Follow-up track : I'm really hurt

Natalie's life as a kpop idol [HIATUS]

At the fan sign,many fans turned up but mostly were male and most of them were there for Natalie,Hyunjung or Hana. The other 3 had more fangirls than fanboys.

"Natalie!!! Do you remember me!? I gave you the book!" One excited fanboy shouted into Natalie's face. However,Natalie calmly nodded.

"Yes,I finished reading that book. It's very nice." She replied,making the fanboy squeal in happiness.

"I got a new one for you. It's an english book. Hope you like it. Bye. I will see you when Elite come backs again." The shy fanboy gave her a book,took his signed CD and posters and ran away. "How cute is he." Natalie chuckled.

Even though Natalie was very quiet and hardly smiled,she will smile and laugh whenever she's with her fans. Seeing them made her realise how many people care for her,unlike her cold parents.

"Bye." Natalie waved at her fans who were getting pushed away by the bodyguards. "BYE!!!" The fanboys and fangirls screamed.

Natalie smiled and waved at them for the last time closing the van door. "Wow,today was so fun." Natalie said. Hyunjung nodded and cuddled with Natalie.

Natalie and Hyunjung opened the presents their fans got. Natalie wore a black,huge,nerdy glasses and posed. "How do I look?" She asked.

"Cute!!!" Hyunjung attacked Natalie with kisses all over her face. "Ehh! Protect the holy lips!" Natalie yelled. "Shut it!" Jaekyung yelled from the front.

"You shut first." Hana kicked Jaekyung's seat from the back. Jaekyung quickly stopped talking. Everyone knew that when Natalie or Hana was tired or irritated,they can be just like those wild bears. Or maybe worse.

Natalie next took out a black,fitted jacket. "Wow,this is so cute!" Natalie exclaimed. "Your fanboys are just so cute and creepy at the same time. How the hell do they know your size?" Jisook asked.

Natalie shrugged. It didn't really bother her. At least people bothered to buy her gifts and presents.

Natalie got tired after a while. She took out of last present. It was the book the crazy fanboy gave her. *He's really sweet.* Natalie smiled and read the first page of the book.


After about a month and a half of promoting 'Wanna See You Again',Pledis decided to give Elite a follow-up song. The concept was different was Elite's usual cute,upbeat concept.

Now,it was charmingly y without having to show skin. The members of Elite were all going to sport fitted suits and dance with the ties.

"I love this concept cause we don't need heels!" Hyunjung squealed after trying on the 4th outfit. They had to try about 5 or 6 outfits each.

That night,Elite received the lyrics from a different producer.

"I got 5 lines! Hallelujah!" Hyunjung jumped around like an energized bunny. "Natalie! How many lines did you get!?" Hyunjung hopped to Natalie. That's right. She hopped.

"2 lines but it's the chorus. So I think there are about 4 or 5 times the chorus is repeated." Natalie said. "I got two lines." Hana shrugged.

"All right,let's go record!" Jaekyung clapped her hands like some solider and headed to the recording booth.

They recorded the song for about 6 hours straight.

"God my back hurts from sleeping on the couch." Hyunjung complained. "I wanna go home and sleep!" Hyunjung pouted.

"Girls,you guys can rest for the day. At night,you'll have to start preparing for your comeback next week." Manager oppa informed. "Okay. Oppa,you go rest too." Jaekyung patted his shoulders. He nodded and went off after dropping them off to their dorm.

"Tell me our schedules." Natalie laid on the bed.

"Next week,we come back. After two weeks,we stop promotion. Then next month is our 1st album. After promoting the 1st album for about 2 months,we'll get a two week vacation in Hawaii." Hyunjung tried her best to explain.

"Wow,we're busy and gonna be busier." Natalie yawned and got under the blanket.

"Sweet dreams,I'm gonna wash up first." Hyunjung grabbed the bath robe and went inside the bathroom.

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I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
EuropeanLover #2
Yay, you updated! And it's awesome!
Keep up the good work and update soon!~
Update soon ^^
XXnatalieXX #4
haha! changjo is jeally! L.joe thinks Natalie is cute!? Oh Yeah!!!<br />
haha enough spazzing,update soon or i'll kill you!
You changed the storyline ? -_____- ...
Why did you restart it? ;_____________; I liked the other onee!
2natalie unnie,don't worry.I promise you the story won't stink. <br />
New chapter : after I get all my things sort out like adapting back to my sch life,finishing my fics
XXnatalieXX #8
surprisingly my name is natalie.I'm so freaking happy,just hopes the story doesnt sstinks but I have hope in you,my dongsaeng! you always make good stories.When are you going to start a new chapter or a 'chappie' ?
ilovedreamingx3 #9
i love this!<br />
i hope you keep updating! :)
erica522 #10
nice,update soon!!!!!!!<br />