Ch. 7

Connecting the Pieces

Oh wow, its been awhile since I updated this, haven't I? Wellp heres the next chapter. Its late and Im tired, Hope you enjoy the new chapter!! :D 


How nice it would be if I could just hold you in my arms forever. Forever without interruption from reality and only indulge in your warmth and the happiness I feel from having your presence in my embrace.


Such thoughts plagued Fynn’s mind that night as he lie on his bed, trying to fall asleep. It had been a couple of days since Fynn’s encounter with Luke and since letting his feelings known. Luke had returned his feelings yet he still doubted if all of this was really real. Fynn still could not believe Luke’s words. Luke was too perfect and Fynn felt like he was unworthy of receiving the princess’s affection. Fynn was not where near anything close to perfect, so why would Luke return his feelings? It made no sense whatsoever. Maybe what Luke said really was true? But if so, Luke would only come to see the truth later and eventually throw Fynn away, just like so many people in his life has done already.


Fynn decided to stop thinking of the topic. He didn’t want to think of the possibilities anymore. If he was to lose Luke’s love, Fynn would never be able to be repaired ever again. The thought of it was truly frightening.


            “No, no more thinking, only sleeping.     Ignorance is bliss after all. Stupid, stupid bliss.”


It's so lonely tonight as I lay here without you by my side to fight the monsters that pull me deeper into this dark pit of self-doubt, self-destruction and despair....


The next morning there was not much to do, Fynn didn’t have work to keep him occupied nor did he make any plans. Fynn had been avoiding his phone and face book like crazy. He really wanted to see the princess again, yet he also never wanted to see the princess again as well. He was sure if they met again, Luke would take back his words and would break Fynn’s heart for all eternity. He had to face this problem eventually though. Fynn had done enough running already and he didn’t want to fall back into old habits.


Fynn did however, have plans to receive a new tattoo on the weekend, in düsseldorf. Fynn still didn’t want to see Luke, but he did run the risk of bumbing into Luke while down in düsseldorf, so he supposed it he might as well let Luke know he was coming down, if anything it was a push for Fynn to overcome his fears and just see Luke regardless of the possible outcomes.


Before he knew it, Fynn had hopped on the computer to send a message to the princess. When he reached his face book page, Fynn discovered a few messages from Luke had been sent to him already. The messages just contained things like ‘hey we need to get together sometime’ ‘I want us to get closer’ etc, etc.


The messages made Fynn feel warm inside because it showed that Luke still cared even though they hadn’t seen each other for a few days now.


Before Fynn realized it, his fingers were flying across the keyboard, typing the message that he would be in düsseldorf on Saturday for a new tattoo and it would be nice if he could see Luke once the session had finished.


It hadn’t even been less than 10 minutes when Fynn received a reply.


            “A new tattoo? Sure sounds great! Um, think we could exchange phone numbers so you can call or text me when the session is over?”


Fynn couldn’t even find the words to describe the pure excitement he felt in his whole body and heart. He was a little scared to exchange the numbers, but eagerly replied with the requested information and soon after received a reply back containing Luke’s number.


Fynn could not wait for Saturday to come and the rest of the week was filled with so many emotions of eagerness, pure joy, terror, fear, doubt, excitement and many others.


Soon the day had come, it was finally Saturday. The day Fynn would receive his much awaited tattoo, and he would be able to meet the princess once more. His princess.


The morning was not necessarily sunny, but still a nice, cool day and Fynn was eager to head out.


It never really took long to get to the train station; the trip down to düsseldorf on the other hand took a few hours. Funny how time works because a trip that normally takes a few hours, only felt like a 15 minute train ride and before Fynn could take in his surroundings, he was already in front of the tattoo parlor. He had been to this same very tattoo parlor a couple of times now, but it still felt like a new place for him, especially today.


Time really seemed to be pushing Fynn closer to Luke that day. Normally tattoos take a few hours and Fynn figured his own tattoo would take around 2 or 3 hours to complete. However, he had apparently fallen asleep while getting it and the session seemed to last only what felt like 30 minutes.


The tattoo was finished and Fynn was extremely satisfied with the results. He paid for his session and headed out towards Clubkid to meet up with Luke. Fynn’s stomach began to fill up with fluttering butterflies, eager to escape and find the princess. Fynn’s mind had detached itself from his body, he was so nervous yet very eager to see his princess again.


            “Move faster legs, move faster.”


His legs must have moved fast enough because it didn’t take long before he was in front of Clubkid. Fynn took a deep breath and entered the wonderful fashion store.


Fynn glanced from one side of the store to the other in search of Luke. Fynn didn’t see him, but soon enough Luke poped his head out from one of the back rooms. Once Fynn saw him, the largest, happiest grin formed on his face.


