Chap 6

For Love Or Fame

Jiyong and Ae Sook were sitting at the balcony outside the party. They just sat there, looking at the view and the sky of the night without talking for 30 minutes. The air got cold bit by bit, so Ae Sook swings her legs to keep herself warm.

Ae Sook-"So...".

Jiyong -"I heard from Teddy that YG is thinking of feat you in songs".

Ae Sook-"I'm suprised you knew. News travel fast don't they".

Jiyong-"I'm known as the producer also, Ae Sook".

Ae Sook POV

I just sigh after jiyong said that. I was starting to feel really cold, so i get up and turn around to go back inside when Jiyong suddenly call my name.

Jiyong-"Ae Sook, wait".

I had to stop and stand there. I took a deep breath and turn around to face him.

Ae Sook-"Yes, jiyong".

Jiyong-"Why do i feel like whenever i want to talk, you want to runaway from me?".

Ae Sook-"What do you mean? I don't understand".

"Act natural like Hye Unnie said" * in Ae Sook mind

Jiyong took a step forward closer to me. I had to step back from him. He was right, i am trying to avoid him.

Jiyong - "Why you take a step back. Do i frighten you that much?".

Ae Sook-"Your too close, jiyong. I don't feel comfortable".

Jiyong pov

What is she talking about. Why am i making her feeling uncomfortable. We've known each other even though we stop seeing for 4 years. For 4 years, after she left, sometimes i think about her too. About what happen between us, after that accident happen.

Jiyong-"I'm sorry. We should head back inside".

Jiyong went back inside the party while i was standing at the same spot. I stare at the sky and rub my head , 
"I think i'm about to have migraine".

Sean oppa came 10 minutes later.

Sean oppa- "You okay, girl?".

Ae Sook-"Yeah, i think i should head home now".

Sean oppa-"Wanna ride with me and Hye?".

Ae Sook-"Thanks but tonight i like to be alone with Haru".

Sean oppa-"Alright but call me if something happen okay".

Ae Sook simply nod and went inside to pick up Haru. She said goodbye to Hye unnie before she and Haru left the party. Haru was already sleeping when she was carrying him to her shoulder. Tonight, she took a really long walk at the park thinking of not going home.

She took a seat on the grass and lay Haru's head on her lap.

"What am i going to do Haru?. Jiyong was right, i was avoiding him".

Ae Sook cupped her face with her palm for 10 seconds. 

"I guess he just have to deal with it".

Ae Sook get up and carry Haru back to their apartment. They reached their home safely, she tuck in Haru to her bed, while she take a really long bath.

Ae Sook always cry inside the bathroom while taking a bath because she thinks that's the only place where she can cry her heart out just like the time she found out that she was pregnant. 

"What is going to happen now? Should i continue avoiding him? What if i met him tomorrow or the next day? We both are working under YG. I should just stay calm and avoid gossip".

She climb out and change into pajamas, went to her bed and took a nap.

While at the party;

Big Bang, 2NE1, and the guest were still partying until Jiyong make a speech.

Jiyong -"Thank you for making my album came true. Thanks to YG, BIG BANG, TEDDY,2NE1, and staff who help me. Also thanks to Ae Sook for organizing this party".

Everyone were finding Ae Sook and Haru on the party but no one saw them.

Sean oppa-"Jiyong, she left already. She's not feeling well".

Jiyong-"Alone, in the night? with Haru?".

Hye Unnie-"Jiyong, she's a big girl you know. Plus she has to take Haru home too".

Teddy-"Okay, anyway a toast to Jiyong. Cheers my bro".

Everyone cheers and drink their champagne except for Jiyong and Hye Unnie. No one know what is going on between the two of them and they don't want to cause a scene. Hye unnie was glaring at Jiyong before she left with Sean.

TOP-"Jiyong, what's with you and Hye noona?".

Jiyong-"I have no idea, hyung".

Inside the car

Sean-"Hye, what's wrong with you and Jiyong?".

Hye-"If i tell you, promise you won't tell anyone. I promise Ae Sook".

Sean-"I promise".

Hye-" Jiyong made Ae Sook pregnant, she had Haru. Jiyong never knew that she got pregnant and she don't want him to know too. They haven't seen each other for 4 years and now they met. Jiyong have been acting weird lately, telling her that "We'll see each other again, and today he suddenly want to meet her at the party".

Sean-"So that's why she was feeling down".

Hye-"What? When?".

Sean-"I came to the balcony 10 minutes later and found Ae Sook was rubbing her head. She just said that she should head home".

Hye-"Yobo, i'm worried about her. What if jiyong ever find out? Imagine what will happen?".

Sean-"Don't worry. We'll watch out for them".

The next 2 days;

Jiyong and Ae Sook never said anything to each other, each time they met, they just bow and left. Ae Sook was doing her work with another event while calling Kim, checking on her shop. Jiyong was busy with his comeback performance in every show. They barely met with each other for 2 months until that day.

inside YG office;

YG call on Ae Sook and Big Bang to meet him inside his office. Ae Sook came 15 minutes later while Big Bang were already there with YG.

Ae Sook-"Sorry i'm late, sajangnim. I just been informed".

YG-"That's okay. Please take a seat".

Ae Sook take her seat and greet Big Bang who were seated next to her. YG clear his throat and stare at them.

