
Wrong Number

***Minho POV***

“Got to go, bye!” I quickly hang up and put my phone on the dining table. My heart pounds madly and I fell my face growing hot. Taemin and Key watch in amusement.

“Were you talking to Sulli?” Taemin asks as he elbows my side.

“Yes. Well, no. Well, kind of. I don't know.” I drop my head on the table and try to process everything that just went on.

My Mystery Girl is Sulli.

Sulli is my Mystery Girl.

I told Mystery Girl that I liked Sulli.

“Oh my God, she hates me.” I blurt out.

Key and Taemin stare at me in confusion as I pout.

And if I remember right, Myster- I mean Sulli...told me she liked someone.

I felt my heart shatter once more as I cover my face with my hands.

“There go all my chances I ever had.” I said.

I felt my phone vibrate as I saw a name pop up on the screen.

From: Mystery Girl

Hey, Minho...Victoria and Luna said you were with Taemin and Key. We're meeting up to practice in half an hour. Uh, see you there...

I stare at my phone surprised that she was acting normal. Isn’t she shocked? Don’t tell me I’m the only one shocked with the sudden revelation.

“What are you staring at?” Taemin asks while grabbing my phone. He looks at the screen. “Weird codenames. How about something more attractive. Or do you and Sulli have a thing for weirdness?”

I stay quiet and look at the phone.

“Aren’t you going to reply?” Key asks while looking at the screen too.

“I don’t know…” I slap my forehead.

“Well I’ll do it for you.” Taemin begins texting.

I don’t bother to stop him. My mind still jammed from the situation.

“That’s it! Make it flirty,” Key tells Taemin. He grabs the phone. “I’ll do it.”

Key has my phone… Wait! KEY HAS MY PHONE. DIVA KEY!

I grab my phone away from Key’s hand. I notice the message was sent before I got it.

To: Mystery Girl

I will be there soon! I can’t wait to see your beautiful face. Also make sure to wear pink. You always look great when you wear pink.

I stare at Key. I lift my hand and smack him on the head.

“Are these your thoughts?” I yell at him.

Key nods his head. “Maybe. Minho you can’t lie. She looks great in pink. Now please be honest to yourself and ask her out.”

I sigh deeply and look at my phone. “Yeah she does look great.”

“So are you going to ask her out?” Taemin asks. “If want to, I think I can help you out.”

“How?” Key asks before me.

Taemin climbs on the table and does the superman pose.

“Get down,” I tell him. Key’s eyes glitter in amazement.

“Victoria and I knew you guys were perfect for each other. That’s why we’ve been trying to get you close. Seeing you guys together will be like giving away our children! We are proud parents!” Taemin says.

He finally gets off the table and stands next to me.

“So will you help me?” I ask him.

“Anything for Minsul,” Taemin laughs. He raises his hand in the air. “Victory aka Sulli will be yours!”

We head towards Taemin’s car. He pats me in the back.

“One last thing?” I say to Key and Taemin.

“What?” They both ask.

“She has someone she likes,” I say in a sad tone.

“Then too bad for her crush. He’ll be forgotten the moment you are set in front of her,” Key says.

I stay quiet not knowing what to reply.

Will she actually fall for me?


***Sulli POV***

“So are they coming?” Victoria asks me.

She walks over to the chair I’m sitting at. I stare at the screen in shock of what Minho just replied. My face is bright pink.

From: Mystery Guy

I will be there soon! I can’t wait to see your beautiful face. Also make sure to wear pink. You always look great when you wear pink.

I shut my phone. Luna and Victoria stare at me.

“Who was that?” They both ask.

“Minho?” Victoria asks.

Luna pokes me. “Mystery guy?”

“Both,” I says shyly.

“Whoa our little Sulli is a player,” Luna says jokingly.

No I am not…

“I see you got two boys chasing after you.” Victoria grins.

“How can that be? They’re the same person!” I yell at them.

