You Remind Me of Someone

Wrong Number


***Sulli POV***

“What do you guys think about the upcoming dance?” Victoria asks.

I slip my hand into the bag of chips in front of me. I direct my gaze from the TV screen to her and the rest of the girls.

“We have to go!” Luna says excitedly. “I hear it’s mascaraed. It seems like it will be fun.”

“But who will we go with?” Krystal asks. I pop a chip in my mouth and face the TV again.

“How about Jonghyun and his friends?” Amber suggests.

A smirk spreads on Victoria’s face. “Perfect! Right Sulli?”

I turn to look at her confused.

“Why are you asking me? I don’t plan on going.” I munch on another chip.

“You have to!” Luna yells at me.

“But I don’t like these kind of things,” I tell them.

“We will all be there. So come with us, please?” Krystal pouts.

“Okay…” I say while staring at the TV. “I want to go alone.”

“No! You are going with Minho. Luna with Key and Taemin and I. Krystal, you know Jonghyun will say yes to you. Amber… who are you going with? Onew is still available.” Amber points at us.

“I’m going with Aron and Onew as friends. We are going to sit in the side and just talk,” Amber tells us.

I swallow a chip and stare at Victoria. After a while she notices.

“What?” she asks.

“Why Minho? I don’t talk to him,” I mumble to her.

“Because you know him the most,” she pats my shoulder.

“Ugh!!” I fall back onto the ground. “I want to sleep.”

“Tomorrow we are talking to the guys,” Luna tells us.


-Next Day-

I sit across Minho who is staring constantly at his phone. I pick up mine and stare at my phone too. I decide to text my mystery guy.

It was a big shock when I found out he came to the same school as me. I wonder if he is going to the dance too. I have to ask.

I text him quickly and lock my screen.

“So is everything ok?” Victoria and Taemin ask while looking at us. We all nod.

“We will all go pick our outfits today. Matching, please no rainbow,” Victoria says while looking at me.

I look at Minho who is glued to his phone. A smile spreads on his face as he texts.

“Did you hear her?” I ask him.

“Oh! Yeah…” Minho runs his hand through his hair. “What color are we going with?”

“Pink?” I suggest.

“Sure,” he says. “I need to go to the bathroom. Please excuse me.”

He gets up and leaves. I feel my phone vibrate.

“Yes I’m going to the dance. What about you?”

I quickly reply. “Yes, but with friends. I’m supposed to go with a boy I barely met.”

“Same here. Not a boy, but a girl. Do you like him?”

“I don’t really know him. He seems nice. It’s hard for me to talk to people.”

“Really? You don’t seem like that.”

“Really? I’m a very shy girl.”

“How about we meet at the dance?”

“Sure (:” I see Minho walking my way and I quickly end the text. “I can’t wait to talk to you in person. We will meet with our masks on. I have to go. It was nice talking to you.”

“Let’s go pick out our outfits,” Luna says while starting to walk towards the door.

“Let’s go our own way,” Minho tells me.

I look at him confused.

“Are you saying that we our leaving our friends?” I ask him.

“It will be much easier,” He tells me.

He gets up and starts walking towards the door. I walk behind the group. When I reach the outside, I feel someone grab my hand.

“Hurry,” Minho says with a smile.

Everyone stares as we drive away. I stare in confusion and fear about what’s going on.

“What’s wrong?” Minho asks.

“I just left my friends,” I say while staring out the window. “Who will help me?”

Minho laughs, “If you need help with the dress, then I can help you.”

I start to laugh awkwardly. After a while of awkward silence, we arrive at the shopping center. We enter a dress shop. I walk around amazed by the beautiful colors and styles.

“Do you like any of them?” Minho asks.

I nod my head yes. “They’re all pretty.” I feel my face blush.

“That’s good. I’m glad you like them,” Minho says.

“Choi Minho!” a lady comes up and wraps her arms around him. “Who is this young lady?”

I bow down. “I’m Sulli, nice to meet you.”

“Hello, I’m this handsome boy’s mother,” she says with a smile. “Are you his girlfriend?”

“Mother!” Minho says while blushing. “She’s my date to the upcoming dance. We are only friends.”

“Oh~ Are you here for a dress? I think pink would suit you!” She hurriedly walks over to the racks and pulls down every pink dress. “Come with me!”

We make our way to the dressing room. There I begin my dress journey. After hours of trying on dresses, I try on the last one.

