
Mirror Mirror

Kris' POV:

I rode in the forest with Luhan, heading to the North Kingdom. Luhan seemed unconfident about entering.

"Kris, I don't think this is a good idea," he commented. I sighed. "Luhan, don't talk like that," I told him. "I heard rumors of dark beasts and creatures in this forest," he protested, I rolled my eyes. "Gosh. Can't believe my company still believes in fairytales," I commented.

"Come on, Lu. We're not taking a walk in here, we're seeking for an adventure," I told him. He rolled his eyes. "That's what you always say. Just because you love it," he flinched. We took one move, we heard rustlings and crackings around us. I furrowed my eyebrows and got off my horse, drawing my sword.

"Kris, come on. We should ride on," Luhan told me. The rustles got louder, figures appeared running around us. I felt a presence behind me, I turned and attacked. The man was wearing all black, with a black mask on its face. Six other figures appeared and attacked. We were outnumbered, I tripped and fell on the ground. Luhan tried to escape, but failed. The figures dragged him and put him beside me.

"Shut up before you say anything. Give us your money," one of them told us. I furrowed my eyebrows. Another one appeared, dragging my horse to them.

"That's what I'm talking about," he said, searching in the sacks. I launched myself forward, Luhan held me back.

"Give them what they want, Kris. Rather than having us dead," he told me. I stood up. Four of them turned to us and smirked.

- - -

Yuri's POV:

I walked into the woods, wondering what the people might look like. Just then, I heard voices.

"Okay, I'd rather go back than to be here right now."

"Shut up, Lu."

I moved towards the direction of the voice, revealing two boys tied to a tree. One was tall, had blonde hair, the other one had light brown hair and was a bit shorter than the other one.

"I was wondering what I'd find out in the woods, but... I've never imagined this!" I exclaimed, turning their attention to me.

"Please, we need your help, ma'am," the light brown-haired guys said. "You see, this is the Prince of--" he told me, the other guy kicked his leg.

"Luhan!" the taller guy muttered. "Sorry. We are but humble commoners," he told me. "Now I order you to release us," he finished. I furrowed my eyebrows.

Wait. He is a commoner, ordering a Princess?

"Order me?" I walked to them and glared at them. "Only... if you say 'please'," I forced them. The shorter one, Luhan, I guess... looked up and whispered something.

"Fine. Please," he told me. I smirked. "That's all you have to say," I walked and put out my dagger, cutting the rope. I helped Luhan first, he smiled at me. I walked and bumped to the taller one. We made eye contact, he smiled awkwardly to me. I smiled back, but then looked down, snapping back to life.

"Y-You need some h-help with t-the r-rope?" I stuttered. He nodded, I cut his rope. He rubbed his wrist.

"Um, we're heading north," he told me. I looked down. "Oh. I'm travelling south," I told them. They furrowed their eyebrows.

"Then, I'm afraid we must bid you adieu," he told me, again, smiling. I nodded and continued my trip. I peeked back, he was still smiling at me. I blushed and put my hood on.

God. He was so handsome...

- - -

I arrived at the town, it was dark and cold. People everywhere looked starved.

"What happened here?" I asked a woman. "I remember visiting once with my Appa, it was a beautiful place. Everyone seemed to be singing and dancing," I reminded. She looked down. "That must've been many years ago," she told me. I furrowed my eyebrows.

I saw a carriage driving in the town, Chen coming out of it. I gasped and hid. I noticed that he didn't look so happy, his face was frowned, somehow.

"More taxes?" one citizen asked. Chen sighed. "Unfortunately. She did this to protect you, remember," he told them. I widened my eyes.

The Queen is taking the taxes? No wonder they looked so poor.

Chen spot me and lowered his head. I gasped and ran back to the palace.

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Chapter 8: Haha, the fight between Yuri and Kris was funny. Omfggg Rotten Old Grandma ((((the evil queen))) think she is young and wants to marry Kris? Nah I don't think so! ;;;;; Patiently waiting for your next update Author-nim! :D
Chapter 7: Please update soon^^
I'm really curious of what will happen next...
Chapter 4: OHHHH~
I like it...
Its somehow have similarities to 'Snow White'
But still, I like it...^^

Please update soon^^
cherish_dreamer #4
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON!