Shopping with BFFs!!!

Natalie's life as a kpop idol [HIATUS]

The next day,Natalie was free. Her unnies were unfortunately busy. Natalie was alone at the dorm,eating junk food and surfing the Internet.

Finally,she had enough. She was bored to death. She had to do something or she'll die of boredom.

She decided to call Changjo. "Changjo,I'm bored. Play with me." Natalie said,using her rare agyeo.

Lucky for her,Changjo was also free. In fact,all of Teen Top didn't have schedules. They decided to meet at the Cafe near Natalie's dorm.

Natalie wore a black beanie,a white t-shirt and skinny jeans that showed off her curves. She grabbed her bag and went to the Cafe.

"Natalie!" Ricky waved. "Shhh!" Changjo and L.Joe warned and looked away before someone noticed them. Natalie waved back and sat beside Ricky.

"I read about the Taemin article." Ricky nudged her elbow. "Urgh,don't even talk about it. This morning when I checked my minihompy,hundreds of shawols were attacking me with curse words and even death threats." Natalie massaged her nose and groaned.

"Poor you." L.Joe sympathised. Natalie pouted and nodded.

"Enough about unhappy things. I missed you so much!" Ricky gave Natalie a big hug,choking her. "Okay,enough. Let her go." L.Joe glared at Ricky who stuck his tongue out.

"All right,princess. Where do you want to go?" Changjo leaned on his palm and asked. "Shopping?" Natalie said,more of an question.

"Yeah! I wanna buy new shoes. These are getting smaller for me." Ricky clapped his hands like a cute little boy. "I need new sweaters." L.Joe shrugged.

"Fine. Let's go hongdae,there are sales everywhere. It's cheaper." Changjo got up and everybody followed him.

They took a taxi there and L.Joe paid. "Thanks oppa." Natalie lightly touched his arm. He smiled,"No problem."

They went inside a mall. It was crowded but not many people recognized them.

They went inside Addidas for Ricky. "Natalie! Look at this! The couple ring." Ricky pulled Natalie.

"It's cool." Natalie exaimed the sliver ring. "But you guys are not couples and there is no way you will be." Changjo pushed Natalie away from Ricky.

"Selfish pig." Ricky pouted and muttered. L.Joe hit him in the head,"Who say you and Natalie are a couple?" He asked. "Hehe,no one." Ricky faked a smile and ran away from his scary hyung.

Soon,Ricky bought new sneakers. "I love my new sneakers." He giggled like a mad scientist.

"Oppa,there's a sale on sweaters. Wanna go and look?" Natalie asked L.Joe who nodded. They walked into a shop full of people buying and trying on.

"Natalie! Look at this! If a couple buys it,50% discount and a couple watch!" Ricky pointed at the poster and the t-shirts.

"Ahh,it's the baseball t-shirt." Natalie said,feeling the t-shirt. "It's so soft and cool. Any of you wanna buy with me? 50% discount is a lot." Natalie calculated.

"I'll buy." L.Joe chose the black t-shirt. "Then I'll take the same. Black is cool." Natalie also chose the same as L.Joe.

They went to the cashier. Natalie was about to take out her wallet when L.Joe stopped her. "I'll pay." He smiled at her and paid for the t-shirts.

"Here are the couple watches,wish you guys last long." The cashier beamed and gave L.Joe the change. Natalie blushed and took the watches.

"Wow,so cool!" Ricky said,jealous. Natalie smiled.

"Let's take photos!"Ricky pulled Natalie to the picture booth. L.Joe and Changjo followed,reminding themselves to kill Ricky when they get back to the dorm.

"Kimchi!" Ricky said while hugging Natalie. L.Joe and Changjo stood behind them and smiled. Natalie posed with a peace sign and a cute sign.

"Cute and funny!" Ricky shouted and pretended to kiss Natalie. L.Joe 'pretended' to be jealous and grabbed Ricky's neck while Changjo stuck his tongue out and put devil ears behind Natalie's head.

