I Will Take Care Of You

Yours,Mine And Ours


“Let me go you people! I want to see my manager. She was waiting for me!”

“Bo Mi ssi don’t be like this. You are not well yet. Please go back to your room.”

The nurse already tired to detain Bo Mi from getting herself out from the hospital. Since she awake from fainted, she already in hospital,her head and arm was wrapped in bandages and few cut on her glowing face. She start throwing her tantrum when she remember what happened to her,to the driver and to Se Kyung.

“Who do you think you are to prevent  me from seeing Se Kyung?!”she shouted at them, anger that she can’t bear it anymore.

“Bo Mi ssi..we beg you please go back to your room.”the nurse try to calm her down.

“Don’t you hear Se Kyung calling my name? She was asking for my help.”

Bo Mi shoved the nurse hand from grabbing her arm and ran clueless.

“Unnie! Unnie! Where are you? Where you go? I’m here. Right here!”she keep searching and screaming in the hospital. When the nurse stopped her, she will shouted at them asking them to let her go. Tear start to flow when she can’t see Se Kyung nowhere there, when Se Kyung didn’t respond to her.

“Bo Mi ssi please stop this. You must…”before they finished their line, Bo Mi already giving them a deadly stare.

“! Can’t all of you stop telling me to go back to my room?! I won’t till I find Se Kyung!”

But when she started  to make her move, Tao grab tightly her hand.

“Tao…you are here. Please tell them that I need to see Se Kyung now. She was in pain.”

“You all can go now, I will take care of her.”

The nurse bow slightly to him as a sorry because unable to stop her by themselves and they they take their leave. Tao take her in his embrace.

“Tao, I want to see Se Kyung.”Bo Mi say with shaky voice.

Tao keep silent. He don’t know what to say to her. It will be more hurt for her to accept the truth. When Tao keep silent, Bo Mi already crying in his arm. She hugged him tightly.

“Why did you not answer my question? What happen to her? Tell me!”her voice become more higher.

“I’m sorry.”

“What do you mean you are sorry?”

“Noona, she…”

“What happen to her? Tell me Tao. I begging you”

Bo Mi touch his face, her eyes glare at him asking for answer. He can feel the coldness of her hand through his skin. Tao close his eyes and hold her hand. He can’t face her to tell the truth.

“Se Kyung noona…she…already died in the accident.I already went to identify her face. It is her. No mistake. Even your boss come there to identify the corpse.”

Bo Mi pushed his body away from her. Disbelief for what he say.

“You must be kidding me. The last time I saw her, she was right next to me, giving me one gorgeous smile and me to sleep…and then…”

Bo Mi can’t no longer to continue what she going to say. All of it went to fast right in front of her eyes. Blood flowing from Se Kyung body, the glass fragment everywhere and her body laying on the road under the heavy rain. She stretched out her hand and called out her name but there is no movement from Se Kyung. Not a slightest. Her eyes become more hazy and her body become more and more weaker.

“Bo Mi are you okey?”

She already fall collapsed on the floor and wailing.Her tear won’t stop anymore. She can’t bear the sadness that she keep denying up until now. She clutch Tao’s arm then put her arm around his neck. Crying in his arm. Letting out all her pain.

I’m sorry Bo Mi.Deeply sorry. I can’t be there for you when you need someone the most. I’m a useless guy. Not being able to protect  the woman that I loved the most.”

Tao let her cry it out at there. He didn’t care what people around them will say. As long as he can be with her. He will keep his promise to Se Kyung. No matter what. Even she will hate him in the future.


“Mom, it’s me Tao.”

“Tao..where have you been? You didn’t even tell me and your father that you already back to Korea. Yvonne come here and told about it. She say it was an emergency. What is it son?”

“It’s about..Bo Mi. She involved in an accident yesterday.”Tao say in lifeless voice. He didn’t have a rest since he arrive in Korea.

“Oh my..how she is? Is she okey?”

“Yeah, just got a minor injury. She is fine now. Asleep. She keep wailing because of the death of her manager, Se Kyung. She too precious for her.”

“Poor Bo Mi. So you are taking care of her right now?”

“Yup. She might do something stupid if I were not here.”

“I understand but don’t keep yourself tired son. You might catch cold.”

“I will. Please explain the situation to father. He might say that I ran away again.”

“I will tell him. He will understand. I need to hung up now. It’s already midnight. Goodbye son.”

“Ermm goodbye mom. Don’t worry about me and just have a rest.”

Then he walked back into Bo Mi room. She still asleep. It was hard enough for Tao to make her sleep. She been crying for the whole day. This late evening, she even tried to kill herself using the knife. Tao didn’t know where she got it. But when she was struggling hard with him, she accidently cut his palm. She was in shocked and at very least she released the knife.

“Tao..i’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you…”she say with trembling voice. Scared with what happened.

“It’s okey. It doesn’t hurt too much.”

Bo Mi hold his bloody hand but she was too blur what to do to stop the bleeding. She cry again that time. Tao just take her in his embrace so she will not see his bleeding hand.The blood keep dripping on the floor. By then the nurse came when Tao pressed the button to call them up. And of course, the nurse was startled what happened there. But Tao give her a sign to not saying anything and get the knife out from the room. He make Bo Mi lay down on the bed first before he went to see the doctor to have a treatment for his injury. If to compare the pain in his hand, he know that Bo Mi is more pained than him.

Tao then take a seat next to her bed and gently held her hand. He give a kiss on her hand.

