Locked On and Targeted

You're My Red String of Fate

After three days, Myungsoo called Soojin and Hoya to his apartment.

He dropped a few sheets of paper with the picture BoA gave them clipped on the front onto the coffee table with a plop.

Soojin reached over and picked it up. She began to flip through it while Hoya, who was sitting down next to her, leaned over to get a better look.

“Han Sanghyuk,” Hoya read slowly. He looked distastefully at the long paragraphs of black words that spanned the whole paper. He looked at Myungsoo. “Can’t you just give a brief summary of what you found?”

Myungsoo sat down in front of them and gave a light grin at Hoya’s displeasure.

“Han Sanghyuk. A senior in high school. Lives a normal life with his parents and with an older sister,” he started off.

“So what kind of relationship does he have with BoA?” Hoya smirked. “Scandalous?”

“Actually,” Myungsoo chuckled, “Nothing out of the ordinary. He’s her only nephew.”

“That’s it?” Hoya snorted. “She made it sound so much more than that.”

“So what’s the problem we have to help him with?” Soojin asked after skimming through the papers briefly. “You didn’t say in here.”

Myungsoo frowned slightly. “I couldn’t actually find any specifics. All I know is its origin is at his high school.”

“So shall we go meet him?” Hoya said as he got up, eager to start moving.

“Erm,” Myungsoo mumbled.

“What is it?” Soojin asked confusedly at Myungsoo’s hesitant face.

“I don’t know if it’ll be a good idea for me to go there,” he mumbled slowly.

“Why?” Hoya asked giving him a curious look.

“There are people who go there that might dislike me immensely.”

Hoya blinked at him. “So, you’re saying that some old enemies of yours go there? From what? When you used to be a part of N’s entourage?”

Myungsoo nodded sheepishly.

Hoya rolled his eyes exasperatedly. “Terrific. Now your past comes back to haunt you. What school is it anyways?”

“Hamji High School,” Soojin piped up from the side, looking at the papers.

Hoya blinked rapidly. “Oh.”

“What now? You have people there who hated you too?” Soojin asked, laughing a little.

“No, I used to go there,” he replied.

“Really?” Soojin asked with a of her head. “The coincidences! The coincidences of it all are killing me!”

“Looks like you’re taking charge of it now,” Myungsoo nodded.

“Me?” Hoya said in surprise, pointing at himself with wide eyes. He nodded after letting the idea settle in and smirked. “I like the sound of that.”

“Shouldn’t have done that,” Soojin whispered loudly to Myungsoo with the back of her hand next to .

“Follow me younglings, and I shall show you the way!” Hoya shouted extravagantly.

Soojin shook her head. “Really shouldn’t have done that.”

Myungsoo only chuckled lightly in response.



“God damn, I haven’t been here in years,” Hoya murmured nostalgically, as he brushed his fingers over the brick walls. And then he punched it fiercely. “Oh, how I hated it.”

“Focus, Hoya. You’re in charge, remember? Use your leadership to find Sanghyuk,” Soojin murmured.

Myungsoo trailed behind the other two, glancing tensely around him as if he was afraid someone might pop out any time. “It’s after school hours. Will he even be here?”

“We’ll just see if anybody knows Sanghyuk first,” Hoya replied.

Hoya looked at the two unreliable followers he had. He noticed a few people giving them glances. More specifically, the males giving second looks at Soojin. He smirked. Perhaps he didn’t have such unreliable people with him after all.

He stopped suddenly and spun around, causing Soojin to screech to a stop, almost bumping into Hoya.

“What’s wrong?” she asked dazedly.

Hoya put a shoulder around Soojin and grinned. He gestured his head toward two boys who were now staring at them, the obviously older misplaced people, and whispering to each other. “Go use your womanly charms on them.”

“What?” Soojin asked, looking even more confused.

“What?!” Myungsoo echoed with a louder and more urgent voice.

 “Use it to see if you can locate Sanghyuk,” Hoya urged with a light laugh in his voice.

“Why should I?” she asked curiously rather than angrily.

“I say, do you argue with the leader?”

She blinked at him and sighed. “Whatever.” She then looked at Myungsoo. “I told you he shouldn’t be in charge for this.” She walked toward the boys, murmuring, “I never knew that I even had womanly charms. Really, who even says that?”

Myungsoo looked at the receding girl and spun to look at Hoya. “Are you crazy?” he hissed.

Hoya laughed. “What? Using my assets to their best potential.” He observed Myungsoo’s irritated expression and chuckled. “What? You scared that she’ll be snatched away or something?” He shook his head. “Pointless. Pointless, I say. It’s obvious that you two like each other that I don’t even know why you two aren’t together.” He patted Myungsoo on the back. “But better get to it before someone really does come and snatch her.”

“Who said anything about liking anybody?” Myungsoo grumbled.

Hoya laughed. “Keep denying all you want, buddy. I see all,” he said, using his two fingers to point from his eyes to Myungsoo. “Now, I’m going to use my own charming personality to get some information. You should too.”