I really like this one. I want to take this.

“Come out,” Minho’s mom says. I walk out shyly and she smiles at me. “You look beautiful! Minho what do you think?”

Minho stares at me with a fixed gaze. A smile suddenly forms on his face.

“It looks really nice,” he tells me. “I got my tuxedo picked out too. “

-Day of the Dance-

I’m nervous. This is the first time I am going to a dance. Jitters? I hardly know Minho. I’m glad we are going in a group, because I feel more comfortable. Ugh! I need to get ready!

I finish getting my hair in a cute hairstyle. I hear my phone ring and I run over to it.

“I’m wearing a grey suit tonight and a pink mask. What about you?”

I smile at my screen. “Pink dress with a white mask.”

“That’s funny. My date is also wearing a pink dress.”

“I don’t know what my date is wearing. I bet you look handsome. Pink is a popular among us girls >-<” I begin to giggle.

“See you tonight mystery girl (:”

I quickly put on my heels when I hear the door ring. I open the door and see Minho standing there.

“Ready?” he asks while staring at me. “You look pretty.”

“Thank you,” I tell him.

We get in his car and he begins driving.

“Rules,” I tell him. “I know we are going together, but can you please not grab me to close.”

“Why?” Minho asks as he parks in front of the hall.

“I don’t want girls to hate me for taking their prince,” I tell him.

“One dance? One slow dance, that’s all I want,” Minho says.

“Just one,” I tell him. He walks out and opens the door for me. We walk in the hall together.

As soon as we enter we spot our friends.

“You guys look cute!” Krystal yells while holding Jonghyun’s hand.

“Thank you, “Minho replies.

“I love your dress,” Victoria tells me. “Where did you get it?”

I look at Minho who places his finger over his lips.

“A store,” I say with a giggle.

“Let’s dance,” Amber says while running through the crowd. I laugh at the sight of my friends join her.

“Let’s join the fun,” Minho says with a smile. He glides me towards them.

After a while of dancing we all decide to sit down.

“Look who’s here and staring,” Key tells Minho.

Minho and I look to the side and see Ae Sook glaring at us. I awkwardly look on the ground.

“Just ignore her,” Taemin tells us.

“I want punch,” I tell them while getting up.

“Want me to get you some?” Minho asks while standing too.

“No, I’m okay,” I tell him.

While serving myself some punch, I feel a hand hit my back.

“Why are you with Minho?” Ae Sook asks.

I look down and stay quiet.

“You like him don’t you. You are like the other ugly girls that were waiting for us to split up,” She pushes me back. The punch spills all over my dress.

I look down in shock. My words get stuck in my throat and I can’t speak.

“It’s okay you can have him. Let me warn you, he doesn’t like your type,” she walks closer to me.

I close my eyes. I suddenly feel someone’s warmth behind me. I open my eyes and look back.

“You are really a horrible person. I don’t know why I ever liked you,” Minho tells Ae Sook.

“I never liked you either way. I was with you for the fame,” she laughs while walking away.

I look at Minho’s hurt face. I feel bad. Before I realize it, I’m walking down the hall while holding Minho’s hand. We sit down on an outside bench and I let go of his hand. He sits there quietly.

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

“No… Sorry about this,” he replies while looking at the ground.

“You deserve better,” I tell him. “If you need someone to talk to, I’m here.”

“Thank you,” Minho says. “It’s funny how I can forget about her, but then all the feelings rush back.”

“That’s love. Well at least in dramas that is,” I tell him seriously.

“You’re funny,” he laughs. “Haven’t you ever been in love?”

I blush. “Not really.”

“Has anyone ever sparked your attention?” Minho asks.

“Well… recently a guy has,” I say while blushing brighter.

“Why don’t you talk to him?” He says while looking at me in the eyes.

“Why?” he asks.

“Because I can’t talk to people. I’m a very shy girl,” I tell him.

He begins laughing. I stare at him. “You reminded me of some girl I think is a pretty cool person.”

“Really? Is she nice?” I ask him.

“I haven’t really met her,” he replies. “She’s helped me get over Ae Sook.”

“That’s good,” I smile at him. He stares at me then smiles.

“You have a nice smile,” he says while grabbing my cheek. “Want to go do something fun?”

“Sure,” I answer. He gets up and extends his hand towards me. I reach out and grab it.

