Chapter 8

Codename ChenChen: Letters from Anonymous (HIATUS)

~Author's PoV~


Months have passed, everybody seemed busy with their own lives. EXO with their comeback and Shin, who just started with school a few months ago. Being a new student had ups and downs as well as being bullied, but she made it through though. She already has new friends, well not actually new friends; they were her old friends back then.



"Shiiiiiiiiin!", a familiar voice called out from behind as Shin was walking into the busy hallways of their school while reading a book. Shin couldn't hear her; she had her earphones on and continued walking to the school's garden. "Shin-ah!..Shinnie!!", the voice that was calling her out grew louder. She finally stopped and took off her earphones as sat down on one of the benches. "Shiiiiin!", her friend called out again running towards her "ya! I was calling out for you, I was yelling from behind, why weren't you looking back at me", Shin just looked at her with a puzzled expression while twirling her earphones; her friend looked down and finally realized why didn't Shin hear her. "Aiish Shani, eottokhae? You had your earphones on, I bet the music was louder than ever for you not to hear my screams". Shin smiled and nodded at her "Ya Kang Hyemin, stop calling me Shani", Shin reminded her again, "its cuuuuute~", Hyemin chuckled, as Shin just rolled her eyes in disbelief. Scanning her eyes all over the place, she met another friend who was walking towards them.



“Ya ya, both of you, have you heard about EXO’s comeback song? Wolf was it? Oh my gosh Park Chanyeol looked really hot in the MV, I was really amazed”, said her friend who suddenly came out of nowhere. “Hana eonni stop talking nonsense, Park Chanyeol is not hot. He’s a loud derp” ,retorted Shin giving a cute eyesmile at her friends. “Shinnie how can you say that?” said Hana as she pinched Shin’s cheeks tightly. “Why are you so against Chanyeol oppa? Do you know him?”, asked Hana. Shin was caught in the moment; she blinked and thought for a while if she should tell them about her relationship with EXO’s Park Chanyeol. She stared blankly into space and had to rethink about it over and over again. Then suddenly the ring of the school bell brought her back to reality leaving her two friends dumb founded.



As they walked back inside going to their last class, everybody was quiet; it was as if they saw a ghost or something. As they entered the classroom, a male suddenly shouted out “Hey New Yorker! It looks like you have been casted in the school’s mini concert”, said their classmate as he pointed out the list of the students who got casted. Shin just looked at him with her blank stare and sat down on her chair.



 All throughout their class which was History, all they only talked about is their class was about the Traditional Cultural Practices in Korea, Shin just yawned from time to time not seeming to care about their class, scanning her phone for the nth time for her boyfriend’s photos. Her mind wondered off with the imagination of her and her boyfriend together, what would be his reaction if he had seen her, in Seoul. Would he be surprised? Happy? Or would it be a total mix of emotions. The thought of being with him was only she could think of, not New York, not school, not anything.



The final bell rang as the teacher finally dismissed them. Finally, weekend. A teacher free day. No lessons, no carrying books and especially no going to school while wearing their respective school uniforms. Shin, got up and moved out of her seat and walked towards the door, Hana and Hyemin were following her from behind. The three of them walked at the entrance gate of the school, to wait for Shin’s driver to fetch her. “Shinnie I bought an XOXO Album, would you like to come with us tomorrow for the fan signing event?”, said Hana breaking Shin’s silence, “me too me too”, added Hyemin. Shin looked at them and blinked “where is this fan signing event located?” she asked. “In Cheongdeong”, smiled Hana “hmm I don’t know eonni, I’ll think about it. I wanna stay home and you know, study stuff”, explained Shin calmly. “Come on Shinnieeeee~ listen to your eonni, you’ve been gone for how many years and this is the first favor that I’m going to ask you after how many years”, whined Hana giving her an unpredictable pouty face. “Eonnideul I’ll just call you guys later okay? I’m going now” said Shin as she entered the passenger’s seat. “Well she could have at least asked us if she could drive us home or something” said Hyemin as she scratched the back of her nape and started walking home with Hana.


~Chen’s PoV~

Schedules had been tight and I haven’t been resting well. We arrived at the dorm early after finishing a scheduled recording for Music Bank, I sat down on the couch as I watched all the members throw their things on the floor and watched them scurry off to their shared bedrooms and rested. I grabbed the remote as Minseok hyung the TV for me, he sat down beside me as I started to flip the channels, there’s nothing good to watch these days, I finally gave up and gave the remote to Minseok hyung. Well, at least he’s having fun watching random dramas. I stood up and grabbed my backpack heading towards my shared room, “Jongdae-ah, a letter for you”, called out manager hyung. I got the letter and bowed at him and finally entered my shared room.


I put my bag inside the closed and rested on the bed, I looked at the neatly wrapped envelop and took a chance to glance the designs, duck stickers are all over the envelop. I carefully opened the envelop and witnessed a short letter. Ah! It’s from that fan, I was wondering how she was doing. I gave out a small chuckle as I started reading the letter.


Annyeong Kim Jongdae,

You may not know me, but I know you.

 I’m a fan of yours; of course I’m not the only one.


I smiled as I read the letter with the same usual introduction from her, for over a year I have always wondered who she was or where she actually came from. I stepped out of my random thoughts and started to read the letter again.


I haven’t been writing to oppa lately, did oppa miss my writings? Kkk~. I just wanted to

tell you that I’m back in Seoul again. It’s been years since I haven’t been home. Of

course, oppa only knows that I live in New York right? Is oppa surprised? Finally, I’m

going to see you in person. Oppa won’t be able to see me, but I’ll be watching oppa

along with a sea of fans around me. Oppa should do his best, his usual best since they

already made their comeback. I hope oppa would meet me soon. I really want to talk to

oppa sincerely and tell him about my feelings for him. ‘Til next time oppa, I’ll try to write

to you again. Take care ne? Urineun Thunder-voice, annyeong ^^





My smile was exceeding, every time I read her letters, I just feel that I can do anything, be confident in everything. I’ve always been in love with the thought of being in love; I loved the anonymous writer of these letters. I wish I could meet her someday, I thought to myself. I carefully placed the letter inside the box that has been full of her previous letters and hid it under my bed.


I was staring off to space as I kept on thinking on what should I do, suddenly I saw Sehun randomly enter my room exchanging text messages with who know who while smiling like there’s no tomorrow. I got curious and stood up and took a peek to whom he was exchanging messages with but he kept on blocking me so I grabbed his phone and took a quick look at it. My eyes went a little D.O when I saw the name Park Shin with her picture to match. I scrolled down the messages one by one and one thing that made my heart beat fast when I knew that she would come to our fan signing event with a friend. Why the heck am having the feeling that my cheeks are burning.


I stayed frozen for a while until Sehun grabbed his phone back and walked out of my room going back to his. I put my hand on my chest and felt my heart beat as the thought of her coming to our fan signing event  was something I needed to look forward to.



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you updated~
chquine #2
Chapter 5: JIEJIE!!! It's me!! =D Well I pretty much told you in Facebook my concerns but keep on doing it! =D
Yiieeeee ..
Yiieeeee ..
Chapter 1: update agad.. XDDD joke... take ur tym.