chapter 8

For Love Or Fame

The next morning, Big Bang, Ae Sook and Haru went to YG in 1 van. The boys went to practice room while Ae Sook went to drop Haru at the daycare. Hye Unnie were playing with Haeum and Harang when Ae Sook open the door.

Ae Sook-"Unnie, anyeong!".

Hye Unnie-"Ae Sook, i miss you. How are you Haru?".

Haru-"I'm fine, auntie Hye".

Haru went to play with Haeum and Harang. Hye Unnie and Ae Sook were watching the kids playing around. 

Ae Sook-"Unnie, jiyong taking me to Taeun beach next week".

Hye Unnie-"Just 2 of you? What about Haru?".

Ae Sook-"Can i leave Haru with you?".

Hye Unnie-"Ae Sook, i don't mind. I like Haru but why the 2 of you?".

Ae Sook-"Sigh. I don't know, unnie. I think jiyong will confess his feeling to me".

Hye Unnie-"How do you know?".

Ae Sook-"Women's intuition, i just know it. Unnie should i tell him the truth?".

Hye Unnie-"Do what you think is right. You have feeling for him, didn't you?".

Ae Sook slowly nod her head and wipe her tears.

Hye Unnie-"I don't blame you. Somehow i knew eventually you will have feelings for him, i just hope he can accept you two and don't freak out".

Ae Sook said in her thought "I hope so too".

Next week came faster and it was the time for Big Bang holiday. Daesung and Seungri went to Gwangju, TOP and Youngbae are on the plane to Japan and Tokyo Disneyland, Haru is with Hye Unnie while Ae Sook is with Jiyong going to Taeun Beach by Jiyong White Bentley car.

Jiyong was wearing a grey cap, white shirt and black jeans with sneakers. Ae Sook wore a yellow sundress, sunglass and beige wedges. Jiyong was driving while Ae Sook was looking at the view from his car.

Th trip from Seoul to Taeun Beach is around 4 hours. Jiyong and Ae Sook stops a few times for eating and tiolet break. They arrive at the hotel near the beach at 10pm, Jiyong already book 2 room so they went to their rooms when they arrive.

Jiyong-"So, i'll see you tomorrow for breakfast".

Ae Sook-"Good night, jiyong".

Jiyong-"Sweet dreams".

They closed the door and went to sleep in their rooms. Jiyong room is next to her room, easier if something happens to both of them.

The next morning,

Ae Sook just finish changing clothes for breakfast when Jiyong knock on her door. She open the door and let Jiyong come inside.

Ae Sook-"I'm almost ready, jiyong".

Jiyong-"Take your time".

Ae Sook close the bathroom door and apply make up and wear her sandals. She check herself before went out.

Ae Sook-"Okay, let's go".

Jiyong-"You look great, Ae Sook".

Ae Sook-"Thanks, you too".

They went to eat breakfast, talking and laughing like they are close friends. The hotel that they went, Jiyong make sure that there were no paparazzi or Vips before he book. After breakfast, they went to sightseeing around the town walking together side by side.

They bought stuff for the guys and Haru at small shops. Later they went for lunch at small cafe.

Jiyong-"This brings back memories".

Ae Sook-"What does? Oh, you mean dating memories?".

Jiyong-"Something like that. Feels like a date".

Ae Sook-"Oh, i thought you always went to dates. Considering, i heard news about you and japanese model".

Jiyong-"Nah, we're just friends. She was showing Big Bang around Japan because we did photoshoot with Vivi Magazine. Nothing more than that".

Ae Sook drink her ice tea not saying anything.

Jiyong-"How about you? Ever been on a date?".

Ae Sook-"Of course, but i stop for a while after i found out i was pregnant".

Jiyong rest his arms on the table while looking at Ae Sook's face. A wind blew, her hair fly to her side covering her left eyes. Jiyong tuck her hair behind her ears and smile at her showing his teeth.

Ae Sook blink her eyes many times when she saw Jiyong tooth smile. The sun was shining his features so delicately, showing his y jaw and his lips. How can someone like him be so handsome yet cute at the same time, any girls would fall for him.

Jiyong-"Come on, let's go to the beach that i promise you".

They walk to the beach, by the time they reach there it was almost sunset. Ae Sook remove her sandals and sit on the sand near the beach. The waves and the sky look so lovely today, just like the view from the boys apartment.

Jiyong sat down next to her with his legs extending to the sand. Jiyong eyes move to the side and look at Ae Sook. The sunset light were touching her face, her eyes were shining from the sun rays and her hair were moving slowly like the rhythm of the wind.

Ae Sook-"Wow, it's so beautiful, Jiyong!". 

Jiyong-"Yeah, it is".

Ae Sook turn her face staring at Jiyong's face.

Ae Sook-"You mean the sunset right?".

Jiyong-"Emm, no it's a person".

Ae Sook-"Oh, who is it? Do i know her?".

Jiyong-"She knows her pretty well".

Ae Sook-"Oh, really. What's her name?".

Jiyong-"Her name is Ae Sook".

