Chapter 10

Codename ChenChen: Letters from Anonymous (HIATUS)

~Shin’s PoV~


Thud thud thud..I heard loud thuds from the outside of my room. I got up lazily and went towards my bedroom door; suddenly it opened with two eonnideul running inside excitedly all prepared as if they were going to meet their dates. I reviewed their outfits from head to foot as I gave them a yawn walking back to bed. “Shinnie come on~ today’s the day. Aren’t you excited?” Hyemin eonni pouted. “Please go out and let me sleep. Wake me up when it’s already 5 minutes before the event”, I told them sleepily and covered my whole body with the blanket.


Sadly I got bribed with food so I just forced myself to wake up. I scratched my nape and lazily went inside the bathroom. Ah~ taking a nice warm bath sure does make me feel good. I never liked cold baths, never ever forever. The pleasure of me taking a bath while deeply thinking made me realize again, my purpose for coming home again. For oppa, I wanted to see him; I wanted to be with him. I gave a deep sigh, maybe one of these days I’ll get to see him. I’ll surprise him. I chuckled with that thought. I just missed him so much; I hope he misses me too.


“Yah Park Eun Shin! How long does it take you to even take a short bath?! Ppali ya~”, Hyemin eonni shouted. “I’m almost done; just…when I get out of the bathroom, I want you guys out. I want privacy when changing clothes”, I told them. “Ne arasseo, we’ll just wait down stairs then” she said and finally went out of my room. I grabbed my towel and went out of my room, dried myself up and just grabbed whatever decent clothing I could find; combed my hair, put on some face powder grabbed my bag and phone and slammed the door shut rushing down stairs to meet them.


“Where’s the other eonni?”, I asked curiously seeing Hyemin eonni alone in the living. “She had to go back home, her sister’s coming home today from her honeymoon in Jeju”, I just nodded and went outside. We both ran outside going to the bus station. Ah why is it that the bus stop is far from my house, but I’d rather take a bus than let my driver ruin his weekend by driving me and eonni to the event and make him wait for hours until we finish.



Looking around while waiting for the bus in the bus stop, I suddenly remembered something. I quickly opened my backpack and took out my camera; just checking it if I charged it last night. I turned it on and looked at the battery and it was on full green, I sighed in relief and put the camera inside my backpack again. I put on my earphones while waiting for the bus, it’s been 10 minutes already and still no bus. I started to fidget with my phone viewing my messages suddenly someone pulled me. I was busy with my phone that I never knew that the bus had arrived already.


Sitting in the middle area of the bus beside the window comfortably. Eonni was being casually quiet this time; I liked the silence in this bus. But the silence officially broke off when a group of girls went inside the bus loudly chatting as if they were in the market; it was like New York in a bus all of a sudden. I just ignored them and stayed quiet but my phone rang, I looked at who’s the caller and it was from New York. “Yeoboseyo?”, I started off in Korean, “Hey Shin! It’s Isaac. How’s Seoul? You being good there?”, a giddy male said in a very happy tone speaking to me in English. “Hey Isaac”, I giggled “Seoul’s great. It’s just the same with a few changes”, I replied to him in English making the girls in the bus suddenly quiet. “Anyway, me and the guys were planning to have a one month vacation in Seoul, mind if we crash your place by then?”, he asked me, “hmm… it would  probably cause you a lot to be crashing by my place”, I teased. “Come on Alex Park you crashed at our place here in New York”, he said, “uhh correction, I crashed at your place and eventually had to pay the rent with you guys”, I chuckled and sighed happily “but I guess it’s okay if you guys crash in here for a month. So when are you guys arriving?”, I casually asked them, “it’s a surprise”, he said and ended our little conversation.


Finally arriving at the place where the fan signing event is taking place. Owo there are a lot of fans here, I wonder how many hours it’ll take to finally get our albums signed. I went down the bus with eonni and waited in line, well it’s bad, the heat is pretty bad. I checked my watch and it was exactly 10am, just in time for the fan signing event. “It’s EXO!”, a fan shouted and the other fans started pushing each other, there was a mini stampede and I got separated from eonni. I got scared, I’ve always been afraid of crowds, so far, this is not the biggest crowed yet but this has been the worst.


~Chanyeol’s PoV~

We have arrived; there are a lot of fans out there. They were really unorganized; we all sighed and started to get ready to go down. “If I was out there in that crowd and I was somehow I would have a fear of crowds, then I would probably faint”, said Baekhyun laughing with Kyungsoo , suddenly I remembered Shin. I hurriedly went back to my seat to get my phone, I physically face palmed, because I left it in the dorm. “Sehuna call Shin please”, I told him “why hyung?”, he asked I started to panic “just call her please”, I almost begged “ah neh hyung”, he quickly dialed her number and gave his phone to me. After a few rings she finally answered it,  “Shinnie it’s Yeol, are you okay out there?”, I quickly asked her, “ oppa”, she said but I didn’t believe her, she started breathing heavily that made me really worry. “I’m fine oppa, don’t worry. Just do your best, hwaiting!”, she said as she ended the call quickly.