He takes off his coat and slips it on me. Then we get in the car.

“Where are we going?” I ask him.

“It’s a surprise,” he answers.

We stop in front of an ice cream parlor and get down.

“One chocolate and strawberry sundae,” Minho tells the person behind the counter. They quickly prepare it and hand it to us.

“Let’s go,” Minho says.

We quickly make our way down the street to a park area. We sit down and begin to eat the sundae.

“The stars are pretty,” I tell him.

“Yea, I come here when I’m depressed or happy,” Minho answers. “It’s my secret get away.”

“It’s not a secret if I know,” I laugh.

“I guess you’re special,” Minho says while smiling at me.

“So are you a hopeless romantic?” I ask him.

“I am. What about you?” he says while eating ice cream.

“I am totally one,” I answer.

“That makes two of us,” he says while putting his spoon up in the air. I put mine up to his and clank them. We both laugh.

“You’re a very nice person,” Minho tells me.

“You too. I never imagined I would talk to you,” I tell him.

“Why?” he looks at me confused.

“You’re a kingka, therefore I avoid your type,” I tell him.

“So are you going to avoid me after tonight?” he questions.

“No. I guess you’re special too,” I laugh.

“We forgot our one dance,” he says while getting up. “Let’s dance.”

“Here?” I ask while joining him.

He nods with a smile. He grabs me closer.

“This is awkward! No music,” I tell him.

“Just imagine there is a song,” he says while starting to dance. I move along with him,

He looks at me in the eyes. I feel myself blush.

“Want to hang out another time?” he asks.

“That would be nice,” I tell him.

We slowly make our way to the car. On the way to my apartment, we talk nonstop and listen to music. When we arrive he walks me to the front steps.

“Thanks for tonight,” I tell him.

“It was my pleasure,” he smiles. My heart skips a beat.

I wave goodbye after handing him his jacket. I look at my phone when I get inside and notice it’s almost midnight.

I forgot about mystery guy!! What am I to do? I have to call him to apologize. I couldn’t leave Minho. What’s this? Why is my heart beating faster when I think of Minho? No… I can’t fall for a Kingka.

I quickly dial mystery guy.

“Hello?”  A manly voice answers.

“Hi,” I reply.

“I’m sorry about tonight!” We both say in unison.

“Huh?” he asks.

“I had something to do. Sorry I didn’t meet you.”

“It’s ok. I had a business to attend also.”

“Really that’s great. How was your dance?” I ask him.

“It was fun,” he replies. “How about yours?”

“Fun also,” I tell him.

“I wanted to finally meet the mysterious girl,” he laughs.

“Maybe another time?” I answer.

“Hopefully” he says. “I will be upset if I don’t meet my mystery friend.”

I feel my heart skip a beat again. Yes… this feels more right. Wait… I shouldn’t like a stranger either. I guess love isn’t for me. Hopeless romantic at work again.

“I have class tomorrow. Text me if you ever want to talk,” I tell him.

“Will do,” he replies. “Wait! I want to tell you one more thing.”

“Yes?” I answer.

“Today I talked to a girl that reminded me of you,” he says.

“That’s amazing,” I laugh.

“Goodnight,” He laughs.

“Goodnight,” I reply.


A/N- Gwang2: Wahh!! I finally update. Thanks Gwang1 for updating. I hope you guys liked the chapter(: please leave comments! Your comments keep me inspired. Hopefully me and my friend will update quicker because our summer is starting. Have a great rest of the week!

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Chapter 10: Just find this beautiful story and can't help but read it till the end right away! it's so beautiful and sweet that my heart couldn't resist not to read even if you writed it a long time ago,thank u for writing minsul love story author,i realy liked it<3
liyaaaaaang #2
Chapter 10: I like it..thank you for a wonderful story...
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 10: nice story authornim
like wrong number storyline, very good
thanks authornim
Choiminah29 #4
Chapter 10: Omo !!!! Beautiful story !
Choiminah29 #5
Chapter 8: Very thrill !,,,
Choiminah29 #6
Chapter 1: I wonder why the guy call that he didn't perceived the voice of sulli ???
forevermeandyou #7
Chapter 10: great.. i love this story <3
minsulfanfic #8
I love this!!! my feels are attacking again...
BrendaMyners #9
Chapter 10: omgee !! i cant stop smiling and laughing
cutienica18 #10
Chapter 10: I Like It :)