“But…” Myungsoo protested.

Hoya cut him off as he shooed Myungsoo away. Myungsoo pouted lightly and glanced around to find someone to talk to.

Hoya turned his attention to a few girls who were mingling off to the side, chattering with each other. “Excuse me, ladies.”

The three girls looked at the appearance of the male and smiled prettily. “Hello. You need something?”

“Nah, I was just visiting my old school, and I saw some pretty ladies that I couldn’t help but to say hello,” he said with a charming smile.

They giggled. “Well, aren’t you a smooth talker,” one them smiled.

“But I can’t believe I would only come back because of that guy,” Hoya chuckled, shaking his head.

“Oh, you know someone here?” another girl asked curiously.

Hoya brightened up. “That’s right. Sanghyuk. He should be a senior right now. You know him?”

The girls grew restless, giving each other glances. “Han Sanghyuk?” one of the said nervously.

“Oh, you do know him!” Hoya cried out happily.

They hesitated, giving each other more looks. “We… don’t really know him. But we heard about him,” another girl mumbled.

“Heard about him?’ Hoya asked in confusion.

“You seem like a nice person, and you seem to care for, erm, Sanghyuk. So I’ll tell you what’s been going around.”


“I…I…never heard of…of him!” the boy cried out, terrified.

“Please don’t hurt us!” the boy next to him whimpered.

Myungsoo shooed them away with a tilt of his head. He watched them scamper away and shook his head at the absurd situation.

Once Hoya told him to try and gather information, he picked a spot on the wall under the awning and waited for people to pass by. While leaning back with one foot against the wall, he called out to two boys who walked past.

But for some reason, they were terrified of Myungsoo and couldn’t speak to him properly. Even when he showed them a picture of Sanghyuk, it made them even more petrified that they couldn’t make any coherent sentences.

From the corner of his eye, he could make out Soojin walking towards him with a disgruntled expression.

He raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with you?”

“I knew there was a reason why I don’t approach any guys,” she shuddered as she shook her head.

“You get any information?” he asked.

She nodded and wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, a bit too much.”

“What do you mean?”

She held up a napkin and let it flutter in the wind. “I got their numbers as well.”

He leaned forward slightly, slightly amused that a napkin was used. “Why a napkin?”

She sighed. “I told them I lost my phone. But they insisted on giving their numbers to me and contact them once I got my phone. The napkin was the only thing readily available.”

“But you didn’t lose your phone,” Myungsoo chuckled.

“I know. That was the point,” she sighed again.

“Can I see that?” he asked, putting his hand out.

She looked at him in confusion but shrugged as she handed him the napkin.

“Hey, any luck?” Hoya asked as he jogged up to join them.

Soojin turned to look at him. “Kind of. You?”

Hoya nodded. “Same, but it’s all rumors.”

Myungsoo shook his head and verbalized, “Nope.” He looked at Soojin who was focused on Hoya and then at the napkin where two numbers were diligently scrawled on it. He blinked once and ribbed it to pieces silently and secretly, letting the wind take the scraps away.

He put his hands into his jeans’ pockets. “So what did you find out?”

Soojin tapped her chin thoughtfully, not noticing a thing about what just took place. “Well, those boys told me that Sanghyuk was a loner. He hardly talked to anybody or associated himself with anybody. But apparently that only happened this year; he wasn’t like this before. But even before, he was secretive. Only had a few select friends.”

“Anything else?” Hoya asked.

She shook her head. “I don’t think so. They weren’t friends with him, so they just based it off what people told them.” She widened her eyes in recollection, “Oh, but they didn’t say this to me, but when they were discussing with it with each other, they said something about him being dangerous.”

“Dangerous?” Myungsoo asked skeptically.

She nodded. “Rumors that looking into his eyes will paralyze you with fear. That meeting him in a dark alley would make even the Devil afraid. Now everyone just avoids him.”

“God, the bull that goes around in this place,” Hoya muttered, rolling his eyes. “The ways that people spread rumors are unbelievable. Must be why they’re so freaking scary.”

He shrugged. “Whatever. I was told basically the same thing. But I was also told the reason why he’s being avoided. A more valid reason. Apparently, last year he got into this ugly fight. To put it shortly, people were sent to the hospital. And they say he was the cause of it.”

“But those are rumors, right? Are we sure that Sanghyuk was behind it all?” Soojin asked with a doubtful look.

Hoya shrugged again. “How would I know? All we learned were from the students themselves. But I think we should meet the guy himself. Get his side of his story.”

Myungsoo nodded. He looked away, pondering the information he stored in his head. “If I remember correctly, he goes straight home every day after school ends, so we probably already missed him.”

“What do we do? Go banging on his door and ask him to speak to us?” Hoya snorted.

“No,” Soojin mused. “We can’t do that. Then he’ll just be wary of us. We need to catch him by surprise.”

“So what do you suggest?” Myungsoo asked.




“And how is this any different from my plan of ambushing him at his house? All we did was change locations.”