Oops… I spoke my thoughts.

Victoria’s and Luna’s jaws drop open.

“Wait. You’re telling me Minho is your Mystery guy?” Victoria asks.

“Yes…” I cover my face with my hand.

“That’s surprising!” Luna says.

“That’s perfect!” Victoria yells. “This makes everything easier.” She turns and faces me. “Do you like Minho?”

My face starts to burn. I nod yes. “But he has someone he likes. He told me before he knew my true identity.”

“That’s okay. We’ll get that boy to like you in just three hours,” Victoria says. Luna agrees.

We suddenly hear the door of the studio open. Key runs inside and does a funny dance routine.

“Ladies! Are you girl’s re-a-dy?!” He yells. He grabs Luna’s hand and pulls her away.

Not long after that Taemin comes in.

“Hurry!” He yells out the door.

Minho walks in and sets down two sports bags.

“It would help if you carried your own stuff,” Minho says while rubbing the back of his neck.

“Shut up,” Taemin tells him. “This is what you’re exchanging for my services.”

Minho blushes and stays quiet.

“Now go to your partner!” He pushes Minho towards me.

His body stops in front of me. Our eyes meet. I feel my cheeks flush and see his turn pink.

“Um…” I begin to mumble.

“Let’s get started?” He says frantically.

We walk to our area of the studio. I look at Victoria and she nods her head trying to encourage me to talk.

“So I was thinking of a hip hop dance then turn it an electro dance,” Minho says. He avoids my eyes.

“Sure,” I muster the courage and say.

“Come here I’ll show you the moves,” He tells me.

He shows me the routine. I try my best, but fail to remember. He stands next to me.

“Your knee needs to bend more.” He touches my knee. “If you can’t do it we can change the move.”

He looks up at me. His body falls back and I jump a step back.

“Um Minho?” I start saying.

“Yeah?” Minho answers.

“Can we talk?” I ask him. “Outside.”

He rubs the back of his neck again. “Sure.”

We both walk out. We gain the stares of our friends. When we reach the outside, I sit on the grass. Minho joins me.

“Can we act like we knew that we were each other’s mystery person?” I ask him. “I know it’s awkward, but it would be simpler if we thought that way.’’

“I agree. I apologize again for all the annoying things I said,” Minho says.

“Want to know something funny?” Minho asks. I nod my head. “I’m glad you’re my mystery girl.”

My face turns red. “I’m glad too.” His face turns red then he looks away.

“How could we have not noticed?” Minho asks.

“Well… You’re pretty clueless,” I start laughing.


***Minho POV***

“Let’s go?” I ask Sulli.

“Yup,” She answers.

I stretch my hand out to her and she stares. Her face turns a shade darker. She finally grabs my hand and I help her up. We head back to the room. I don’t let go of her hand and she doesn’t pull away. When we reach the door I finally let go.

“Where were you guys at?” Taemin asks. He winks at me.

I nod my head in disagreement.

Sulli and I begin practicing and work starts advancing. Sulli laughs when I trip while doing a step.

“What’s so funny?” I ask her.

“You fell!” She points at me.

I walk over to her. She continues to laugh. I push her back, but catch her. Her eyes open wide.

“How does it feel to fall?” I ask her.

“It’s scary!” she says while laughing.

Damn she’s cute.

“Whoa get a room!” Key yells.

I help her stand up straight.

“Shut up!” We both yell in unison.

“Time to wrap things up,” Victoria says while doing a spin and wrapping into Taemin’s arms.

We all gather our things and head towards the parking lot.

“See you later?” I tell Sulli once we reach the cars.

“Yeah,” She replies.

Key stares at me angry as Sulli gets in the car. Key slaps me on the back.

“Sulli!” I yell.

She replies before closing the door. “Yeah?”

“I’ll text you,” I tell her.

She blushes and nods her head yes. She closes the door and I watch as their car leaves the parking space.

“So?” Taemin asks.