You must live well. You must Yoon Bo Mi.”

He held her hand until he was asleep there, next to Bo Mi.


It’s already morning when Bo Mi wake up. She feel that her head stung very much.She can see that Tao sleep there on the chair while holding tight her hand. She flinched her finger a little so that Tao notice that she already up.

“You are awake?”Tao get up and rub his sleepy eyes.Bo Mi just give a smile.

He must be tired waiting for me.”

“Did you need anything Angry Bird?”

“Though I’m sick you still called me by that annoying nickname? I didn’t even forgive you yet.”she say in low voice. No energy left to blame on him.

“Then, because I already take care of you for the whole night, why don’t you forgive me for 50%?”

“Hahaha. Call.”

“I need to wash up first. You get some rest okey?”

Tao then walked away into the bathroom. While he was gone, Bo Mi take the remote and switch on the television. News about her involve in an accident. From the news she can see everything that happen. She watch it till she didn’t notice that Tao was already out from the bathroom.

“You shouldn’t watch it Bo Mi. Let’s just switch it off.”

Tao take the remote and when he was about to press the off button, Bo Mi grab his hand and shake her head asking not to switch it off.

“It’s alright now, I already accept the fact that she no longer around. I think I dreamt about her last night. Her face was very peaceful. I have to keep living on right? It will take me more time to forgot about the incident, but I will do my best, for Se Kyung unnie. Her wished that want me to have a happy life.”

Tao just keep silent. No words to say.

“Should we go see her when I get well?”

“As you wish Angry Bird”

“Thanks Panda and sorry too.”

“Sorry? What do you mean?”

Bo Mi just pointed her finger to his injured hand. Get injured by her action.

“It’s nothing. No need to apologize. It will be heal in no time. Just get worried about yourself. Gosh this gonna be a scar.”

Tao touch the part of her face that have been plastered. Sure enough it gonna left a scar which mean a little defective will form on the face of a model.

“A little bit of surgery can make it disappear! You too will be in trouble. Can’t play guitar with an injured hand right?”

“True. We are even now right? Having something that might ruin our job.”

When they are talking suddenly Tao phone rang.

“Yes Lu Han.”

“Huaaa where is Bo Mi!!! Is she okey?!”

“Yah you! Can you calm down a little? As if she was your daughter! She fine for this time being. Do you want to talk with her?”

“Yes yes please! I’m dying of too much worried about her!”

So Tao handed his phone to Bo Mi.

“Who is it?”she ask in curiousity.

“Lu Han, he worry about you.”

Bo Mi take his phone and talk with him. She even laughed when talking with him. Maybe he become childish again. When he look Bo Mi laughed when talking with Lu Han, it remind him back when he was a child. He used to be  admitted into hospital because he fell down on the stairs while he was playing around in his house. Lu Han and Ji Ah come to visit him. Instead of bringing flower or fruit for Tao, Lu Han just brought some toys to play with him. Not too long after that, both him and Ji Ah was kicked out by the nurse because they are too noisy and disturb the other patient. Well Ji Ah was not at fault though, but because she scolded Lu Han with a high voice, she too end up being kicked out from the room. Tao just laughed when he recall it back.

“Tao! Lu Han say he want to come to visit. Is that okey?”Bo Mi say in whispering voice.

Oh no! it will be trouble if he come up!”

Quickly Tao shake his head as a ‘no’.Bo Mi kinda of disappointed but she just nodded.

“Sorry Lu Han. You can’t. What about you come to my house later on. Bring along your girlfriend next time. We could have a tea.”

“Really? You promise? Don’t break it! I’m sure that my girlfriend will be delighted to see you! Then, goodbye!”

Before Bo Mi could say goodbye to him, Lu Han already hang it up.

“Geez this guy! Here take it back!”

Roughly, Bo Mi handed it back to Tao.

“You invite him to come to your house?”

“Yeah since you didn’t let him come here. I also ask him to come with his girlfriend. When I go out with him, he always talked about her. I wonder whose that lucky girl. She must be lovable.”

Tao that hear the word ‘lovable’ couldn’t held on his laughter anymore. He laughed at her.

“Yah Bo Mi! Did you have any idea who is his girlfriend?”

“How should I know if I never see her you bastard!”she throw her pillow to Tao. Well she already back to herself now. Tao catch it right in time.

“Well see it by yourself soon!”Tao then continue to laugh. Think he won’t be able to stop his laughter.

Bo Mi who see him like already lost his mind, just give an annoying face and ignored him.

Just who is Lu Han girlfriend?”the question that keep playing in her head right now.

Bo Mi stare out at the window wondering who is that mysterious girl that Tao laugh at.


-to be continued-

*kinda of short sorry guys!




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I know I haven't update the next chap for about a few months already.it was really hiatus for me and yeah just give me 2-3 days more to work out on this :)


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fitriani___m #1
Translate to Indonesia please, i dont understand
TaoZi_Clouds #2
Chapter 42: yes, yes, thanks admin-nim
I anticipate it :3
Chapter 41: yesss!!!! please :))
glabahskul #4
Chapter 41: Yes!! Million of yes!!!!!!!!!!!!
sdra98 #5
Chapter 41: Yes, you have to make one!!!
maechille123 #6
Chapter 41: Yessss
Exopink31 #7
Chapter 41: yesssssssss!
YunShizuka #9
Chapter 41: yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
TaoZi_Clouds #10
Chapter 41: YESS YESS YESS, sequel plese :D