“Hoya, shut up,” Soojin hissed from her crouching position, glancing from behind the stone wall and peeking at the front of the school that was enclosed by metal gates.

Myungsoo, who was also leaning over to look, peered over Soojin. “Oh. I think I see him.”

Hoya then peered over Myungsoo and glanced over at the clearing with several students leaving to go home or to another destination. He looked down at Myungsoo and Soojin. “I don’t see him.”

Soojin twitched up to look at Myungsoo while Hoya looked down at him. Without even sparing them a glance he, as inconspicuously as possible, pointed at a boy who was walking slowly toward the front gate. He looked out of place even with wearing the same uniform as the rest. There was an obvious distance that the other students put between him and them.

“My god. He looks nothing like the picture,” Hoya muttered.

The boy Myungsoo pointed at had bad posture, slouching over, while dragging his feet. His dark brown hair covered his face giving him an unapproachable aura. His large-rimmed glasses took up most of his face making it so that he could see everyone but no one could see his eyes.

“Are you sure that’s him?” Hoya persisted again.

“Positive,” said Myungsoo with confidence. “His facial structure is the same.”

“And you know that because?” Hoya mumbled with horror, but shook his head. “Forget it, I don’t want to know.”

“Let’s go,” Soojin whispered, leaving her position to confront the boy.

“Wait!” shouted Hoya in a half-whisper, reaching out a hand to stop her but barely missed her.

Myungsoo simply blinked at her running towards the boy.

“Oh, to hell with it all,” Hoya muttered, stuffing his hands into his jeans’ pockets and followed Soojin.

And before Myungsoo got up from his crouch, a small smile flitted on his face before he too, followed after the duo.

“Han Sanghyuk?” Soojin asked tentatively.

The boy paused momentarily, looking over the three strangers who suddenly approached him.

He stared at them before resuming his walk out of school.

“Wait,” Soojin cried out. “We have some questions for you.”

Hoya intercepted him, cutting in front of him and causing him to stop harshly.

The boy glared at Hoya, muttering, “Move,” to him.

“Not until you answer our questions,” Hoya retorted back, looking as intimating as possible.

The boy, realizing that these strangers were not going to leave him alone until he answered their questions, surrendered into their pressuring.

“What do you want?” he sighed.

“Han Sanghyuk?” Soojin tried again.

He nodded.

The three glanced at each other. “Is it true that you sent someone to the hospital last year through a fight?” Soojin asked cautiously.

The boy paused momentarily, his eyes fluttered with anger, worry, guilt, and finally stared at them with emotionless and steely eyes.

“I didn’t just send him the hospital. I almost killed him.”


A/N: Hyuk because I’ve always had this liking towards VIXX.

I shouldn’t have done this. I should have been studying for my finals. But I couldn’t help it. Maybe it’s because this story is almost ending? Nah, it’s because I like you guys too much. Ok, so I’ve been procrastinating. I still like you guys, though.

Hope you guys liked it!

Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 37: Your story really have a nice concept. Its a bit different from what i had read from another fanfics. Also, i love the characters especially the girl (stubborn, curious but cute* no wonder myungsoo like her ?). I love this storyyyyy ♥️♥️
prahesa #3
Chapter 9: This story makes me happy, from the first chapter untill this. I'm really excited to read the rest of the chapters :) thank you, Author
Chapter 37: I loved your humour in this story! Each character had their own sense of humour, it was great :) Especially the fairy tale kiss thing when she punched him lololol
Chapter 37: Owooww, I really Love this story, it's a refreshment for as this is just .. not like the other stories that i had read ! It's totally different !! Great Imagination you got there, Author-nim (y) Good Job !

Aigoo, i will difinitely watch it if this story is a movie and L is that main male charater !!!! @#$%&*-+()
sharonsky #6
Chapter 37: I really love this story
Chapter 37: Aaahhh soo beautiful author nim!:") i feel like i am watching a movie when i read this story of yours..:> i must say that its unique in some way, its not really that fluuffy but it still makes me feel that "tingly" feeling whenever myung and sooji interact.. I just love how simple yet so romantic they confessed to each other.. I loove myung tho.. ^^ hahha Hwaiting author nim! Hope u write a myungsoo fic again..:)
Chapter 37: Oh God.. This is a great fic! I don't know why but this story has a deep meaning and I really got touched by that. I like how they were bond, their interactions, it's not super cheesy-fluffy but strong enough to show their feeling and how serious it is. But, I really curious about Myungsoo's family, why he left them, and how his family's reacted for that. And I really curious if Myungsoo want to introduce Soojin to his family as his wife to be XD I think that will be more touchy wahahaha XD I mean, after those all that happened, Myungsoo must really miss his family and want to see them. Arrgghhh I'm so sorry but I really like this story XD
I'm looking forward for your other stories XD
elfcassopeia #9
Chapter 37: Chapter 37: the story is really nice and the flashback when myungsoo 1st saw soojin was great!
fanaticnamu #10
Chapter 37: ended so well and i like it so much.