Luke seemed really happy to see Fynn because a large smile formed on his face as well.


Before Fynn could say anything Luke rushed up to him and hugged Fynn. Hugged him!! Fynn didn’t know what to do, he just wanted to stay like that forever. Luke was so soft and warm, not to metion he smelt so, so nice. Time had stopped in Fynn’s mind and he didn’t want it to move forward again. He just wanted to stay in Luke’s warm embrace forever. Alas, reality is a cruel thing, and Luke soon parted his arms from Fynn.


Fynn was a bit unhappy, but seeing the smile on Luke’s face made up for it.


Once again before Fynn could say anything, Luke grasped him by the arm and was dragged into Luke’s own pace of things.


            “C’mon we got some new cloths in, I want to show you.”


Luke looked so amazing and so happy showing Fynn all the new cloths. Fynn was enjoying it as well, he really did like the cloths and he was simply enjoying Luke’s beautiful presence.


Fynn and Luke talked about cloths and life in general for a while and Fynn was loving every moment of it. Fynn could not ask for more. It was getting somewhat late and Fynn knew he should start to head home before it got too late. He was looking for a chance to tell Luke he had to go, but before he could get the words out, Luke was dragging him along in his own pace of things once again.


            “Oh, there’s a great coffee shop and clothing store near my house. I really want to show you, c’mon lets go.”


Fynn knew he should head home, but he just couldn’t say no to the look that Luke had on his face. Fynn threw out all reason and just followed Luke’s lead.


            “A coffee shop? Um, yea sure! Yea, lets go!” Fynn said with the biggest smile he ever had.


The two left Clubkid together to catch a train that would take them to their destination. It had become rather cloudy since the morning Fynn left. In fact it looked like it was going to storm, but Fynn didn’t notice the weather, he was too caught up with Luke, all his attention was on Luke and nothing else.


As they were waiting for their train to arrive, the wind started to pick up and the sky turned even darker. Fynn didn’t make much of it though. Soon enough their train arrived and they got on together, finding some empty seats in the middle of the train.


Luke said it would take around 30 minutes to get to their destination, but it was ok, anything was fine if it meant Fynn could spend more time with his lovely, beautiful princess.


Sitting next to Luke made Fynn extremely nervous. More than anything he just wanted to hold the princess’s hand in his, but he didn’t know if he should or not. Was it ok to do so? What if Luke didn’t want to hold hands? The thoughts would not leave Fynn’s mind alone and were making his head spin.


While Fynn was worrying about everything, Luke took the initiative and took Fynn’s hand in his own.


Fynn, wearing a confused expression, looked up at Luke. Was it really ok for him to hold Luke’s hand?


The smile on Luke’s face answered Fynn’s question for him and Fynn decided to let his worries go and just enjoy the rest of the train ride, taking in every last bit of Luke’s warm presence.


During the train ride for a good 20 minutes or so, Fynn and Luke didn’t say much to each other. The silence wasn’t bad though, more like a chance for each of them to really feel the other’s presence, the other’s pulse, the other’s warmth and heartbeat. It was nice and gave much comfort to Fynn’s mind. It was so relaxing he felt like falling asleep right then and there. They were not far from their stop, but their relaxation was soon to be cut short.  


The two were so distracted by each other that they didn’t notice the worsening weather outside. The lights inside the train soon began to flicker and sure enough, the train stopped all-together.


The wind must have been so strong, and the rain so heavy that it must have messed with the electrical system controlling the train somewhere else, at least that was what Fynn figured to be happening. The train’s power was not working, but their phones were working just fine and they used them to check on the weather condition outside. The storm was nothing too serious to be super concerned over, it was simply a strong summer storm. The fact of the matter that they were stuck there till the train’s power came back, still remained however.


Fynn didn’t know if it was the storm, or if it was the lack of light or if it was due to the people on the train, but soon fear started to grow in the pit of his stomach. Why? He had ridden trains thousands of times, and they wouldn’t be stuck there for long, so why would he be feeling fear?


