True Heart

Yours,Mine And Ours

"She is in critical condition. She need a blood donor right now."

"What do you mean by critical? Just do something! You're the doctor!" Tao was in rage. He already grabbed the doctor collar and he was about to punch him where Bomi have to stop him.

"Tao..lets hear him out first okey? Nothing can help us if you act like this."she try to cool him down. Tao then realese his grip and let the doctor to explain.

"She lost too many blood and this hospital does not have that much of blood supply. And it was unfortune for her too, she has the rarest blood type. So, Mr. Huang, I need you to go for a blood test first to determine the compitabality of your blood with her."

Both of them turned to silent. It is impossible for neither of them to be the blood donor.

"So, what is her blood type doctor?"Bomi asked.

"AB-. She need the blood donor within this 24 hours. Usually, her father or mother could be donor. We could wait for the other donor, but we can't promise you that we will be able to find it."

Bomi turned her head to face Tao. His expression was not that good and she know the reason. The doctor let them to choose first and leave both of them in the room. Slowly, she hold his hand into her hand to calm him down.

"Where in the world I could find an AB- donor."he said with full of grief.

"You know who could donor his blood aren't you?"Tao stare right into her eyes.

"Don't ask Luhan to be the donor. He couldn't know about this."

"What are you talking about Tao? We have no other choice except for him. You can't hide Yi Lin from him forever."

"I promise Ji Ah, Yoon Bomi. I promise to take care of her with my own hand. I will find other solution."

Tao get up from his position and make his step away from her.

"Don't be selfish in this matter Tao. Luhan is her father by blood and flesh and he is the only hope for now. Are you going to let her die just because of your selfishness? I know you promise her but this isn't the right decision."

"Then what are you going to make me do?"

Bomi took a deep breath.

"Lets just revealed the truth. I know Luhan won't get on his nerve because of this. And I know what you feel right now. Which parents does not worry when their child was on the deathbed?"

He still keep shut and then he answer Bomi.

"I'll think about it."

Tao answered her simply and turned the knob of the door just to find Luhan was standing right in front of him, and his deer eyes was watery.Bomi walk to him and tried to grab him away from there, but he insisted.

"Lets go Luhan..."

He roughly brushed her hand away from him.

"Is Yi Lin my daughter? Is she Ji Ah child? I didn't misheard it right?"

Tao didn't answer and so Bomi. Bomi couldn't utter any words but just grabbed his hand to take him away from there.

"I'm asking both of you! Who is her actually?! What secret do you hide from me?!"

"Luhan let us just go, can't we?"

Again Bomi tried to take him away, but he just standing there with his eyes locked to Tao. He is asking for an explaination and an answer from him. To her shock, suddenly Tao kneel down in front of Luhan and he was begging Luhan to save Yi Lin.

"I know this is wrong, but please I beg you Luhan, please save her.I could let go of anything for her to keep on living but this time I can't do anything anymore. I was hopeless. Just you who could save her."

"So what are you saying now.."

"Lets stop this shall we?" Bomi intterupt.

"she is your daughter. She is your child with Ji Ah. If you couldn't help me because of the hatred you had toward me, this time I'm begging you, Please save her life."

Bomi went into the ward just to see Luhan sitting at the bedside, and his warm hand was holding Yi Lin's hand. He have been there for 3 hours after the blood transfusion. Tao just sat at the outside, waiting for Yi Lin to get concious. Bomi make her step towards Luhan and gently placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, let me look after her now. Go and take some rest. I bring you some dishes. you might be hungry. Don't starve yourself Luhan."

Luhan shook his head.

"I'm fine. I'm just going to wait here until she woke up."

Bomi could only give a smile to him.

"You know, So Ra unnie call me just now. I tell her about this and she said it is better for us to postponed the wedding. It is better to let both of us have some time first. Things happen so quickly isn't it?"

Luhan placed Yi Lin hand on the bed and divert his attention to Bomi. His eyes has slightly swollen and his face become so pale.

"Are you okey with it?"

Bomi nodded her head and then placed her hand on his cheek.

"Sometimes we need time to cure our heart. After 5 years past, I think your heart isn't cured yet. You seem fine at the outside, but I don't think you are that great in the inside."

"You could see through me now huh?" Luhan smirked. Bomi opened her bag and took out an envelope and pass it to Luhan.

"What is this?"

"Tao said to pass this to you."

Luhan stared down at the envelope, wondering what was it in the inside. 

"It was Ji Ah's precious thing."said Bomi. Then, she took out a small red box from her bag and placed it on his hand.

"I have been holding this for such a long time. I was hoping that you will find your happiness with her, but I don't think you will be able now. You know what is inside of this box right? The day she return it back, she was very strange and I never thought we wouldn't be seeing each other again."

"Bomi ahh.."

"We are getting married. Lets be honest with our heart can't we? I don't know if your heart was prepared to accept me, and so I am. I'm sorry Luhan. I think I have to think about this again. I need to check on myself again. You were too good for me. If I keep on lying my heart and lying to you, I would feel bad towards you in the future."

Luhan fall into silent for a long time so Bomi think that it is better for her to leave him alone with Yi Lin. When she is about to take a step out from the room, Luhan called for her.

"Lets do that. You go and confirm your heart with him. I think I need to confirm my heart too Bomi."

