Chapter 25: new challenge

Serendipity in Love
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It was raining and I will go to school today. I'm currently studying at Sungkyunkwan University and I decided to take conservatory music or music major. Grandma Jin encouraged me to take a course that I know I will enjoy and will enhance my skill. Grandma Jin offered me to study in London or in New York, but honestly I'm not ready yet so I decided to study here. Min Ho and Jong Suk were currently studying at Konkuk University. Min Ho is majoring in business management while Jong Suk is majoring in performing arts.

It's been 8 months since Myung Soo left, even though it might not considered to be very long, but for me it's like a year. We've been writing letters and sometimes we chat online but since then he became busy, we no longer do that and we were back at writing letters. In a month, I received 2 to 3 long letters from him. Myung Soo also put photos that I know he took it by himself. According to his letter, his dad is in a good condition unlike before when he was still in here but then he never do write letters for almost 2 months and I didn't know what happened.  Carl called me and he said that car is already there. I took my bag and my things, I was currently living in a dorm near the school, but I go home every friday until Sunday so that I can spend time with grandma Jin, aunt Song and Sun Young. 

While in the car, I keep looking outside and how the rain falls down. I remembered the day before Myung Soo left.


After the prom, everyone went home. Jong Suk, Min Ho, Myung Soo, Sun Young and I were the only people who left in the venue. Min Ho said "We should go out somewhere." Min Ho drove the car. Jong Suk said "Let's go at the seaside and we should have our own party there." and Sun Young shouted and said "I LIKE IT! LET'S GO!!!" Myung Soo also agreed that we should celebrate. Myung Soo looked at me and smiled while he hold my hand. While Min Ho was driving, Jong Suk and Sun Young fell asleep because our surrounding was quiet. I lean on to Myung Soo as he was also fell asleep and I'm just looking outside and I'm seeing the seashore. 

We finally arrived to the place, and it's very dark and it seems there's no people in there. Sun Young grab my hand and she leads me near to the water. It was very cold, so Min Ho and Myung Soo decided to make a fire. Jong Suk took a plastic bag from the car and he went in front and said while showing the plastic bag "I've got some fireworks! foods and drinks." Jong Suk lit it and he started running around us, while we were amused by the firework Myung Soo keeps taking photos of us, then suddenly Min Ho and Jong Suk grab his arms and they want them to bring him on the sea but he was trying to stop them and refusing to go near. When we got tired, we decided to sat on a mat that Min Ho prepared, and talked about things. Myung Soo said "Thank you, for preparing this tonight. Honestly I don't feel like I'm going away." everyone was quiet then Min Ho said "We thought that you might like to take a photo of the beautiful night and also the sunrise so...Jong Suk originall plan this, he said you like to take a photo of it, we decided to camp." 

While we sat on the mat, Myung Soo asked "So what are your plans after graduation?" Jong Suk replied "I'm planning to take performing arts...even though my dad is against to it. I think it's time to do what I really want. I don't know if I will pursue it here or in abroad but of course I will all let you know." Min Hi also said while drinking his sode "I already passed at Konkuk University and I might be taking business management." and everyone of us were congratulating him. Sun Young shared that she wants to take international studies as her major, and then I'm the next one and said "I honestly don't know yet.... I haven't made up anything...but sooner I will know what I want." I looked at Myung Soo then Jong Suk asked "What about you? What are your plans?" Myung Soo looked at everyone and he said "Like what Soo Jung felt, I still don't know too but knowing all of you already have plans, I'm glad to it. I've said it before that when I go to college I want all of us together reaching our goals but since I need to go...I think it won't happen, but after my dad gets well, I want to know more about photography and I might be considering directorial." I also want to see all of us to graduate and to study together but I know since we need to grow and improve it means that there are time that we are apart.

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Chapter 41: Yeah me too, i'm so excited because this drama, so happy right know,,, krystal become lead actress and pairing with rain and myungsoo ,,,,, can't wait for September \^_^/
Chapter 40: Hey guys!!! ahahaha! jk ^__^v just dropping by because my sistah a.k.a this author said he mentioned me here hehe XD go give love and support to this gurl here more in the future =P =D (I'm not a spammer okay XD) Great job btw to arrayeol! ^O^
karlamayl #3
the best author :)
Chapter 33: he's back !! ahxkfnkchsndd *^*
Chapter 32: Myungsoo is back! Kyaa~ Can't wait for the next update.
secret-lover #6
this is so cute.
it's so ASDFGHJKL.
if i was ever an director.
i would so make a movie
out of this story. qurrrl
you'll be fabulous and famous <3
Chapter 26: Oh my! I'm starting to like this Joon guy for Soojung. I have a feeling that Minho knows something about Myungsoo's whereabouts and happenings. Can't wait for your next update.^^
Chapter 25: Ohmigosh! I have a feeling Myungsoo also have someone in wherever he is. Myungsoo go back to Soojung now. ASAP! Anyways, I can't wait for the next update. ^^
Chapter 24: Ahhh. That was sad yet nice and romantic. Waiting for your next update.