"y!" Ricky shouted again and puckered his lips. Natalie gave the camera a y glare,L.Joe folded his arms and his lips while changjo bit his and winked.

"We're done." Ricky said and took the photos from the machine. "Wow,we look good. Do you wanna tweet it?" Ricky asked Natalie. She nodded.

Each of them got a copy of the photos. They smiled.

"Hey,isn't that Teen Top L.Joe?" One of the students asked. "Crap,we're recognised." Changjo lowered his hat. Natalie bit her lips and looked away.

"Oh my god! It is L.Joe,Ricky,Changjo and Natalie! Mom! Where's my camera!?" One of the fangirls screamed. Soon,they were followed by the fangirls and fanboys.

"L.Joe oppa! You're so hot! I love your blonde hair!" The fangirls screamed. "Natalie! Marry me!" One of the fanboys screamed his lungs out.

The four of them quickly got into a taxi.

"Phew,that was kinda scary but fun." Ricky wiped away his imaginary sweat.

"Bye!" Natalie waved as she got out of the taxi. "I'll tweet the photos for you." L.Joe volunteered. Natalie nodded and waved before going inside the lift.

When she got home,her unnies were already there.

"Where were you?" Hyunjung asked,pouting and tapping her feet impatiently. "I was out with Ricky,Changjo and L.Joe oppa." Natalie answered and took off her beanie.

"Lucky! Did you know how tough it was for me to survive that variety show without you or Hana!?" Hyunjung cried and attacked Natalie with a bear hug.

Natalie comfortly patted Hyunjung's head.

"I got this couple baseball t-shirt and this couple watch-" Hyunjung held out her hand. "What? Couple t-shirt and couple watch?" Hyunjung asked.

"It was on 50% discount if a couple buy it so me and L.Joe oppa bought it." Natalie explained so that her 'husband' wouldn't get jealous.

"SO!? Aren't we a couple!?" Hyunjung screamed and shook Natalie. "Let the poor girl rest,you crazy monster." Hana made Hyunjung release Natalie.

Natalie sighed and went into her room.[Shared with Hyunjung]

Natalie sat on her bed with a laptop on her lap, logging into her twitter account. She say Teen Top's new tweet about the day.

"Today was so much fun! Probably because Natalie was there with us... Here are the pictures." Natalie read L.Joe's tweet and chuckled. Soon, there was an article about them.

It stated : Teen Top's Ricky, Chanjo, L.Joe and Elite's maknae, Natalie were seen at hanging out at Honhdae this evening. Teen Top's L.Joe even provided pictures. They are full of energy and youthfulness. Look forward to Elite's new full album,Amazing and their title song,A and also Teen Top's comeback.

*Wow,they're fast. I only got back and there's already an article.* Natalie thought as she log out of her twitter account. She pushed away her laptop and sighed.

"Lee Taemin. Why me? Or is it just for publicity?" She played with her black colour polished nails. She turned to the bear given by L.Joe.

"Juju,do you think he really likes me or it's just for fame?" Natalie hugged the bear tight.

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I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
EuropeanLover #2
Yay, you updated! And it's awesome!
Keep up the good work and update soon!~
Update soon ^^
XXnatalieXX #4
haha! changjo is jeally! L.joe thinks Natalie is cute!? Oh Yeah!!!<br />
haha enough spazzing,update soon or i'll kill you!
You changed the storyline ? -_____- ...
Why did you restart it? ;_____________; I liked the other onee!
2natalie unnie,don't worry.I promise you the story won't stink. <br />
New chapter : after I get all my things sort out like adapting back to my sch life,finishing my fics
XXnatalieXX #8
surprisingly my name is natalie.I'm so freaking happy,just hopes the story doesnt sstinks but I have hope in you,my dongsaeng! you always make good stories.When are you going to start a new chapter or a 'chappie' ?
ilovedreamingx3 #9
i love this!<br />
i hope you keep updating! :)
erica522 #10
nice,update soon!!!!!!!<br />