uninvited friend??

Nothing Last Forever

At 9.07 am they finally finish packing and then go. Yoochun is sit in the driver seat, Yoona is beside Yoochun, Taeyeon, Jessica and Jaejoong seat is in the middle, but in the back seat is stil empty, because Jaejoong didn’t want to choice between Jessica and Taeyeon. Suddenly the car is stop.


Taeyeon : “why are we stop here oppa? Are we arrived to the place?”

Yoochun : “aniyo Taeyeon~a, we wait for another person”

Taeyeon : “who?”

Yoochun : “ah, he is here. Junsu~a, here?”

Junsu : “ah ye”


And Yoochun get off from the car and help Junsu to place his bag and then they enter the car. Junsu open the door and surprised to see Taeyeon


Junsu : “uh Taeyeon~a”

Taeyeon : “u..uh oppa”

Yoochun : “em Junsu~a you can sit on the back seat and Taeyon~a, can you sit at the back seat with Junsu? I think Jessica feel uncomfortable to sleep like..(point his finger to Jessica).. that”

Taeyeon : “uh ? ne oppa”


And Taeyeon sit on the back seat with Junsu. The other people is sleep except Jaejoong who change with Yoochun to drive and let Yoochun sleep. Taeyeon and Junsu still open their eyes, and Jaejoong is always keep an eyes to them. Taeyeon had yawn, she feel sleepy and then she sleep, but she sleep leaning to the window and her head hit the window, and Junsu let Taeyeon to lean in to his shoulder so she can sleep comfortable. Jaejoong who watch that just keep silent and just let them.


Jaejoong : (think) ‘I think you really love her, I will let you to be with her if you had forgotten about your first love, because I don’t want Taeyeon to be hurt’


Author note : why is Junsu here? Lets flash back time


Flash back

At Jaejoong house when Taeyeon still packing her stuff with Jessica and Yoona, Jaejoong was talking with Yoochun.

Jaejoong : “Yoochun~a, can you call Junsu for me?”

Yoochun : “uh? Wae?”

Jaejoong : “just call him”

Yoochun : “arasseo..” (pull out his phone from his pocket)

                   “oh it’s connect…………” “hello..? Junsu?”

Jaejoong : “give it to me” (snatch Yoochun phone)

Yoochun : “yaa!!”


Jaejoong : “hello?”

Junsu : “h.. J..Jaejoong?”

Jaejoong : “uh naya, are you free for today until the next two days?”

Junsu : “uh, I…I’m free this week, wae?”

Jaejoong : “a..ani. em I..I just want to invite you to my friend vacation. can you come ?”

Junsu : “u..uh? I can, when?”

Jaejoong : “today, you prepare your stuff and then wait at the park, and later we will pick you up”

Junsu : “okay, but Jaejoong~a, em…”

Jaejoong : “I’ll be leaving now so prepare..”

Junsu : “j..”


Junsu : “I can’t believe this! He has forgiven me”

Junsu was very happy and hurry packing his stuff and then go to the park.


Flash back End



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