Second Phone Call

Wrong Number


***Sulli POV***

“Let’s go,” Krystal tells me after class ends.

I hand in my assignment then walk towards the door. I feel my phone vibrate and I reach to grab it.

“I feel like I did a work out. So tired.”

I smile after reading the message from the unknown number. I immediately start tapping the screen.

“Watch out!” I hear Krystal and another person yell.

My phone flies into the sky along with another one. I stare in shock as I’m falling down also. I close my eyes, but don’t feel pain. I take a peek and see Minho looking down at me.

“Sorry,” Minho says while helping me stand up straight. He picks up a towel on the ground and wraps it around his neck.

I bend down to grab my phone and Minho does the same.

“Sorry I wasn’t looking,” I tell him while examining my phone.

“No, it was my fault too,” Minho replies while staring at his phone.

“I told you not to text while you walk!” one of Minho’s friends comes yelling towards us.

Krystal walks over to us too. “I’m sorry Minho and Jonghyun. My friend has been stuck to her phone since last night.”

“That makes two.” Jonghyun laughs while pointing at Minho.

Jonghyun and Krystal start talking to each other leaving me and Minho in an awkward situation. Please don’t talk to me. I don’t want to be seen as a kingka follower.

“Milkis girl, right?” Minho says while nodding his head.

“I have a name,” I reply coldly.

“I’m Minho,” he tells me while bowing.

“Sulli,” I tell him. “I’m sorry, but can you stand closer to your friend.”

“Why?” Minho asks.

“I don’t want to be seen with a kingka,” I tell him in the kindest tone I could.

“You’re funny,” He laughs.

“Let’s go,” Krystal says while facing me.

“Well I guess we’ll see you later,” Jonghyun says.

Later? What’s going on later?

“Goodbye Sulli,” Minho tells me with a smile then walks away.

“Where are we going?” I ask Krystal as we make our way to the parking lot.

“We are going to the karaoke place downtown,” Krystal says with a smile.

“What?! I have somewhere to go!” I tell her.

“Stop lying,” She says while starting to drive. “I cleared your schedule.”

After a while of driving we arrive at the karaoke place. Krystal barges into a room where I find our friends sitting next to some of the guys from yesterday.

“What took you guys so long?” Luna yells while getting up. She grabs my arm and sits me next to the guy I met yesterday, Taemin.

“Sulli right?” Taemin says.

“Yes. Hello,” I tell him. I grab my phone and ignore his stares.

I reply to the message I didn’t finish earlier.

“Seems tiring just hearing about it. Fighting!”

I send the message and look up again. I notice Luna is talking with Key and the others in are together in another conversation. My phone rings and I look down at it.

“Thanks. What are you doing? I am going to hang out with friends”

I think about what to write to this random stranger.

“I’m hanging out with my friends too!”

I get a quick reply.

“I should stop bothering you then.”

I reply back quickly. “No! It’s okay since they are busying with other people.”

“Really? Maybe I should go to where you are?”

I blush at the thought of meeting this person. I nod my head after imagining what it would be like. I hear the door open and I look up. The guy from earlier comes in and Minho follows behind him with his phone.

“We are here!” the guy yells.

“Jonghyun sit next to me,” Krystal scoots to make room for him.

Minho looks around for a seat, but the only one left is the one next to me. He looks at me and takes a step back. He smiles and sits next to me.

“We meet again,” he says.

I wish we didn’t. It’s not that I hate you, but I don’t think we have anything in common.

“Hello,” I answer then pick up my phone again.

“We hardly know each other. I think texting each other is fine.” I reply.

“Do you want a drink?” Minho asks while getting up.

“Sure,” I tell him.

Minho leaves and I return my gaze to my phone. My ringtone rings again.

“I don’t remember your voice. How do you sound? Are we friends?”

“Hm… I sound like a girl. I guess you can say we are,” I reply to him.

Minho comes back and hands me a drink. I switch my phone to vibrating so nobody could hear. I open the drink and feel my phone vibrate. I read the message while I drink.

“Don’t tell me you are e haha. I’ll be friends with a pedo.”

I spit my drink out while I laugh. Minho stares at me, but I ignore him.

“I’m only 18 haha. You’re probably an old man!”

“What’s so funny?” Minho asks.

Come on Sulli find and excuse. How about I show him a meme. Yes that will work!