Ae Sook-"Many girls have that name, Jiyong".

Jiyong-"Yeah, but i know only one".

Jiyong touch her hand, making Ae Sook blushing and stare back and forth from her hands to Jiyong's face. Jiyong bring her hand to his chest, drawing her face closer to his face. Jiyong kiss her lips slowly closing his eyes. 

Ae Sook was shock when Jiyong kiss her, she couldn't help it but close her eyes too. After a moment, she kiss him back until Jiyong end the kiss. Ae Sook open her eyes slowly smile a bit to Jiyong. Jiyong smile and touch her face with his palm.

Jiyong-"I like you, Ae Sook. For a long time actually since the moment i saw you were sleeping when you help me when i was drunk".

Ae Sook-"Jiyong. iiiii.....iiiiii...i like you too".

Jiyong-"Really,since when?".

Ae Sook was turning left and right thinking whether she should say it or not. Jiyong hold her hands and slowly caressing it to ease her nervous.

Jiyong-"What is it? You can tell me. I won't freak out".

Ae Sook-"Remember, after you told me go away after that night. Well, one year later, i i found out i was pregnant after doing 3 times pregnancy test. I even went to the doctor to confirm it. When i found out, i was thinking whether to find and tell you about it. But i chose not too, because that time Big Bang and you were becoming uprising stars, if i tell you, this will totally destroy your career. So i chose to kept the baby, i told my parents but they kick me out. I had to work 3 part-times jobs and paying my house fees every month not to mention feeding for the baby too. Luckily my mom help me and lends me money every month until i open my own flower shop. The money that i collect, i bought a nice apartment for Haru and myself. Haru and I been staying together for 4 years, i watch him grow each day with his face and smile exactly like you, Jiyong. I've never got pregnant by another guy other than you".

Ae Sook open her eyes and look at Jiyong. Jiyong face was shock and he kept quiet not saying anything after she told him the truth.

Jiyong-"So that means Haru is my....".

Jiyong-"And i'm his....".

Ae Sook-"Father...Jiyong, i know this must be a shock to you. I don't blame you, I guess i never should have told you this. I'm sorry, I'll go back to Seoul alone".

Jiyong was still sitting and not moving an inch. Ae Sook stood up and began to walk away from Jiyong. Jiyong sigh 3 times, stand up and grab Ae Sook wrist stopping her.

Ae Sook-"Jiyong, what are you....?".

Jiyong hug her to his chest and tighten his hug. Ae Sook was struggling to get away from him but failed in the end.

Jiyong-"I'm sorry for what i did. Part of me were happy that Haru's my son and you told me that you like me, while the other part of me were still shocking, and didn't know what to do. But i chose you and Haru, even though we may experience hardships but if i have you and Haru, i know we can get through this. I'll be responsible for you and Haru, I will take care both of you".

Ae Sook slowly cries to Jiyong's chest and hug him back. Both of them were crying at the beach until there were no more tears. They went back to the hotel, which Jiyong tell her to sleep with him inside his room.

Jiyong and Ae Sook were lying at the bed, hugging each other bodies. Ae Sook face were at Jiyong's chest while Jiyong's rest his forehead on her head.They fell asleep never letting go of each other.

The next day, they went back to Seoul and head to YG. Jiyong and Ae Sook were inside YG office telling the truth 
everything. YG was shock first and shook his head listening to their explanation.

YG-"I don't know what to say. How are you going to handle your Vips and Big Bang?".

Jiyong-"I'll do a press meeting. The Boys will understand the situation as they love Ae Sook and Haru. YG hyung, will you still accept me as Big Bang leader and your company's singer?".

YG-"Of course i will. I will not fired you even if i jump from a building. I suppose there's only one way to solve this. Jiyong you have to marry Ae Sook, and tell everyone that Haru's her baby brother to avoid bashing from the paparazzi and fans".

Jiyong-"I understand. When should the wedding ceremony starts?".

YG-"You'll do the press meeting tomorrow and tell everyone that you are getting married. The marriage will begin next week at secret place, I'll take of care of everyhing from A-Z , i just need the bride and groom only. Ae Sook you gonna have to be here also, helping me and YG staff".

Ae Sook-"I understand, YG".

YG-"Don't be sad. I always imagine Jiyong getting married, i just never thought it will happen this early. You should be happy, Haru and You finally have someone else in your life".

That night, Jiyong told the boys everything about Ae Sook and Haru. The boys were shock at their leaders confession but understand and will support him and Ae Sook and Haru.They also will be next to Jiyong for the press meeting tomorrow, Jiyong hugs s and friends like a family. After all they have been together ever since their debut. 

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lovis89 #1
@chelliebb thank you :D
aw. I looove happy endings! :DDD <333 Good job on tabi though. Such a kiddo. XDDD
mosomoso #3
Good job! You should make a sequel :D
nightmoon22 #4
This story was so awesome!!!!! XD I really did wish it was longer but oh well it was a really great story to read:)
awww wish the story was longer! it was great!