the phone away from my ear and see the contact name. My phone drops to the ground.

“Mystery girl… I mean Sulli…” the noise comes from the phone.

“Sulli are you okay?” Victoria stares at me.

I stare at my phone in shock as I make connections between Minho’s voice and mystery boy’s voice.

No… it can’t be. I’ve been talking to Minho all this time? 


A/N (Gwang2)- Everyone! Sorry we/ i haven't updated in a while. Gwang1 and I are also busy updating our other stories from our own profiles. Well I hope this is the chapter everyone was waiting for! The final chapter is or possibly is next. I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter. Comments are accepted with love <3 Sorry about it being a cliffhanger!

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Chapter 10: Just find this beautiful story and can't help but read it till the end right away! it's so beautiful and sweet that my heart couldn't resist not to read even if you writed it a long time ago,thank u for writing minsul love story author,i realy liked it<3
liyaaaaaang #2
Chapter 10: I like it..thank you for a wonderful story...
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 10: nice story authornim
like wrong number storyline, very good
thanks authornim
Choiminah29 #4
Chapter 10: Omo !!!! Beautiful story !
Choiminah29 #5
Chapter 8: Very thrill !,,,
Choiminah29 #6
Chapter 1: I wonder why the guy call that he didn't perceived the voice of sulli ???
forevermeandyou #7
Chapter 10: great.. i love this story <3
minsulfanfic #8
I love this!!! my feels are attacking again...
BrendaMyners #9
Chapter 10: omgee !! i cant stop smiling and laughing
cutienica18 #10
Chapter 10: I Like It :)