“Boys go down now”, manager hyung called out. I gave Sehun back his phone and went down with everybody. “What’s wrong with you?”, Xiumin hyung suddenly asked me, “yeah you look a little pale”, Luhan hyung continued. “I’m fine, it’s just that my cousin is afraid of crowds, I just really hope that she’s fine”, I answered them and went up the stage.


We bowed and greeted the fans and started with the fan signing event.


~Chen’s PoV~

Fan after fan we signed and talked and answered their questions, they really have amusing yet weird questions. I smiled comfortable at each of them and felt my hands get numb; I stretched for a few seconds and continued signing. Looking around and discreetly glancing at Chanyeol’s expression, I guess it’ll take a little longer to meet Shin at the fan signing event. I heard some fans complaining that because of the heat, their make ups are now ruined, seems like the other members also heard their complains but just smiled and ignored them. “Hyung I see a snow white there, she’s just fanning herself and she just waits quietly not like the others”, whispered Kai sounding amused “Sehun’s been staring at her ever since her presence got visible to us”, he continued. I didn’t bother to look up and continued to rest my hands. Another fan stepped up, she’s really a head turner, I wonder who she is, she looks so simple yet elegant at the same time.


She passed by each of the first three boys starting off with Chanyeol and gave him bubble tea as he signed her album, not only him but also to the other members after him. I just continued to sign the albums of the fans before her; I let out a deep sigh feeling very tired. “Oppa looks so tired, maybe oppa should rest”, a sweet voice called out as a fan put bubble tea on my area of the table, “maybe I shouldn’t let oppa sign my album so he could rest”, she giggled. I blinked and looked up; it was Shin in front of me. Looking simple with just a shirt, a backpack, her regular jeans and sneakers “well I shouldn’t keep the line holding. Drink well oppa”, she said and moved on to Kai also giving him bubble tea. I smiled and continued to sign the albums happily.


It was already time to finish the fan signing event, we all bowed and thanked the fans for waiting for us and we went back to the bus. I sat down beside Baekhyun and rested, “so I presume that it was Chanyeol’s cousin who gave us all bubble tea and told us not to sign her album so we can rest even just for a few seconds”, Kris hyung suddenly and me, Chanyeol, Sehun and Suho hyung nodded in unison. “Can I have her number?”, Baekhyun suddenly asked. “Ask her permission first, it’s rude to just get her number without her permission”, I answered him. “Hyung how old is she”, Tao asked “she’s a 95-liner”, Sehun blurted out. “She’s just a year younger”, Kai smirked. “Don’t even think about it Jongin”, Chanyeol said giving him a glare and we all laughed as we headed back to our dorm to rest.


Pacing back and forth, manager hyung decided to let us do what we want for the night. I was thinking of watching a movie or something but then I saw Chanyeol bring out his laptop and went straight to the dining table. I was a little curious so I followed him, it turned out that he was going to video call Shin. I went back to the couch, it seemed like it was too rude to just eaves drop their conversation; I just watched some random dramas on the tv until I heard Chanyeol talking to his screen.


~Chanyeol’s PoV~

The usual Shin who would always wear unprovocative clothes even at home was still there, New York didn’t change her. She’s still the same; I looked at her with a smile plastered on my face. I’m glad that she didn’t get hurt, or did she. I examined her physical features looked for bruises, “yah I thought you told me that you weren’t hurt. Why do I see a bruise on your arm?”, I suddenly asked her sounding like it was as if I was accusing her. She blinked and looked at her arm; it took her seconds to react to the bruise. “Tell me what happened during our event today”, I asked her grabbing the other members’ attentions which made them join our conversation.


At first she just waved and answered at them awkwardly but now it’s like they were friends for a really long time. “So it’s settled then, tomorrow at your house”, Lay hyung announced. “Wait what?!”, I asked them. “Annyeong Shinnie. Byebye”, Kai ended up the call and the members ran back to their respected rooms. I ran my hand through my hair and closed my laptop and went straight to my shared bedroom.





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you updated~
chquine #2
Chapter 5: JIEJIE!!! It's me!! =D Well I pretty much told you in Facebook my concerns but keep on doing it! =D
Yiieeeee ..
Yiieeeee ..
Chapter 1: update agad.. XDDD joke... take ur tym.