"Have you eaten?"

Tao looked up at Bomi who was standing right in front of him.

"No. I'm just going to stay here until Yi Lin back to her sense."

"Jeez..I'm starving to death and nobody want to accompany me. I hate eating alone."

Tao did not reply to her but he got her hint.

"You need energy for your daughter sake. Doctor said she in stable condition now, plus Luhan was in there watching over her. Don't you trust him?"

Tao let out a sigh and then he get up from his seat.

"Lets go." Bomi couldn't hide her happiness.

Luhan received a text from Bomi saying that she going out with Tao. Then, he just put away his phone on the side table, where he placed the card and the box. He stared it for a long time before he decided to open the envelope. When he opened up the envelope, he could find a few piece of notes and photo in the inside. He took out all of the content and he read every each of it.

On the first note, there is a sketching of a house and a small lettering on the right corner of the paper saying "Our house". He then turned the paper to the other side and read it so that Yi Lin could hear it too.

"Luhan, did you remember this drawing. It was from you back when we were in the university. You always sat right next to me and Tao will be on the other side. You always hitting on me and do stupid thing to grab my attention since school, but I never bother to look at you. I have to say that time I was so madly in love with Tao, and you know it too but you never give up on me. Sometimes I found that you were so annoying but I never said it because you were his friend. Did you remember that day when the three of us plan to go for a picnic? I was so disappointed when Tao never showed up there and he just send a sorry message to me. I didn't say any single words to you on that day and it was so awkward for both of us. I don't know where did you get your bravery, but you boldly confessed your love to me. I was so shocked and said that you are not in your right mind. But when I was about to leave you, you took out a piece of paper and show me this drawing. A house. I still remember those word you said to me. Those word that make my heart pound for you like crazy. Those word that make my heart change to you. "Come to me and I'll make you happy. I'll make this house where you and me living happily under this roof with our kids." And bluntly, you steal my very first kiss and you really in kissing. I really want to slap on your face that moment, but my body won't do that and so stupidly I react to your kiss. It so warm and I'm missing it now. I'm missing your warm heart and your scent. I really miss you. I'm still keep this drawing and whenever I have a hard time, I will show this to the baby in my tummy, that we were going to live happily in this house although it hurt my heart when I knew that it won't be come true anymore.I just want our child to know that she had a very warm hearted father"

Luhan can't help himself and tears flow at the corner of his eyes.

"Yi Lin ahh.. I broke my promise with your mother. i'm such a bad person isn't it?"he said while his hand gently brushed her hair.

He then gather his strength and this time it was a picture of Yi Lin's ultrasound. There was a writting at the back of the picture.

"I'm in my 8 month and whenever I'm in pain, I will call for your name and sometimes I even dream that you were here with me. I was glad that our baby is healthy and nothing is more happy to me other than knowing that we were going to have a girl, Luhan. You want a daughter so badly and some time we even have a fight thinking about our future child. You want a daughter because you want a girl that looks like me but deep inside my heart I wish that our baby won't take after me. Maybe because one day, you might know her existance in this world and when you get to see her that time, I'm afraid that she will resemble me too much and again make you think about me and hurt your feeling again. I want to stop to hurt your feeling from now on so thats why I decided to leave you. I'm not perfect to be with you and you deserve to get someone much more better than me. Tao take care of me really well and I think I won't be able to pay him until the day I die. I'm sorry Luhan that you won't be able to meet your child. I love you so much that I want you to have a happy life with someone else and never turned back to me anymore. I give you a cruel ending and I hope you will have a happy ending with someone you love. I really wish it. And if I were to die after giving birth to our child, I pray that I will be never reincarnate to meet you again because I know we never be able to be together."

Luhan dropped those letter on the floor and with trembling hand, he grabbed Yi Lin hand and kiss it. He cry and scream so hard where it even hard for him to breathing.

"Yi Lin, forgive me, forgive me. Ji Ah..forgive me. I'm so stupid! I'm the one who is cruel here! You were in pain but I never been there for you! Ji Ah come back to me!"

For the first time in his life, he never cries this badly. He never felt so devastated like this and have this kind of regret. But then, Yi Lin flinch her finger and open her eyes slowly. Weakly she looked around and find Luhan there, crying at her bed side. A tears drop from her eyes.

"Don't cry.."

Luhan was startled and he could feel Yi Lin hand on his face, wiped his tears. Her touch has the same feeling like Ji Ah. He feel like Ji Ah wrap her arms around him and said..



"Don't cry..Luhan"

-to be continued-




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I know I haven't update the next chap for about a few months was really hiatus for me and yeah just give me 2-3 days more to work out on this :)


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fitriani___m #1
Translate to Indonesia please, i dont understand
TaoZi_Clouds #2
Chapter 42: yes, yes, thanks admin-nim
I anticipate it :3
Chapter 41: yesss!!!! please :))
glabahskul #4
Chapter 41: Yes!! Million of yes!!!!!!!!!!!!
sdra98 #5
Chapter 41: Yes, you have to make one!!!
maechille123 #6
Chapter 41: Yessss
Exopink31 #7
Chapter 41: yesssssssss!
YunShizuka #9
Chapter 41: yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
TaoZi_Clouds #10
Chapter 41: YESS YESS YESS, sequel plese :D