Chap 5

For Love Or Fame

It's thursday, I came to YG and show sajangnim the finishing touch of Jiyong after party prop.

"I'm impressed. You got magic hands, Ae Sook".

"Haha, your funny Sajangnim. Well credits to the 2 new assistant as well".

"Anyway, enjoy the party too then".

"Really, great. Thanks, sajangnim".

"I going to lunch with Jinusean and his family, wanna join?".


Sajangnim offer me to get inside his BMW X6 White Shark. "Man, not only he has a killer aura, he also have a killer car".

"Are you ready?".


Sajangnim drove us to the restaurant. Inside his car we were listening to 2NE1 "Can't nobody".

I couldn't help but song along with the song.

"Can't nobody hold us down,
Nal mumchuryeo hajima,
Modu michil ddaekkaji.
Da jichil ddaekkaji tonight,
Can't nobody hold us down".

"You sound good. Ever thinking of singing as a career?".

"used to but a compliment from Sajangnim is appreciated".

"Maybe you can feat in any of songs. I'll let you know".

"Sajangnim, really. Are you sure?".

"A voice like yours should be heard by other people not just me. And i'm sure, i'll discuss with Teddy on this".

"Okay, thanks".

We finally reach the restaurant, Sajangnim park his car inside the parking lot.

I follow him inside the elevator till we reached inside the restaurant and meet with Jinusean and his family.

"YG, what's up".

"Sean, My man".

"Okay that's just akward". * Incase you forgot Jinusean and YG used to be big brothers of YG.

"YG, who's this pretty girl?".

"Oh, this is Ae Sook. She's one of the flower official sponsors in YG".

"Oh, the one with the 20 sets of flower. They were so beautiful".

"Thank you, jinusean-shi".

"Just call me Sean oppa. This is my wife,Jung Hye Young and my 2 kids Haeum and Harang".

"Anyeong-ha-se-yo, Ae Sook imnida".

"Anyeong, call me Hye unnie".

We chatted while eating with Sean oppa, Hye unnie, Haeum and Harang. Harang were eating sandwiched and 
got mayonnaise on his mouth. I wipe his mouth with a napkin, he smile and said "Thank you, noona".

"Omo, you are so cute just like my Haru".

Hye unnie stare at me and ask "Ae Sook, who is Haru? Your boyfriend?".

" my son. 4 years old".

Hye Unnie was shock but calm herself. She drink her water and continue asking me.


"I got knock one, he left me, got pregnant, kicked out from my home, work my while pregnant Haru, open my flower shop, buy new apartment and lived with Haru".

Sean Oppa and YG also stop eating and listening to my story. Hye unnie wipe her tear and hold my hand assuring me she understand.

Sean oppa - "Did you ever met the guy?".

Ae Sook - "No, it's been 4 years actually".

"Actually i have but i cannot tell them"* inside Ae Sook head

YG -"If you ever saw him, let me know. I'll punch that kid face".

Ae Sook-"Thanks, sajangnim".

Hye unnie -"Must be tough for you to handle alone despite your young age".

Ae Sook-"Yes but after Haru came, I've been happy".

Hye Unnie-"That's the magic of baby. They bring you happiness".

Sean and YG -"True".

Hye unnie- "Ae Sook, want to follow me to the toilet?".

I simply nod and went with her. After we did our business, we were fixing our hair and make up at the mirror. Hye unnie turn to me and said something that make me shock.

"Can i ask who the father is?".


"I promise i won't tell anyone. I'm asking this because that day YG oppa told me that jiyong met his friend of 4 years and you also told me that you haven't seen him 4 years right?".

I simply nod while looking down to my shoes.

"Ae Sook is's him isn't him?".

"Yes, but unnie please don't tell anyone even him. I've decided to not be involved with him".

"I understand and i won't. I never though that he is the father. Can i see Haru picture?".

"Haru even have his smile. Must be heartbreaking for you".

"Yeah but it's Haru smile".

"When is Haru birthday?".

"August 18".

"Damn, the same day as that ".

"Unnie, yes that's right. That ".

Hye unnie hug me before we went back to our table.

"What took your time?".

"Girl talk".

"Does married women still have girl talk, YG?".

"Beats me".

"Are you also joining the party tomorrow, Ae Sook?".

"Yes because Sajangnim invited me".

"Cool, i guess i see you at the party then".

"You too, unnie. Bye Haeum, Harang, Sean oppa".

"Bye pretty noona, Uncle YG".

Sajangnim drive me back to YG and we said our goodbye before i went home. I pick up Haru from the daycare near our apartment.

"Mommy, i miss you".

"I miss you too, sweetie".

Haru came running to me and hug me. Smiling while hugging Haru makes my days perfect, he makes me forget about the past and I'm thankful that i have Haru in my life.

