Chapter 10

For Love Or Fame

The light on the emergency room have been on for 6 hours. Nurses were coming in and out bringing tools and medicine for the surgery. Jiyong is seating outside with Youngbae next to him, TOP leaning at the wall, Daesung and Seungri staring at the view from the window.

Jiyong get up, start walking back and forth while whispering "Will she be all right?" in his head. The members were looking at their leader worried just like the time when they are first debuting as an artist. The lights came off, the nurses were pushing Ae Sook stretcher to a VIP room like YG asked the doctor to.

Jiyong-"How's my wife? Will she live?".

Doctor-"Yes, she survived. She's in a deep sleep right now. We just going to monitor her till she open her eyes back.

Youngbae-"What do you mean, doctor?".

Doctor-"Her body is weak from the past years, have she been working hard and ignoring her health?".

Jiyong-"Yeah, she was pregnant that time too".

Doctor-"Luckily, she not in that critical zone. I've given her IV drops, so she should be okay after a few hours. Oh, i have to go and perform another surgery".

Jiyong-"Thank you, doctor".

Big Bang came to her ward and stare at her pale face sleeping on the bed. Jiyong was seating, close to her bed and holding her hand slowly caressing it.

TOP-"Ji, you better head back and rest".

Jiyong-"I'm fine, hyung. I'll stay here with Ae Sook".

Daesung-"We'll bring you clean clothes for you tomorrow then jiyong hyung".

Jiyong-"Aight, thanks man".

The others left home and informed YG about Ae Sook condition.

Jiyong-"Honey, please wake up. I'm here".

Ae Sook still haven't woke up, he can only hear her breathing and pumping machine which shows her heart rate.
Jiyong kiss her forehead and her hands before he close his eyes, because he too was tired as well. He still hasn't changed his wedding suit which there are blood all over.

Jiyong went out of the hospital and buy clean clothes from nearby shop across the hospital. He took a shower and cleanse the blood from his body, face and hands at her ward. He slipped on clean clothes and bring out plastic basket of water and wet towel to wipe her hands, arms and legs.

Jiyong have been spending almost a week at the hospital with the members bringing his food, water and clothes for him to change. 2NE1 , Sean and Hye unnie with Haru sometimes came to check on her. Haru also did a get well card for his mummy who still haven't woke up yet.

Vips were praying hoping that she will wake up soon. Everyday they will stand outside the hospital and YG building to support for Kwon Leader, Big Bang, Ae Sook and YG. The doctor and nurses kept their daily check up on her and said that her condition is stable but we are still waiting for her to wake up.

On the 12th day, Ae Sook finally open her eyes and said "Jiyong" named 3 times. Jiyong that time were not at the hospital, he was at home taking his shower. The nurse came inside to check her when she realized that Mrs. Kwon Ae Sook have finally woke up.

Nurse-"Call the doctor and the husband, she finally woke up!".

The other nurse call Kwon Jiyong and inform that his wife have woke up. The doctors were doing check up on her.

Doctor-"How you feel?".

Ae Sook-"Like i've been sleeping too long".

Doctor-"Well you did actually with your husband next to you. Loving husband you have".

Ae Sook-"Thank you doctor".

The doctor and nurse left after reporting on her health. She took her time looking around the room and stop when she saw Jiyong standing at the door.

Jiyong-"Honey...Ae Sook".

Ae Sook-"Jiyong. Hi!".

Jiyong ran to her and instantly hug her not letting her go. Ae Sook was shock but later hug him back, patting on his back.

Jiyong-"I thought i lost you".

Ae Sook-"I'm here aren't I? Jiyong stop crying, you gonna make me cry too".

Jiyong wipe his tears and smile at her. Ae Sook smile back at him and touch his cheek.

Jiyong-"You know, we still haven't seal our kiss yet".

Ae Sook-"Really, I didn't notice that".

Jiyong-"Can I?".

Ae Sook nod her head blushing. Jiyong slowly kiss her lips and put a hand on her shoulder. Ae Sook kiss him back and Jiyong proudly accepting it. They soon broke the kiss and just stare at each other.

Ae Sook-"Chagi, where's Haru?".

Jiyong-"He's with Sean and Hye Unnie".

Ae Sook-"Jiyong, can we go home? I don't like hospital".

Jiyong-"I would gladly bring my wife to our home".

Ae Sook-"Very funny, Mr. Kwon Jiyong".

Jiyong put her wedding gown inside a bag, while Ae Sook was showering and changing clothes inside the toilet. Later they went home only to find it's dark.

Ae Sook-"Jiyong, why is the house dark?".


Ae Sook jump at the sudden outburst of BIG BANG, 2NE1, TEDDY, KUSH, YG SAJANGNIM, SEAN, HYE UNNIE, HARU, HAEUM AND HARANG.

Ae Sook-"Aigoo, you almost gave me a heart attack".

Bom-"Congrats on coming back healthily, Ae Sook".

Ae Sook-"Mianhe, you guys must have been in shock".


The party lasted the whole night with music pumping, drinks beer and champagne and food at the dinner table. The kids were playing inside a room, leaving the adults dancing at the living room. They were having so much fun, singing, dancing, laughing till one by one pass out that night.

Jiyong-"Honey, i would love to have days like this if i have you next to me".

Ae Sook-"Me too, Chagi".

Jiyong kiss her hands and said "I love you".

Ae Sook kiss his hands back and reply "I love you too".


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lovis89 #1
@chelliebb thank you :D
aw. I looove happy endings! :DDD <333 Good job on tabi though. Such a kiddo. XDDD
mosomoso #3
Good job! You should make a sequel :D
nightmoon22 #4
This story was so awesome!!!!! XD I really did wish it was longer but oh well it was a really great story to read:)
awww wish the story was longer! it was great!