YG-"The reason i call Big Bang and Ae Sook is because i decided Big Bang need to release a single song with Ae Sook. I already arrange with Teddy and Kush on this and they have made the song, just needed you guys singing the song. You may now, go to the recording room".

Big Bang and Ae Sook nod their head and went to the recording room squeezing themselves inside the elevator.
TOP and Jiyong were in front, Seungri and Daesung were on the left while Youngbae and Ae Sook on the right.
They all went inside recording room and greet Teddy and Kush.

Teddy and Kush explain their part inside the song and what the song story.

Teddy-"The title is memories of you. Basically it's a song where a couple met each other after separating for 3 years".

Kush-"The opening will be GD, then TOP. The chorus will be Youngbae and Ae Sook will sing some parts later Daesung and Seungri then all of you guys. Okay we start with GD first".

Jiyong was singing his part while TOP, Youngbae, Ae Sook, Daesung and Seungri were singing each other's part in the song with the melody. Ae Sook was new on this, so she had Youngbae, Teddy and Daesung helping her getting the part right.

TOP turn was next and later Youngbae and Ae Sook.

Ae Sook pov;

"Oh my god, i'm so nervous. This is my first time, i hope i don't screw up. Plus all of Big Bang are here, with Teddy oppa, Kush and Jiyong.

Youngbae put on the headphone and pat on my shoulder saying "I'll hep you. Don't worry".

Youngbae got his part right after 3 times and now is my turn. After singing for 5 times, they still told me to try again, softer a bit, one more time and so on.

I think i did about 50 times already, till Teddy tell me to step outside and let Daesung and Seungri singing their part. I step outside and sat on the couch while Youngbae was next to me with TOP oppa. Jiyong were in front with Teddy and Kush being a producer.

After the boys part were done, it was my turn back. So i take a deep breath and went inside to record one more time. I got some parts right and were almost finish when Jiyong said to try one more time.

So i sang

"I can't believe,
we met again, 
you & me".

Jiyong-"One more time, soften on we met again".

So i sang again that part again and again when Jiyong said "Again!". He was being a bit pushy and serious towards me, is it anger i felt or he's playing with me?".

Jiyong-"Ae Sook, it's been 100 times already. Your Part is the easy one but you can't get it right!".

Teddy-"Yo, Ji! Relax man, it's her first time. What's wrong with you?".

Jiyong-"That doesn't make as an excuse!".

The air suddenly felt tense and nerve-wracking. I don't know what is wrong with Jiyong today. Is he taking his anger out on me because i've been avoiding him.

Ae Sook-"I'm sorry. I'll try one more time".

Jiyong-"Do it tomorrow. It's not even worth it hearing it again!".

I was shock and hold my emotion. I step outside and grab my handbags at the couch with my tears coming out of my eyes.

Seungri-"Noona, are you crying?".

Youngbae, Top and Daesung were looking at me after they heard Seungri. I wipe my tears before facing Teddy oppa, Kush and Jiyong.

Ae Sook-"I'm sorry. I'll try again tomorrow".

I left after saying I'm sorry even when i close the door. I push the elevator till i reach the daycare inside YG. I wipe my tears before meet with Haru.

Hye unnie were there too with Haeum and Harang. She notice that my eyes were red, so she told the kids to play nice while she talk with me.

Hye unnie brought me to one of the rooms that no one was using.

Hye Unnie-"What happen? Have you been crying?".

Ae Sook nod and kneel down crying. Hye unnie kneel and hug Ae Sook to her chest, patting her back.

Hye Unnie-"Tell me, what's wrong?".

After 15 minutes of non-stop crying, Ae Sook finally tell Hye unnie.

Ae Sook-"We were recording the Big Bang single. The boys done their part and it was my turn. I sing my part over and over about 100 times until Jiyong snap and telling me "Your Part is the easy one but you can't get it right!".

so Teddy oppa said "Yo, Ji! Relax man, it's her first time. What's wrong with you?".

Jiyong said "That doesn't make as an excuse!".

I left after saying I'm sorry after Seungri saw me crying.

Hye Unnie-"That's little.....He's gone too far!".

Ae Sook-"Unnie,don't. He's right, I'll try again tomorrow".

Hye Unnie-"You can't keep doing this, you will be hurt".

Ae Sook-"I've already been hurt. This doesn't hurt me".

So we went back to the daycare, I carry Haru and we went home. Haru were eating dinner while i was staring.

Haru-"Mummy, are you fine?".

Ae Sook-"Mummy is fine. I'm just tired, that's all".

Haru went to sleep, while i was still awake and a message appear on my phone.

From Jiyong
to Ae Sook

mianhe, i was being rude earlier. Sorry i made you cry.

To Jiyong
From Ae Sook

I'm fine. I'll try again tomorrow.

To Ae Sook

From Jiyong

I'll help you tomorrow. Come to recording room around 10 am.

To Jiyong

From Ae Sook


I fell asleep after message Jiyong. I hope so tomorrow my recording turns better and no more tense with Jiyong. 


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lovis89 #1
@chelliebb thank you :D
aw. I looove happy endings! :DDD <333 Good job on tabi though. Such a kiddo. XDDD
mosomoso #3
Good job! You should make a sequel :D
nightmoon22 #4
This story was so awesome!!!!! XD I really did wish it was longer but oh well it was a really great story to read:)
awww wish the story was longer! it was great!