I flip through my phone quickly and find a meme. I show it to him and he stares. He suddenly starts laughing.

“That’s funny,” he says.

“Yeah,” I tell him.

“So what are you majoring in,” Minho asks.

“Performing arts,” I tell him.

“That’s cool. I am too,” Minho says.

“When you become famous I can say I met you,” I tell him while laughing.

“Why are you sure I will become famous?” He asks me.

“Because look at you.” I stare at him. His face changes to a serious one.

“I want to be known for my skill,” his voice sounds serious.

“I understand,” I tell him.

“You don’t want to be known as the child look-a-like?” Minho laughs.

“I guess. People always say I’m cute, but I want to be known for my voice if I become famous. I really do love performing,” I tell him with a smile.

“Then we both feel the same.” He looks at his phone then smiles.

I get up and walk out of the room without the other people noticing.

“Are you serious? I’m 19. Anyways are you sure I’m not disturbing you?”

Where is the restroom? Maybe I should get some fresh air. Then again I need to go to the bathroom. I’ll do both! First to the restroom then to the outside.

I look at my phone after getting out of the bathroom and read the message.

“No. I’m alone outside either way.”

I exit the restroom and make my way to the exit. I feel my phone vibrate again.

“I will call you.”

I stare at my phone in shock of what to reply. No! I don’t want to talk. What do I do? Tell him no Sulli! Before he calls me.

 Before I reply my phone starts vibrating. I look down and see the number calling me. It’s him.

I stare at my phone before answering. I gather up my nerves and answer.


“Hey. So this is how you sound like.”

“Yes. I’m not a creepy old man.” I laugh into the phone.

“You sound like a nice person.”

“So do you. Ever since I first heard you I knew you sounded nice.”

“Really? Do you think we will ever meet?” He asks.

“Probably not. South Korea is a huge country.” I tell him.

“Oh, but we can still be friends.” He says.

“Definitely. So you are a singer?” I ask him.

“Yeah. How do you know?” He asks me.

“You sang while you were drunk.”

“Oh gosh… Did I sound ok?” He questions me.

“Yes. Will you sing for me?” I ask him.

“Okay,” he replies. I hear him clear his throat.

Noona is so pretty looking at her I go cr-“ the guy begins to sing, but I pull the phone away from my ear.

“Sulli!” Victoria yells. I turn to see her facing me. “Let’s go in already!”

I end the phone call as I’m being dragged back in.


Victoria sits me next to Taemin again.

“So do you think it can happen?” Victoria asks.

“Maybe… She seems sweet,” Taemin says.

I look at them confused.

“Where’s Minho?” Taemin asks Onew. Onew nods that he doesn’t know and so do the others.

We hear the door open and we look. Minho comes in silently then sits in the spot he sat before I left.

“Where were you?” Onew asks Minho.

“I was on the phone,” Minho answers.

“New girlfriend?” Key asks.

“Old friend.” Minho stares at his phone. I stare at mine also.

Should I text the person in apology or should I wait? I feel bad for ending the call without telling them.

“Sulli who are you texting?” Amber asks.

“My friend,” I tell her.


A/N- Gwang2: Hello! Sorry that the updates take a while. My friend, Gwang1, writes the Minho POV and she is busy testing. I write the Sulli POV, but I'm sick so it will take a while to update. I hope you guys liked the update! Please comment! I want to hear your thoughts.

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Chapter 10: Just find this beautiful story and can't help but read it till the end right away! it's so beautiful and sweet that my heart couldn't resist not to read even if you writed it a long time ago,thank u for writing minsul love story author,i realy liked it<3
liyaaaaaang #2
Chapter 10: I like it..thank you for a wonderful story...
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 10: nice story authornim
like wrong number storyline, very good
thanks authornim
Choiminah29 #4
Chapter 10: Omo !!!! Beautiful story !
Choiminah29 #5
Chapter 8: Very thrill !,,,
Choiminah29 #6
Chapter 1: I wonder why the guy call that he didn't perceived the voice of sulli ???
forevermeandyou #7
Chapter 10: great.. i love this story <3
minsulfanfic #8
I love this!!! my feels are attacking again...
BrendaMyners #9
Chapter 10: omgee !! i cant stop smiling and laughing
cutienica18 #10
Chapter 10: I Like It :)