“I will confess the day of the performance,” I tell them.

They both start yelling and punching me.


-Performance Day-

“Ready?” the guys ask each other.

Taemin, Key and I wait for our partners to get out of the dressing room. I finally feel a pat on my back.

“Hey,” Sulli say.

I look at her outfit. “You look nice.”

“Thank you,” Sulli answers shyly. “You look good too.”

The teachers announce our name and we head towards the stage. We both breathe in deeply and wait for the song to start.

When the song starts, energy flows through my body. Every time my body moved, Sulli’s body mimicked.

The last steps. She was having trouble. I hope she doesn’t forget.

The last seconds of the song approaches. I do the step and wait for Sulli to the same. Suddenly her body lands in front of mine. I stop immediately and kneel down to her.

“Are you ok?” I ask her worried.

“Yes,” she says while trying to get up. She fails. “Ouch.”

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“My ankle.” She rubs her ankle.

Some teachers run to our side to check on her.

“It’s okay. I’ll carry her,” I tell them.

I place her on my back and wall off stage. We walk to the infirmary. The nurse tells her she hurt her ankle, but isn’t bad.

“I’m sorry,” Sulli says after we leave to the quad area of the school.

“Why? It isn’t you fault,” I tell her.

“But your grade…” Sulli pouts.

“It’s ok,” I answer. “All that matters is that you’re ok.”

Sulli blushes. I blush after realizing I said something corny.

“Why do you worry so much about me?” Sulli ask.

I breathe in. “It’s because I like you.”

Sulli stares at me speechless.

Oh gosh… I’m about to get rejected.

Sulli’s face turns pink then red.

“I like you too,” she replies.

I stare at her speechless. I start processing her answer.

“Really? This isn’t a lie?!” I yell happily.

“I’m not lying,” Sulli answers cutely.

“I thought you already had someone you liked?” I ask her.

“That person was you.” She smiles brightly.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her into a hug. She blushes as we both stare into each other’s eyes. I lean closer until her soft lips meet mine.

We suddenly hear clapping. We break our kiss and see our friends staring.

“See I told you it would happen,” Victoria says while walking towards us.

“I knew it too!” Taemin runs towards us.

“Our children~” They both fake cry. “Make your parents proud.”

“Sulli you be careful now,” Luna says. “I’m happy for you.”

Key jumps in front of us and takes a picture. “What a cute couple.”

Amber, Krystal, Onew and Jonghyun stare at each other then at us. “Where were we when this all happened?”

We start to laugh.

“We started this relationship for them!” Taemin says.

I look at Sulli and she smiles.

“Actually no,” I tell them.

“A wrong number did,” Sulli replies.

The girls stare at each other and nod. Meanwhile the rest look at each other in confusion.

I hug Sulli closer. She smiles brightly.

“My mystery guy.”

“My mystery girl.”

The End

A/N (Gwang2)- So sorry for the really late update. Gwang1 and I were really busy so we apologize. Thanks for supporting our story to the end and I hope you guys liked it! 

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Chapter 10: Just find this beautiful story and can't help but read it till the end right away! it's so beautiful and sweet that my heart couldn't resist not to read even if you writed it a long time ago,thank u for writing minsul love story author,i realy liked it<3
liyaaaaaang #2
Chapter 10: I like it..thank you for a wonderful story...
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 10: nice story authornim
like wrong number storyline, very good
thanks authornim
Choiminah29 #4
Chapter 10: Omo !!!! Beautiful story !
Choiminah29 #5
Chapter 8: Very thrill !,,,
Choiminah29 #6
Chapter 1: I wonder why the guy call that he didn't perceived the voice of sulli ???
forevermeandyou #7
Chapter 10: great.. i love this story <3
minsulfanfic #8
I love this!!! my feels are attacking again...
BrendaMyners #9
Chapter 10: omgee !! i cant stop smiling and laughing
cutienica18 #10
Chapter 10: I Like It :)