No it wasn’t the storm, the lights….the people? Yes…it was the people. There were quite a few people one the train. Fynn had always disliked people, feared them sometimes. People are selfish creatures; they do not care about the safety or emotional concerns of others. They destroy anything they don’t understand or deem fit in their image. People seek to harm others. They seek to destroy the innocent and taint their innocent minds with their corrupt hands and lies. People betray you, they hurt you in all sense of the word, and they destroy all you hold precious. They think you are weak if you ask for help, if you try to try to learn new things. They think you a fool if you try to discover the truth. They think you insane if you try to create new things. They think you strange if you like different food, music, fashion, different cultures. They think you defiant if you disagree with their theories and teachings. They seek to destroy everyone with a free will and those who don’t conform to their ideologies. People are dangerous, hurtful and cannot be trusted. All they say are lies and more deceit and Fynn was stuck in a train, in the dark with those every same dangerous people. Luke was one as well. Luke may have said those sweet words to Fynn, but how can he really trust Luke? Surely he was lying, there was no way someone like Luke loved someone like Fynn. The dark thoughts just kept swirling and building in Fynn’s mind. He was scared, he wanted off that train, now. He wanted to run away to somewhere safe, free of people. He wanted to run, but his body felt like stone, paralyzed by the dark fear he felt. Fynn didn’t think the fear was showing on his face, but it was and Luke picked up on it straight away.  


Fynn was somewhat startled by Luke’s sudden movement. Luke squeezed Fynn’s hand a bit harder and pulled Fynn along to lead him to a secluded corner of the train, completely absent of people. It was dark in the train, making hard to see, but Luke was able to lead them to the concer without any trouble.


Luke sat Fynn down in the corner and sad beside Fynn himself, but with his back facing the rest of the train and his front facing Fynn. Luke made his slender body as wide and big as possible, posing as a sort of wall in front of Fynn to protect him.


Luke gave a very soft, gentle look at Fynn and embraced him in his arms.


            “It’s ok Fynn, it’s ok. We’ll be off the train soon.”


Fynn couldn’t belive all that Luke was doing. He couldn’t believe it, but he felt much comfort in his heart from it all. He still feared the people and still believed Luke could betray him in the future, but right now it didn’t matter, he just wanted to trust the Luke in front of him now. The Luke giving him comfort now, he wanted to trust it all.


Fynn leaned into Luke’s embrace and nuzzled his nose into Luke’s chest. Ah, yes, this warmth, if only it could last an eternity. Luke’s warmth, his smell, his heartbeat, all of it was real and Fynn wanted to take in every aspect of it. Luke was protecting Fynn and it put his mind at ease and chased some of the fear away from his mind. Fynn’s muscles finally relaxed, he felt very safe in Luke’s arms.


Luke noticed Fynn relx and placed Fynn’s head on his chest.


            “Why don’t you rest for a bit, it might be a little while before the train gets moving again.”


            “Huh…uhhm…ok…then” Fynn stated with hesitation, but soon enough his eyes were closed and he was drifting off into sleep. Luke was protecting him so there was no reason to be afraid anymore.


It was a few hours before the lights in the train came back on and they started to move again. The while time, Luke held Fynn in his arms, not once letting go.


The lights and sudden movement of the train soon caused Fynn’s eyes to open. He woke up to the feeling of Luke’s warmth against his face and the feeling of a Luke’s hand petting his head. Luke’s hands were so gentle and soft on his head. However, Fynn soon raised his head from Luke’s chest, even though he didn’t really want to, but he was curious how long he had been asleep.


            “Huh, we are moving? How long was I asleep for?”


            “I think we’ve been stuck here for about 3 hours or so, you sure did sleep a while”




            “It’s ok, rest a bit more, we are almost at our stop.”


Luke pulled Fynn’s head to rest on his chest once more. Fynn didn’t care if anything was real anymore or if he felt worthy enough to receive Luke’s affection, he just wanted to enjoy Luke’s warmth right now and nothing else.


Fynn’s enjoyment was short lived however. It only took about 10 minutes to reach their stop. They had been on the train for quite some amount of time, it had become nighttime outside and the street lights were .


            “So much for stopping by the coffee shop huh? Ha ha…”


            “I’m sorry Fynn, its gotten so late.”


            “Umm well, I think I should probably head home now, OH not that I didn’t have fun, but it’s so late, so…”


            “Fynn, the rain has let up some, but there is still quite a bit of thunder and what is more trains are having the same electrical issues?”


            “What should I… do then?”


            “Uh, well, I don’t think it’s a good idea to take the trains right now, and well, my place is only a five minute walk away so…why don’t you…stay for the night?”


Did Fynn hear right? Stay the night? At Luke’s place?! Stay the night?!?!!!


            “I just think it’s not safe to be taking the trains right now, and it’s really late.”


            “That’s true…Uh, well…if-if it’s not a bother then…”


            “It’s not a bother at all! C’mon lets hurry before the rain turns heavy again and we get soaked.”


Luke grabbed Fynn’s hand and they scurried along through the light rain to reach Luke’s house. Fynn was once again being pulled into Luke’s own pace of things. He didn’t dislike it though, it was rather pleasant and he enjoyed being pulled along.


Fynn didn’t know what would happen once he reached Luke’s place, but he guessed he would find out once they got there.





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gwangyeons #1
Chapter 6: perfect, just perfect