We walk to our apartment, Haru took his shower while i put my handbags and his bags inside my bedroom. I walk inside the bathroom and took shower with Haru inside the bath tub.

I was shampoo Haru's hair while Haru was playing with the bubbles. He laugh everytime the bubbles disappear.

"Mummy, how come i never saw daddy?".

I sigh and turn Haru to face me.

"Haru, daddy left you and me. Why do you want a daddy?".

"I don't need daddy, i have mummy. I love you, mummy".

Haru hug me after saying "I love you, mummy". I hug him back and said "I love you too, Haru".

Haru went to sleep after shower. I was lying at the bed thinking about what Hye unnie said.


"Can i ask who the father is?".


"Ae Sook is's him isn't him?".

"I understand and i won't. I never though that he is the father. Can i see Haru picture?".

I show Hye Unnie Haru picture from my camera.

"Haru even have his smile. Must be heartbreaking for you".

"Yeah but it's Haru smile".

"When is Haru birthday?".

"August 18".

"Damn, the same day as that ".

"Unnie, yes that's right. That ".

end of flashback.

I close my eyes went to sleep hoping that nothing will happen at the party tomorrow.

I woke up after Haru shakes my shoulders.

"Mommy, wake up".

"Morning, Haru".

"Mummy, it's 2 pm already".

"Really! Mummy must have overslept".

"Mummy, i'm hungry!".

"Okay, honey. Mummy go and make you food".

Haru continue watching "Tom & Jerry" on the tv, laughing everytime Tom chase Jerry and got hit by something.

I was cooking five-grain rice incorporating sweet rice, red beans, millet, black beans and kidney beans. I also cook sweet & sour chicken as i know Haru loves them.

"Haru, lunch".

Haru and I eat lunch with Haru smiling at me. Haru continue watching tv while i was washing the dirty dishes. I was about to take a shower when my phone rings.

"Ae Sook, can you come around 5 pm at the party".

I put my phone on my bed and take a shower. I wear a blue sequin dress with black leggings and black heels.

I was applying lip gloss on top of my pink lipstick as a touch up. Haru came to me after wearing Red jacket, white shirt, dark blue jeans and sneakers.

"Mummy, you look so beautiful".

"You too look handsome, Haru".

Haru just giggle and take my hands to lock the door and went to the party.

The party

Haru was seating while staring at the bartender mixing the drinks and throwing in the air.

I was discussing with the restaurant manager about the food and drinks that will be serving. After i check everthing , the party started around 7. The guest start coming in and take their seat (apparently only the invited ones only can enter).

Big Bang and 2NE1 came around 8 pm. They came and greet me before they find their seat. Haru was seating next to me the whole time, I was waiting for Sean Oppa and Hye unnie to came.

I was drinking water, while Haru was eating his lollipop that Bom unnie gave. Jiyong show up and take a seat in front of me.

Jiyong - "I'm glad you came, Ae Sook".

Ae Sook - "Yeah, me and Haru too".

Jiyong was playing with his fingers on the table while i was looking at him weirdly.

"What's with this guy?"*inside Ae Sook mind

Jiyong - "Can i see you later. I'll text you".

Ae Sook - "O...kay".

Hye Unnie- "Ae Sook! Haru!...jiyong".

Ae Sook - "Hye Unnie, Sean Oppa you came!".

Jiyong - "Hei Sean hyung, Hye noona".

Sean Oppa- "Congrats on your new album. Here's my present".

Jiyong- "Thanks, enjoy the party".

Ae Sook- "Unnie, thank god you came".

Hye unnie "I promise right".

Sean oppa was talking with Haru while Me and Hye Unnie were talking about him(jiyong).

Hye Unnie-"What he said?".

Ae Sook-"He wants to meet me later. Unnie, should i go?".

Hye Unnie-"Go and act natural".

Jiyong text finally appear.

From Jiyong
To Ae Sook

I'm at the balcony, outside the party.

Ae Sook-"Unnie, he's outside right now".

Hye Unnie-"Go, remember act natural".

Sean oppa-"We'll watch Haru".

Ae Sook-"Thanks".

I went outside to meet Jiyong, i was lucky that the guest were busy dancing around with the dj playing the music.

I walk slowly to Jiyong as take a deep breath.

Ae Sook-"Jiyong".

Jiyong - " Have a seat, Ae Sook".

I took a seat far a bit from Jiyong. The view from the balcony were beautiful. I can lights from the buildings.

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lovis89 #1
@chelliebb thank you :D
aw. I looove happy endings! :DDD <333 Good job on tabi though. Such a kiddo. XDDD
mosomoso #3
Good job! You should make a sequel :D
nightmoon22 #4
This story was so awesome!!!!! XD I really did wish it was longer but oh well it was a really great story to read:)
awww wish the story was longer! it was great!